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ENS 5571830 January 2022 22:00:00Agreement StateStolen Radioactive Gauges

The following information was received from Illinois Emergency Management Agency (Agency) via phone and E-mail: The Agency was notified early in the morning of 1/31/22 that an Illinois licensee (Lixi, Inc., IL-01339-01) operating in Anaheim, California under reciprocity had two radioactive gauges stolen from their rental car on the afternoon of January 30, 2022 (approximately 1600 PST). Local law enforcement have been notified and responded. The gauges were padlocked preventing the sources from being used and the keys were not stolen. The California program has been notified and is copied on this correspondence. The licensee appears to have reported the theft in a timely manner. The stolen devices were portable fluoroscopes containing approximately 1 Curie of Gd-153 each and were taken from the Staybridge Suites parking garage at 1050 W. Ball Rd. in Anaheim. The police report is 22-15907. The devices were model number TG41 source holders with serial numbers 3217 and 3218. They are marked with the model number 'TG41' and will display 'ON' when the source holder is rotated to expose the source. The radioactive material within the device is in the form of a powder, contained within a tungsten capsule approximately 7mm x 10mm. The source cannot be removed from the device without special tools which were not stolen. If it were somehow removed, it would appear as a stainless steel capsule and is engraved with the word 'Radioactive' and the words 'Gd153', 'C-381' and 'MDSN/LIXI'. Item Number: IL220003


The following update was received from the California Department of Public Health via E-mail: On Sunday, January 30, 2022, (at 2247 PST), the Lixi, Inc. RSO reported to CAL OES (California Governor's Office of Emergency Services) the theft of two Gadolinium-153 sealed sources used in their Lixi pipe profilers, source S/N: 11/21 (943.15 mCi) and source S/N: 12/21 (926.46 mCi), source holders S/N 3217 and 3218). The users had been inspecting pipes at an Albertsons distribution center located in Brea, CA for two weeks. The theft was discovered on Sunday evening, where the locked and alarmed rental GMC Terrain SUV was parked in the hotel parking structure (address above). The employees stored the Lixi profilers with the Gd-153 source holders attached to the Lixi profiler detector system with the sources locked in the shielded position. There was no sign of forced entry, police speculated the thieves had an electronic bypass system of some kind since four cars were broken into. The value of each Lixi profiler is $50,000 to $75,000. Hotel security is reviewing garage camera footage and will update the PD (police department). The sources had Caution: Radioactive Materials labeling on them. A police report was made with the Anaheim Police Department (Number 22-15907). The licensee will submit a lost/reward ad in the local paper/website and gather additional information for the follow up investigation. CA 5010 Number: 013022 Notified R3DO (Orth), R4DO (Josey), and NMSS Events Notification, ILTAB, and CNSNS via email. THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A 'Less than Cat 3' LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Sources that are "Less than IAEA Category 3 sources," are either sources that are very unlikely to cause permanent injury to individuals or contain a very small amount of radioactive material that would not cause any permanent injury. Some of these sources, such as moisture density gauges or thickness gauges that are Category 4, the amount of unshielded radioactive material, if not safely managed or securely protected, could possibly - although it is unlikely - temporarily injure someone who handled it or were otherwise in contact with it, or who were close to it for a period of many weeks. For additional information go to