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ENS 4870025 January 2013 11:02:00The following information was obtained from the State of Utah via facsimile: The Utah Division of Radiation Control was notified at 3:40 p.m. MST on January 22, 2013 of a fire at a natural gas well. Notification was provided by the licensee's Radiation Safety Officer. This incident report is the initial notification to the NRC Operations Center. On January 22, 2013, a representative of Halliburton Energy Services, Inc. radiation safety called the Division to report a fire involving a natural gas well. The fire erupted about 6:00 a.m. that morning. The licensee was using a truck with a slurry densimeter (Sealed Source Device Registry Number NR-340-D-101-G) in-line after a chicksan on a down-hole pump. The truck was parked approximately 40 feet from the blowout preventer (well head). An 8.8 milliCurie cesium-137 sealed source (Gammatron GT-GHP) is contained within the slurry densimeter. As of Thursday afternoon, January 24, 2013, the fire continued to occasionally flare, but a Halliburton representative was able to gain brief access to the slurry densimeter. He reported to a Department of Environmental Quality representative (on-scene presence) that the sealed source is not leaking and the device containment housing was still intact. Fire control operations continue and efforts to drag the licensee's truck away from the drill rig may occur on Friday, January 25, 2013. Utah Report No: UT130002
ENS 4869925 January 2013 11:01:00The following event report was received from the State of Utah Division of Radiation Control via facsimile: The Utah Division of Radiation Control was notified at 11:45 a.m. MST on Thursday, January 17, 2013 of a medical event associated with a radioembolization brachytherapy treatment of liver cancer. Notification was provided by the licensee's Radiation Safety Officer. This incident report is the initial notification to the NRC Operations Center. The licensee's radiation safety officer reported to the Division that the treatment plan prescribed 1.33 GBq of yttrium-90 for treatment of liver cancer. The patient received 0.798 GBq of yttrium associated with the TheraSphere product. After the administration of the dosage, a nuclear medicine technologist determined that the total prescribed dosage was not delivered to the patient, as radioactive material was found to remain in the dosage vial and the administration apparatus. The licensee is working with the manufacturer of the treatment delivery system to determine the cause of the medical event. Utah Event Report ID : UT130001 A Medical Event may indicate potential problems in a medical facility's use of radioactive materials. It does not necessarily result in harm to the patient.
ENS 479883 June 2012 06:07:00At approximately 0239 hours on June 3, 2012 the 'B' Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) automatically started when offsite power circuit 767 was de-energized. The EDG started and re-energized Safe Guards busses 16 and 17. The selected Service Water (SW) pump 'B' automatically started to supply cooling to the EDG. The operators responded to the loss of circuit 767 using abnormal operating procedure AP-ELEC.1 'Loss of 12A and/or 12B Busses'. Offsite power was restored to 12B bus using ER-ELEC.1 'Restoration of Offsite Power' on circuit 7T at 0318 hours. The 'B' EDG was shutdown at 0445 hours. The initial investigation of the loss of circuit 767 indicates that the likely cause was due to wildlife, e.g., raccoon. The licensee informed the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 469173 June 2011 05:54:00

On 6/3/2011 at 0039 hours, during the performance of a work order to test components associated with Service Water Isolation, Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) 'A' unexpectedly started automatically and its supply breaker to Safeguards Bus 14 closed. The Control Room staff observed normal voltage on Diesel Generator 'A'. Bus 14 voltage was never lost during this event, however, they also noted an associated Bus 14 undervoltage annunciator on the Main Control Board. Seconds later, Emergency Diesel Generator 'A' tripped on Reverse Power and its supply breaker to Bus 14 tripped open. The initiating action was the removal of the Bus 14 Normal Feed Breaker Control Power Fuses as part of the work order package. The Ginna EDG's have the following automatic start signals and logic: manual, safety injection signal (1/2 trains), undervoltage on respective safeguards bus, 'A' EDG Bus 14 or 18 (1 out of 2 degraded voltage + 1 out of 2 loss of voltage), 'B' EDG Bus 16 or 17 (1 out of 2 degraded voltage + 1 out of 2 loss of voltage). Investigation has commenced to determine the cause of the EDG start and undervoltage signal. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


The purpose of this report is to retract the event discussed in Emergency Notification System report #46917 submitted on June 3rd, 2011. The ENS notification reported an unexpected start of Emergency Diesel Generator `A' during testing of a service water valve isolation circuit. As reported, Emergency Diesel Generator 'A' unexpectedly started and its supply breaker to Bus 14 closed. Seconds later, the Emergency Diesel Generator tripped on reverse power and its output breaker to Bus 14 opened. At the time of the event it was not understood why the diesel generator started. Subsequent troubleshooting and causal investigation identified that the signal was caused by a degraded control relay that unexpectedly changed state when control power was removed. This relay was expected to remain mechanically latched and would have remained in the desired position had control power not been removed as part of the test. Bus 14 voltage remained in the normal operating range throughout the event. Since this was not a valid undervoltage signal, the June 3rd, 2011 event is being retracted. A follow-up report will be made in accordance with 10CFR50.73(a)(1) and 10CFR50.73(a)(2)(iv). The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. R1DO(Henderson) notified. See related EN #47094.