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ENS 486321 November 2012 06:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Stuck Shutter on Process GaugeThe following information was received from the Louisiana Department of Environment Quality via facsimile: On 11/01/2012, the RSO for Rock Tenn called to report a stuck shutter on a (density) gauge utilized on a process (line) in the paper mill refinery. There was no possible exposure to the mill workers because the gauge is installed on a process (line in a remote location) and, (consequently,) the shutter remaining (open) is not a problem. The gauge is a Berthold, Model LB 7400 Series, loaded with a 50 mCi Cs-137 (source). The gauge has been in the elements for a prolonged period of time and the shutter malfunctioned due to corrosion in the mechanism of the source holder. All of the sources were evaluated and inspected and only one needed repair. The manufacturer stated that it appeared to be from being in the elements. The manufacturer stated that they were looking into finding a modification to shield the shutter mechanism from the elements. The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality considers this item closed. Louisiana Incident Number: T144358