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 Issue dateTitleFromTo
NRC Generic Letter 1988-12, Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specification2 August 1988NRC Generic Letter 1988-012: Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical SpecificationsMiraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
ML20206A6437 November 1988Insp Rept 50-298/88-24 on 880912-23.Violation & Unresolved Item Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Followup of Previous Insp Findings,Onsite Review Committee,Offsite Review Committee & Equipment Qualification/Seismic Design of Agastat Relays,NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE REGION IV)
Gagliardo J
ML20196B38517 June 1999Summary Rept of Facility Changes,Test & Experiments,Per 10CFR50.59 for Period 970901-990331.Summary of Commitment Changes Made During Same Time Period Also EnclNebraska Public Power District
Swailes J
Office of Information Resources Management
ML03111044913 October 1999Relaxation of Technical Specification Requirements for PORC Review of Fire Protection Program ChangesMatthews D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RIS 1999-02, Relaxation of Technical Specification Requirements for PORC Review of Fire Protection Program Changes13 October 1999Relaxation of Technical Specification Requirements for PORC Review of Fire Protection Program ChangesMatthews D B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLS2003100, Quality Assurance Program Changes29 September 2003Quality Assurance Program ChangesNebraska Public Power District
Warren C
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Document Control Desk