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ENS 5322216 February 2018 13:55:00NonTechnical Specifications Violation Due to Incorrectly Calibrated Reactor Trip Instrumentation

On 2/16/18, the calorimetric portion of Surveillance Requirement (SR) for Limiting Condition for Operations (LCO) was performed in accordance with University of Florida Test Reactor (UFTR) procedures. Reactor power was stabilized at an indicated power of approximately 94 percent with actual thermal power (calculated by heat balance) at approximately 98kW (98 percent RTP) (rated thermal power). Indicated power was then adjusted to approximately 99 percent to ensure adequate margin to the license limit of 100kW thermal steady-state (100 percent RTP). At no time was actual reactor power allowed to exceed the license limit. The reactor was then shutdown and secured to perform post-calorimetric verifications. SR and were performed satisfactorily just prior to operation to verify the High Reactor Power trip function and setpoint. Reactor Power Channel 1 was set to actuate at 110 percent and Reactor Power Channel 2 was set to actuate at 108 percent. At about 1400 on 2/19/18, during review of surveillance parameters and discussion with the operators, UFTR management determined that Limited Safety System Setting 2.2.1 and LCO had been violated. The Technical Specifications allowable value for the automatic High Reactor Power trip function is less than or equal to 110 percent RTP. There was a period of approximately 5 hours of operation prior to adjustment of the power channels, however, during which actual thermal power was greater than indicated power (but less than 100kW thermal). During this period, if a power excursion had occurred, the High Reactor Power trip would have actuated at approximately 114 percent RTP. This condition is reportable in accordance with Sections 6.7.2.a.3 and 6.7.2.a.4 of the UFTR Technical Specifications. As described above, this condition was corrected by adjusting indicated power on both reactor power channels to greater than actual thermal power. The NRC Project Manager, assigned inspector, and Non-Power Reactor Licensing Branch Chief (acting) have been notified.


If a power excursion during the period of operation prior to adjustment of the power channels, Reactor Power Channel 2 would have provided a High Reactor Power trip at approximately 112% RTP. Notified NRR PM (Hardesty) and NRR ENC (Reed).

ENS 4797930 May 2012 21:00:00NonTraining Reactor Modifications Not ReportedOn 5/30/2012, during preparation of a supplemental license submittal in support of LAR#27, an apparent violation of 10 CFR 50.54(p)(2) was discovered. This is a reportable event under UFTR (University of Florida Training Reactor) Technical Specification 6.6.2(3)(g). Contrary to 10 CFR 50.54(p)(2), over a period of several years, the UFTR made several changes to the facility, as described in the approved Security Plan, without documentation of a security effectiveness evaluation, and without submitting a report containing a description of the change within the required timeframe. An initial review indicates that these changes have no negative impact on security effectiveness. Investigation is ongoing.