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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 408557 July 2004 19:07:00

The following was submitted via email: Reason for Notification A canvas lined cart was found in the UF6 (Uranium Hexafluoride) bay. The cart dimensions met the criteria for a non favorable geometry (NFG) container however slits had been cut into the bottom of the cart. The presence of the slits makes it questionable as to whether or not this is a true NFG. Taking a conservative approach and assuming that the cart is an NFG, its presence in the Chemical area is prohibited by SNM-1107, Section 6.1.4 without a nuclear criticality safety analysis. In accordance with Westinghouse Operating License (SNM-1107), paragraph 3.7.3 (b.2), this event satisfies the criteria for a 4-hour notification. Specifically, any determination that a criticality safety analysis or evaluation was deficient, or that a particular system was not previously analyzed; and that less than two unlikely, independent, and concurrent changes in process conditions would be required before a criticality accident would be possible. As Found Condition An NCS (Nuclear Criticality Safety) Engineer was notified by a member of the EH&S (Environmental Health and Safety) Department that a canvas cart was in the UF6 bay. The canvas cart had several slits approximately five inches in length cut in the bottom that would preclude the build-up of liquid materials. There was no process equipment in the general area where the cart was located. There was no SNM (Special Nuclear Material) in the cart and the cart was not a part of any existing process. Summary of Activity

 -The cart was dismantled immediately.
 -NCS notified NRC Region II of the cart.


 -This particular system was not previously analyzed for criticality safety.
 -There was no SNM involved.
 -At no time was the health or safety to any employee or member of the public in jeopardy.  No exposure to hazardous material was involved.
 -The Incident Review Committee (IRC) has determined that this is a safety significant incident in accordance with governing procedures.
 -A causal analysis will be performed.

The Licensee notified Region 2 (Ayres, Crespo).