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ENS 4711528 July 2011 16:00:00Agreement StateFire at Radiation Therapy Practice

The following was received from the state via e-mail: N.C. Radiation Protection Section was notified on 1 August 2011 by the Regional Medical Physicist for NC Radiation Therapy Management Services, Inc. d/b/a 21st Century Oncology of a major fire on the fifth floor of the building in which the licensee operates a radiation therapy practice on the ground floor. The ground floor did not receive direct fire/smoke damage, but did realize significant water damage to portions of its facility. One fireman was killed and 10 injured while fighting the fire. The entire building has been closed and is currently under the command of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) National Response Team (NRT) along with special agents from their Charlotte Field Division. Other agencies involved in this investigation are the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation and the Asheville Fire Department. The licensee has been permitted to enter its facility once to retrieve critical computer servers that are utilized in patient care at their clinics throughout western North Carolina. The licensee examined its HDR remote afterloader containing one Ir-192 sealed source (<12 Ci) and found the afterloader to be undamaged and securely locked in a treatment vault. The licensee also has a small number of Cs-137 brachytherapy sealed sources (<450 mCi total) in a locked lead source safe within a locked source storage room. The licensee determined that there was no damage to the source storage room and that the room is secure. The licensee is in the process of contracting Nucletron to remove and dispose of the Ir-192 sealed source and is investigating the disposal of all Cs-137 brachytherapy sealed sources. The Radiation Protection Section has assigned an inspector to contact the ATF to determine the earliest possible time for a site visit. N.C. Radiation Protection has not received any media attention as of this report. No press release has been issued. NC Event Report ID No. NC-11-42

  • * * UPDATED AT 1515 EDT ON 08/03/11 FROM CLIFF HARRIS TO S. SANDIN * * *

The State of North Carolina is retracting this report based upon further review and discussions with NRC Region I Office staff in that the sealed sources were not impacted by the fire. Notified R1DO (Bellamy) and FSME (McIntosh).