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ENS 5091823 March 2015 19:26:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xii), Transport of a Contaminated Person OffsitePotentially Contaminated Individual Transported Offsite Due to Medical Condition

At approximately 1526 EDT, the control room received a report of an individual experiencing chest pains. An ambulance was called to transport the individual to an offsite medical facility. The initial Radiation Protection survey did not detect any contamination, however the protective clothing the individual wore could not be removed. The individual is considered 'potentially contaminated' due to not being able to perform a complete frisk. Radiation Protection personnel escorted the individual offsite. The individual will be frisked at the medical facility." The licensee has notified the NRC Resident Inspector and will notify the state and local government.


At approximately 1652 (EDT), Perry Radiation Protection confirmed the individual was not contaminated. Additionally no contamination was found in the ambulance or at the hospital. Perry Radiation Protection is in possession of and returning all protective clothing worn by the individual to the plant. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified the R3DO (Cameron).

ENS 4876919 February 2013 18:03:00Other Unspec Reqmnt
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xii), Transport of a Contaminated Person Offsite
Transport of Potentially Contaminated Worker and Subsequent Fatality

On February 19, 2013, at approximately 1303 EST, the control room was notified that a supplemental worker (i.e., a contract individual) had fallen and was injured. The worker was in a contaminated area. Due to the individual's condition, the individual was not surveyed by a Health Physics technician prior to being transported in their anti-contamination clothing. The individual was transported by ambulance accompanied by Health Physics personnel to the local hospital for medical treatment (i.e., TriPoint Medical Center). Subsequently, the worker was declared deceased at the hospital. This notification is being made in accordance with 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xii) and 50.72(b)(2)(xi). Additionally, OSHA was notified pursuant to the requirements of 29 CFR 1904.39. The Lake County Coroner was also notified. Subsequent surveys found no contamination on the worker, hospital, medical personnel, or ambulance. No press release is planned. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.


The Lake County Coroner has determined that the individual died of natural causes. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified. Notified R3DO (Passehl).

ENS 432825 April 2007 04:00:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release
10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xii), Transport of a Contaminated Person Offsite
Potentially Contaminated Person with a Back Injury Transported to Lake East Hospital

At 2005, an injury occurred to a worker when the individual fell and injured his back. At 2122, the worker was attended by local Emergency Medical Personnel who transported the individual to our local Hospital. Due to his back injury his back will not be able to be completely monitored until arrival to the hospital. The individual is being classified as potentially contaminated. Radiation (Protection) personnel are accompanying the victim on the ambulance and to the local hospital emergency room to aid in radiological assessment. Due to our procedures we will be making notifications to the State Of Ohio and the local county Emergency Management Agencies of the incident. Due to the offsite notifications a 4 hour non-emergency call is required. The individual was a contractor onsite for outage support. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.

* * * UPDATE AT 2249 ON 4/5/07 FROM A. RABENOLD TO SNYDER * * * 

The contractor individual was found in the Containment Drywell 630 foot elevation. He fell off of scaffolding approximately 4-5 feet to the grating. When the medical personnel arrived at the scene they found him unconscious. He regained (consciousness) when medical personnel arrived at the scene. At 2218 (the licensee received a) report from Radiation Protection personnel that the individual was not contaminated. Notified R3DO (L. Kozak).

  • * * Update on 04/06/07 at 1130 EDT from M. Nemcek to MacKinnon * * *

The injured person was found not to have contamination on him but it was reported to Perry Nuclear Power plant that fixed contamination was found on his Protective Clothing (PC), Safety Belt and Tool Belt. Fixed contamination on the PC direct contact reading was between 100 to 150 cpm. Fixed direct on contact contamination on the Safety Belt & the Toll Belt was between 100 to 500 cpm. No contamination found in the ambulance or in the Hospital. NRC Resident Inspector was left a message of this information by the licensee. NRC R3DO (L. Kozak) notified.