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ENS 4012827 August 2003 15:30:00Agreement StateMassachusetts Agreement State Report -- Contaminated DeliveryUpon receiving a package (small gray suitcase) of bulk Techneticum-99m (75 millicuries), a technician at Tobey Hospital detected high surface contamination readings on the case. The case was not open and showed no damage. Hospital staff isolated the case until the shipper could arrive. The shipper, Mallinckrodt, arrived at the hospital and performed their own tests on the package. There were two "hot spots" detected: one 3.5 to 4.0 millirem/hr on contact on the plastic auxiliary pouch, and one 0.3 to 0.4 millirem/hr on the side of the suitcase. Upon opening the package, a survey of the Tc-99m pig and inside foam showed almost no contamination. The driver of the delivery truck and the vehicle were immediately surveyed and showed no detectable activity. Surveys of the hospital lab and the lab where the suitcase was packed both showed no evidence of contamination. At this time, it is uncertain as to where the contamination originated. The package has been isolated and will be allowed to decay to background before the case is returned to service.