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ENS 544194 December 2019 19:23:00NonAnnual Surveillance Not CompletedThis is a summary of a call received from the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center (the facility) as required by Technical Specification (TS) The facility identified a missed annual surveillance for their shim safety blades drop time as required by TS 4.2.1. The facility, a Materials Testing Reactor used for research, was not in operation. The licensee stated the last surveillance was performed in August 2018. Additionally, they stated the reactor will not be operated until the surveillance is completed and meets the shim safety blades requirements in TS 3.2.2. The licensee also notified the Project Manager and Facility Inspector.
ENS 4896224 April 2013 14:00:00NonUnqualified Radiation Safety Officer at a Non-Power ReactorBased on a review of qualifications of the current RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) at the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center, it was determined that the individual did not meet the licensee's Technical Specification 6.2.2 for education or experience requirements. This review is a follow-up to an NRC inspection report dated March 25, 2013. This non-compliance is reportable in accordance with licensee Technical Specifications 1.25, item 8, which delineates administrative and procedural requirements. Immediate actions was to shut down operations until such time that inadequacies can be remedied.
ENS 4737525 October 2011 15:15:00Non24 Hour Technical Specification Required Report Based on a Potential Over-Exposure Event

At approximately 1115 EDT on 10/25/11 an intern entered the dry gamma room at the Rhode Island Nuclear Science Center Facility during an ion probe calibration procedure. The intern received an estimated unplanned dose of between 2-3 rem based on a stay time of 5 minutes in a 500 mr/min field. His dosimetry, an OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) badge, has been sent to Landauer for expedited processing. The dry gamma room is properly posted as a high radiation area with administrative controls in effect to limit access. The assistant Director of the facility is performing an investigation including event reconstruction to determine the cause.


The licensee clarified that the call to the Operations Center made on 10/25/11 was a 24 hour notification required by the facility's Technical Specification 1.25.8 based on the potential for over-exposure. NRR Backup Project Manager (Hardesty) notified.