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ENS 504226 June 2014 04:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Eleven Missing Po-210 Sources

The following was received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via email: On 9/3/14, Agency (Commonwealth of Massachusetts) determined, through inventory reconciliation, the general licensee is missing eleven Model 2021 Nuclecel Ionizers each originally containing up to 10 mCi Po-210. Agency further determined that six devices contained material with calculated current activity well below the immediate report level (0.1 mCi for Po-210), three devices contained material with calculated current activity of 0.12 mCi, and two devices contained material with calculated current activity of 0.77 mCi. The Agency did not receive specific lost source notification from the licensee. No other details from the licensee at this time. The devices are designed to be rugged, require no special handling procedures, and intended for use in neutralization of static charge in environmental tests. The current exposure rate for each device is expected to be considerably less than the initial maximum exposure rate of less than 0.2 mR/hr. Agency inspector to conduct site visit. Agency considers this event to still be OPEN and Agency review is ONGOING The devices were manufactured by NRD Inc., Model P-2021, three were manufactured 4/13/12, and two were manufactured 4/10/13. The serial numbers are A2JB491, A2JB496, A2JB500, A2JM622, and A2JM624. The sources were Po-210 10 mCi each.


The following was received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via email: Agency initiated inspection 9/3/14. Licensee written report received 9/22/14. Two devices were subsequently found by licensee during search within facility. Agency (Commonwealth of Massachusetts) determined that all nine devices still missing will each individually have, on 10/17/14, calculated activities below the immediate report level (0.1 mCi for Po-210). Notice of Violation to be issued related to loss of control of licensed material and not immediately reporting missing licensed material. Causes and corrective actions included in this update. Agency considers this event to be CLOSED. Notified R1DO (Bower), ILTAB and FSME Events Resource via email.


The following was received from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via email: Notice of Violation (NOV) issued 10/16/14. In response to NOV, licensee included report that another of the missing devices was found. Additional licensee corrective actions not previously reported included retraining of employees and implementing a monthly device inventory check. Licensee to also systematically phase out its use of said device. Agency (Commonwealth of Massachusetts) still considers this event to be CLOSED. On 10/26/14, the licensee reported another device previously reported missing was found: SN A2JB491, NRD Model P-2021, 10mCi, 4/13/12 Manufactured and Assay Date." Notified R1DO (Jackson), ILTAB and NMSS Events Notification via email. THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "LESS THAN CAT 3" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to