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ENS 4787623 January 2009 04:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Radioactive Source Found in Drum from Previous OwnerThe following report was received via fax: Studsvik contacted The Division of Radiological Health (DRH) regarding an incident that occurred on January 23, 2009. Studsvik was going through 18 drums from the previous owner (RACE) that were identified as legacy lead. The drums were scheduled for segregation for potential free release, reuse and disposal. These drums were scheduled for processing in a specific order based on radiological data. When they reached the final drum, they suspected that package SPFM 2008 04 40 (30-gallon drum) contained more than just lead based on the fact that it was stored in the high radiation room. It contained a 10 gallon drum. Between the space of the inner and outer drum were several empty lead pigs. The inner drum was wrapped in a lead blanket, containing 3 pigs, 2 empty and the third one contained a sealed source. The outer surface of the pig containing the sealed source read 2.5 R/hr. A shielded enclosure was constructed and the source was removed with proper handling devices. The dose rate at one inch from the source was 850 R/hr. The source was immediately returned to the pig. The 10 gallon drum was lined with lead blankets and the pig was placed in the middle. Ends of the blankets were folded over the pig. More blankets were placed inside the drum and it was closed. Blankets were then used to cover the drum. Duct tape was used to secure the blankets in placed. Approximately 700 lbs of blankets were shielding the pig and source. The dose rate was at 61 mR/hr on contact of the blankets. The 30 gallon drum, the small lead pigs and the original lead blankets were removed from the high radiation room. No contamination was found on the pig, blankets or drum. The Health Physicists received 16 mrem and 11 mrem on their electronic dosimeters. No extremity dosimeters were used but are being purchased for future remote source handling. The source was shipped through Northwest NARM Services and arrived on July 1, 2010 at US Ecology for disposal. Tennessee Report Number: TN-09-015