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 Issue dateTitleTopic
ML23192A52712 July 2023NRC Initial License Examination Report 05000373/2023301; 05000374/2023301Job Performance Measure
ML17095A91416 November 20162016 LaSalle County Station Initial License Examination Administered JPMsGrab sample
Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Post Accident Monitoring
Job Performance Measure
RS-14-164, (EGC) Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2014-05, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations29 May 2014(EGC) Response to NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2014-05, Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing ExaminationsGeneric Fundamentals Examination
IR 05000373/201030126 October 2010Er 05000373/10-301(DRS), 05000374/10-301(DRS), 09/13/2010 - 09/23/2010, LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2. Initial License Examination ReportJob Performance Measure
IR 05000373/20083017 October 2008Er 05000373-08-301(DRS), 05000374-08-301(DRS), on 08/18/08 - 08/29/08, Exelon Generation Company, LLC, LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, Initial License Examination ReportSignificance Determination Process
Job Performance Measure
IR 05000373/200630129 January 2007Er 05000373-2006-301(DRS), 05000374-2006-301(DRS); 11/14/2006 - 11/22/2006; Exelon Generation Company, LLC, LaSalle County Station. Initial License Examination ReportJob Performance Measure
ML07036061813 November 2006Various Checklists for the LaSalle Initial Examination - November 2006Temporary Modification
Job Performance Measure
IR 05000373/200230117 May 2002Er 05000373/2002-301(DRS), 05000374/2002-301(DRS), on 04/08-19/2002, Exelon Generation Company, LLC, LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2. Initial License Examination Report
ML02135061519 April 2002Initial RO Examination 04/2002Reactor Vessel Water Level
High Radiation Area
Feedwater Heater
Scram Discharge Volume
Failure to Scram
Overspeed trip
Water hammer
ML02135064219 April 2002Initial SRO Examination 04/2002