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 Entered dateEvent description
ENS 4593117 May 2010 12:27:00System Affected: RPS actuation and reactor trip. Actuation Initiation Signals: AFW auto initiation. Cause: Low level 'C' steam generator. Effect of event on Plant: Reactor and turbine trip. Actions taken or Planned: Standard post trip actions. Additional information: Plant stabilized at NOP/NOT. The licensee experienced a feedwater transient which initiated the event. All safety systems are available. All control rods fully inserted. The electrical lineup is normal. The decay heat path is through the condenser steam dumps. There were no relief valve or safety valve lifted during the transient. Primary plant temperature is 555 degrees Fahrenheit, and primary plant pressure is 2250 psig. The licensee is investigating the cause of the feed transient. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector, the Waterford Dispatch, and the State Department of Environmental Protection,