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ENS 511982 July 2015 10:54:00This event is being reported in accordance with 10CFR50.72(b)(2)(xi). On July 2, 2015, at approximately 0830 EDT, an inadvertent actuation of the Perry Nuclear Power Plant's (PNPP) alert notification system occurred. Seventy-six of seventy-six sirens sounded for three minutes affecting the emergency planning zone in Ashtabula, Geauga, and Lake Counties. Following the actuation, county agencies received calls from members of the public. PNPP's capability to notify the public in an emergency was not affected. The siren actuation was not related to any condition or event at the PNPP. An investigation is in progress to determine the cause of the inadvertent actuation. Preliminarily, it appears that the wrong test was initiated from a county agency; an audible test was initiated instead of a silent test. At the time of the event, the plant was in Mode 1 at 100 percent rated thermal power. The public was informed of the inadvertent actuation by way of the Emergency Alert System (EAS). Additionally, social media was used to respond to social media inquiries. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The licensee notified the Ohio Emergency Management Branch Chief, and the County Emergency Managers of Ashtabula, Geauga, and Lake Counties.
ENS 506017 November 2014 11:13:00The Perry Nuclear Power Plant experienced an automatic reactor scram due to a loss of feedwater, which resulted in receiving valid reactor vessel water Level 3 and Level 2 initiation signals. The High Pressure Core Spray system and the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling system started and injected. Reactor water level and pressure have been stabilized in the required bands. The motor feed pump automatically started and is being used to control reactor vessel water level. The High Pressure Core Spray and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling systems have been returned to the standby mode. As a result of receiving a reactor vessel water Level 2 signal a Balance of Plant containment isolation signal was received. All systems isolated as required and the plant is restoring isolated systems in accordance with plant procedures. During the scram, all rods fully inserted into the core. Decay heat is being removed via turbine bypass valves to the main condenser. The electrical grid is stable and is supplying plant loads. An emergency diesel generator (Division 3 High Pressure Core Spray) started, as designed, as a result of the reactor vessel water Level 2 signal. No safety relief valves lifted as a result of the transient. The plant is stable with cooldown and depressurization to Mode 4 in progress. The cause of the loss of feedwater is under investigation. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. The State of Ohio and local officials will be notified.