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 Report dateSiteEvent description
05000413/LER-2001-00310 December 2001CatawbaOn October 11,2001, Engineering review of recent past performance tests for the control room area ventilation system (CRAVS) determined that on at least two separate occasions A train of CRAVS did not meet the Technical Specification (TS) requirement for system flow. T The tests were conducted on 2/25/00 and 4/13/00. T This is not in compliance with TS requirements and resulted in A train of CRAVS being inoperable longer than allowed by TS. T During the time frame that A train of CRAVS was not in compliance with TS, B train of CRAVS was taken out of service on 33 separate occasions. T This resulted in both trains of CRAVS being inoperable at the same time which is also not in compliance with TS. T The most probable cause was that during the startup testing of the system the results from the air flow monitor devices (AFMDs) for both trains were not validated to ensure the accuracy of the installed flow instrumentation. T Pitot traverse ports were installed in the CRAVS to ensure accurate airflow readings and the CRAVS was tested, balanced and declared operable. T The airflow values reviewed did not adversely affect the dose analysis for the control room, T the CRAVS filter efficiencies, or the ability to pressurize the control room.