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ENS 409349 August 2004 01:00:00Agreement StateWashington Agreement State Report on Lost Troxler GaugeLicensee reported a theft of a Troxler Nuclear moisture/density gauge model 3430, serial number 23717. The theft occurred at approximately 6:00 p.m. Sunday August 8, 2004 at the Licensee's address, 1120 West Lincoln Avenue, Yakima, Washington. A gauge operator working for the licensee placed the transport box with the gauge in the bed of an open pick-up truck and secured the handle of the gauge to a tie-down in the truck with a single lock and chain. The operator was also the driver of the transport vehicle. The vehicle was parked near the rear entry of the Licensee's facility. The driver went back inside the facility and left the truck unattended for approximately 20 minutes. When he returned, he discovered the chain had been cut and the locked transport box with the locked gauge inside had been stolen. At approximately 6:30 p.m. the Licensee notified both the local police department and the Washington State Department of Health, Office of Radiation Protection emergency hotline to report the event. The Licensee reported that they performed a visual search in the immediate area of their facility in case the perpetrator dropped the box with gauge in a dumpster or other concealed location. No media attention. Isotope and Activity involved: 1.48 GBq (40 mCi) Am-241:Be and a 0.296 GBq (8 mCi) Cs-137 source. The Cs-137 source serial number is 75-5803 and the Am-241Be: source serial number is 47-1963. Police notified 6:30 p.m. August 8, 2004 of the theft of the gauge. The police report number is 04-13612. The gauge has not been recovered. The licensee reported the last leak test performed was March 29, 2004. The gauge was stolen from the bed of an open 2002 Chevy S-10 pick-up truck. The gauge was in the manufacture's Type A transport box. Washington Event Report No.WA-04-046.