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ENS 4911112 June 2013 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Failure of Gauge Shutters to OperateOn June 13, 2013, the licensee notified the Agency (State of Texas) that after completing maintenance on cables on Hoppers that one of the retest was to operate shutters on all nuclear gauges. The failures were identified on June 12, 2013. Eight gauge shutters failed to operate. The shutters are on Thermo Fisher Model #5197 gauges each containing 100 mCi of Cesium-137. The licensee stated that open is the normal operating position for the shutter and the gauge does not pose an exposure risk to any individual. The sources are not accessible to the general public or workers in the area. The licensee stated that a service provider will most likely remove and possible replace the gauges. The gauges have been in operation for approximately 30 years. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA 300. Texas Incident # I-9091
ENS 4600010 June 2010 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Process Gauge MalfunctionsOn June 11, 2010 at 1100 Central Daylight Time, the Agency, (Texas Department of Health,) was notified by the licensee that the shutters on six gauges failed in the open position. Three of the gauges were manufactured by Berthold (Model 7400D) and each contained 30 millicuries of Cesium (Cs) - 137 (S/N's: 2423, 2425, 2426). The other three gauges were manufactured by Ohmart/VEGA (Model SHD) and each contained 150 millicuries of Cs-137 (S/N's: 74452, 74453, 73491). The licensee stated that dose rates taken in the area were normal, since the shutters failed in their normal operating positions. The licensee has contacted the manufacturer to schedule a repair of the gauges. The Agency reminded the licensee to request an exemption to continue to use the gauges while their shutters are awaiting repair so that that the licensee would not violate a condition of their license. A contractor is making arrangements for the gauges to be repaired by their manufacturers. Texas Incident No: I-8753