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ENS 565086 May 2023 05:00:00Agreement StateStuck ShutterThe following information was provided by the LA Department of Environmental Quality (the Department) via email: (On) May 6, 2023, Shell Chemical LP notified the Department that a fixed gauge has a stuck shutter in the open position. (Gauge information:) Vega Model SHF1 serial number: N0416 with Cs-137 50 mCi, source serial number: N/A. The facility has contacted BBP Sales to come out on Monday, May 8, 2023. The facility is planning to replace the nuclear gauge housing because of corrosion. Event Report ID No.: LA20230008
ENS 565074 May 2023 05:00:00Agreement StateTwo Sources Involved in a Fire

The following information was provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services (the Agency) via email: On May 5, 2023, the Agency received a phone call from the licensee's service provider who reported that yesterday (May 4, 2023) Shell Chemical LP in Deer Park, Texas, had a fire and explosion. Two nuclear gauges both containing 20 millicurie cesium-137 sources may have been involved in the event. The licensee has not been able to inspect the gauges due to structural safety concerns therefore the condition of the of the two gauges is unknown. The two gauges are located very close to each other. The licensee hopes to get eyes on the two gauges tomorrow or Monday. The gauges do not present an exposure risk to any individual. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Texas Incident number: I-10016 NMED number: TX230021

  • * * UPDATE ON 5/8/2023 AT 1338 EDT FROM ART TUCKER TO BRIAN LIN * * *

The following information was provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services (the Agency) via email: On May 8, 2023, the Agency was notified that the licensee has not been able to inspect the gauges. The licensee is still working on isolating hydrocarbon gasses that are being released in the area. There is a concern that the fire could reignite. The licensee does not know when they will be able to access the area. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Notified R4DO (Werner) and NMSS Events Notification via email.


The following information was provided by the Agency via email: On May 6, 2023, the Agency received a phone call from the licensee's service provider who reported that yesterday (May 5, 2023) Shell Chemical LP in Deer Park, Texas, had a fire and explosion. On May 10, 2023, the Agency was notified by the licensee's service provider (SP) that the licensee was able to use a drone to inspect the area of the fire. The SP stated that they were able to see one of the gauges which was still located in the same position it was in before the fire. The second gauge could not be located due to all the debris in the area. The SP stated the gauges original position was on a pipe six feet above the ground. They believe the pipe may have fallen to the ground and the gauge went with it. The SP stated the licensee did perform a radiation survey outside the exclusion area in the area where the gauges are located, and the readings were background. The SP did not know how close they would have been to the gauges. The licensee is making plans to enter the area, but the weather is causing delays as they have to shut down outside activities anytime there is lightning within 10 miles of the plant. The SP stated they did not have a date or time when they will be able to access the gauges. The SP stated they have discussed how they will conduct contamination surveys and radiation surveys once they gain access to the area. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Notified R4DO (Werner) and NMSS Events Notification via email.


The following information was provided by the Agency via email: On May 6, 2023, the Agency received a phone call from the licensee's service provider who reported that yesterday (May 5, 2023) Shell Chemical LP in Deer Park, Texas, had a fire and explosion. On May 11, 2023, the Agency was contacted by the licensee's service provider (SP). The SP stated the licensee had made an entry into the area affected by the fire and was able to visually inspect the gauges from an unknown distance. One gauge (unknown which one) was free of soot and was still the same color as it was before the fire. The other gauge had soot on it. The gauge that was mounted 6 feet off the ground on a pipe was observed in the same location as it was before the fire and had not been knocked to the ground with debris as previously thought. The dose rates in the areas the individuals were in were reported as background. The licensee plans to reenter the area tomorrow afternoon and perform radiation surveys and take swipes on the gauges. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Notified R4DO (Werner) and NMSS Events Notification via email.


The following information was provided by the Agency via email: On May 6, 2023, the Agency received a phone call from the licensee's service provider who reported that yesterday (May 5, 2023) Shell Chemical LP in Deer Park, Texas, had a fire and explosion. On May 13, 2023, the licensee reported both sources had no removable contamination and they have both been safely removed and placed in a low occupancy and secure temporary storage location. The licensee reported the gauge shielding had been degraded and the gauges were wrapped in lead before they were placed in the storage location. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Notified R4DO (Werner) and NMSS Events Notification via email.