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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML20129D47715 October 1996NRC Response to Petition for Leave to Intervene of Minnesota Dept of Public Svc.* Dept Should Be Permitted to Participate as Interested State,If Another Petition Granted. W/Certificate of Svc & Notice of Appearance
ML19321B05721 July 1980Amended Contentions 1 & 2 & Withdrawal of Contention 3.Amend Request Does Not Contain Safety Analysis Re Spent Fuel Storage & Does Not Contain Analysis of Spent Fuel Pool Expansion Consequences.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML19316A89424 April 1980Suppl to 800408 Petition to Intervene Stating Contentions Alleging Absence of Safety Analysis in License Amend Request.Loss of Water in Spent Fuel Pool Is Not Analyzed in Application
ML19309G11417 April 1980Response in Opposition to State of Mn 800409 Request for Hearing & Petition to Intervene.No Rationale or Supporting Authorities Cited as Basis for Request Not to Issue Amend Until State Proceedings Are Completed.W/Certificate of Svc
ML19305E17631 March 1980Request for Hearing and Petition to Intervene Re Spent Fuel Pool Mod.License Amend Should Not Be Issued Until State of Mn Administrative Proceedings Are Completed Re Licensee Application for Certificate of Need & Environ Evaluation