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ML20236K71813 May 1998Transcript of 980513 Public Meeting in Viroqua,Wi on Lacrosse Boiler Water Reactor.Pp 1-60.Certificate Encl
ML20206K51318 November 1988Temporary Exemption from 10CFR50.54(w)(5)(i) Re Increase in Amount of Onsite Property Damage Insurance Required by Power Reactor Licensees & Insurance That Prioritize Insurance Proceeds for Stabilization & Decontamination After Accident
ML20154H66413 May 1988Memorandum & Order (Motion to Terminate Proceeding).* Grants Util Motion Conditionally.License Limited to Possession Only License Which Expires on 030329 or Upon Final Approval of Decommissioning Plan.Served on 880516
ML20150C63210 March 1988NRC Staff Response in Support of Motion to Terminate Proceeding.* Motion Should Be Granted & Board Should Grant Util Permission to Withdraw Application for Ol.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20149K89719 February 1988Applicant Motion to Terminate Proceeding.* Requests That ASLB Issue Order Terminating Proceeding Forthwith.Proposed Form of Order Encl.W/Certificate of Svc
ML20238C88023 December 1987Exemption from 10CFR50,App E,Section IV.F.2 Re Requirement to Conduct Annual Exercise & 10CFR50.47(B)(7) Re Requirement to Make Info Available to Public on Periodic BasisExemption Request
ML20239A21316 September 1987Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty in Amount of $25,000 for 870224 Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty Re Importance of Developing & Maintaining Effective Program to Protect Safeguards Info
ML20210B8341 May 1987Notice of Appearance.* Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20209G60429 April 1987Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20199K37426 June 1986Exemption from Certain Requirements of 10CFR50.54(w) Re Total Amount of Required Onsite Primary Property Damage Insurance Coverage Plant Required to Possess
ML20206G53518 June 1986Transcript of Commission 860618 Briefing in Washington,Dc on Util Request for Exemption to Reduce Primary Property Value Insurance for Plant.Pp 1-59.Supporting Documentation EnclExemption Request
ML20134G22121 August 1985Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50.71(e),permitting 60-day Extension for Submittal of Updated FSAR
ML20058J6649 August 1982Notice of Aslab Reconstitution.Sf Eilperin,Chairman & Jh Buck & TS Moore,Members
ML20062A8582 August 1982Memorandum & Order LBP-82-58,granting NRC Amended Motion & Util Motion for Summary Disposition of All Environ Contentions in full-term OL Proceeding.Nrc Fes (NUREG-0191) Modified as Provided
ML20054L2972 July 1982Memorandum on ASLB Questions Re NRC 820628 Affidavit Concerning SSE Which Were Discussed During 820701 TelconAffidavit
ML20062A54818 May 1982Order Imposing Civil Monetary Penalty Resulting from 810501-31 Insp Which Revealed Mod to Pressure Sensing Line from Containment Bldg Which Temporarily Disabled Automatic Actuation Signal for Three safety-related Components
ML20140B24810 September 1981Notice of Appearance in Proceeding.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20057B6394 September 1980Staff Answer to Fm Olsen Motion to Disqualify Aslb.* Suggests That Motion Should Be Denied
ML20057B62820 August 1980Amended Motion to Disqualify ASLB Consisting of C Bechhoefer,G Anderson & R Decker in Matter of Expansion of Spent Fuel Storage Capacity at La Crosse Boiling Water Reactor Owned by Dairyland Power Cooperative
ML20062E02421 November 1978Appl'S Response to NRC Staff Motion to Extend Time for Summary Disposition.Requests Extension of Deadline for Submission of Motions Until 15 Days After Issue of SE & Eia, Because Their Issue Was Delayed.Cert of Svc
ML20062D85721 November 1978Rev Sched for Filing Motions for Summary Dispositon Is Adopted by Order.Applicant'S 781027 Motion to Compel Intervenor Coulee Region Energy Coalition to Respond to 780929 Interrogs Is Dismissed as Moot
ML20062E82717 November 1978NRC Staff Motion for Extension of Time in Which to Submit Motions for Summary Disposition Against Intervenor Coulee Region Energy Coalition,Until After Issuance of Staff'S Safety Eval & Eia.Notice of Appearance & Cert of Svc Encl
ML20062G32515 November 1978Suppl Responses to Applicant'S Interrogs.Coalition Has Not Completed Any Analysis That Is Contrary to Info Provided by Dairyland Pwr Coop.Applicants Analysis Is Incomplete Re Cask Drop Accident
ML20062G32115 November 1978Suppl Responses to 780925 NRC Staff Interrogs Re Monitoring Defective Components in the Spp.Intervenor Contends That Techniques for Monitoring the Pool & Solutions to Possible Problems Should Be Discussed
ML20062E14015 November 1978NRC Staff Request for Completion & Clarification of Crec Answers to Interrog Filed 780925.Requests Response to Questions as Soon as Possible.Cert of Svc Encl
ML20148S9796 November 1978Intervenor'S Response to Applicant'S Interrog.W/Encl Gr Nygaard & Marburg Affidavits & Cert of SvcAffidavit
ML20062D0196 November 1978Applicant'S Response to Crec Requests for Production of Documents. Forwards Requested Documents.Cert of Svc Encl
ML20062D20327 October 1978Answers by Intervenor Crec to Interrogs Submitted by NRC Staff to Crec on 780925 Re Proceedings for Amend to Provisional Oper Lic.Cert of Svc Encl
ML20062C14427 October 1978Motion by Applicant Requesting That ASLB Order Intervenor Crec to Respond to Util 780928 Interrogatories.Util Asserts That Interrogatories Proper Under 10CFR.740(b)(1) & Will Help Discovery Process.Certificate of Svc Encl
ML20062C26725 October 1978Suppl Info Re Applicant'S Response to Crec'S Second,Third & Fourth Sets of Interrogs. Corrects Ommissions & Typographical Errors in Interrogs.Cert of Svc Encl
ML20062B41516 October 1978Order Imposing New Discovery Schedule.Requests to Be Filed by 781020,discovery to Be Completed by 781115,motions for Summary Disposition Must Be Filed by 781127 & SER & Eia Must Be Filed within 10 Days of Issuance
ML20062A5125 October 1978Applicant'S Response to Intervenor Crec'S Interrogatories of 780918.Several Interrogatories Are Objectionable on Grounds of Relevance & Materiality.Background Info & Affidavits for Each Person Answering Interrogatories Are AttachedAffidavit
ML20062A4565 October 1978Applicant'S Answer to Intervenor Crec'S Motion of 780929 Seeking 30 Day Extension of the Discovery Period.It Is Recommended That the Motion Be Denied Since Good Cause for Such an Extension Per 10CFR2.711 Has Not Been Shown
ML20062B02029 September 1978Motion by Coulee Region Energy Coalition for 30-day Extension of Discovery Period
ML20062B10029 September 1978Interrogatories to Coulee Region Energy Coalition Re License Amend Application
ML20062A44429 September 1978Applicant'S Answer to Rev Coulee Region Energy Coalition Environ Contentions Submitted 780919.Agreement Was Reached on Contentions 9,19 & 22.Revised Versions of 2 & 8 Were Submitted.Subj Util Objects to Admission of 2,6,8 & 23
ML20062A11129 September 1978NRC Staff Response to Amended Contentions Submitted by Intervenors,Coulee Region Energy Coalition.The Staff Recommends That the Revised Contentions Be Admitted,But That a Contention Not Amended Be Dismissed
ML20148A57926 September 1978Intervenor Interrogatories to Applicant & Request for Production of Documents
ML20062A24719 September 1978Petitioners Revised Contentions That Excessive off-gas Emissions from & off-gas Levels at Subj Facil Are Inimical to Public Health & Safety
ML20147B54418 September 1978Intervenor Coulee Region Energy Coalition'S Interrogatories to the Appl & Request for Production of DocumentsFuel cladding