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05000269/FIN-2011004-04Oconee2011Q3Licensee-Identified ViolationTS 3.7.5, Emergency Feedwater System, required the EFW System to be operable in Modes 1, 2 and 3 or to restore operability within seven days. Contrary to the above, between September 5, 2010, and October 28, 2010, the licensee isolated the nitrogen supply from 1FDW-315 flow control valve which rendered the EFW flow path to the 1A SG inoperable. The condition was identified on October 27, 2010, and the backup nitrogen supply to the valve placed in service on October 28, 2010. This condition was not greater than very low safety significance (Green) because the calculated incremental core damage probability increase was 1.73E-07. The licensee entered the finding into their CAP as PIP O-10-8435.