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ENS 5676027 September 2023 20:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State - Damaged Troxler GaugeThe following information was provided by the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control via email: At approximately 1400 (CDT) on September 27, 2023, a Troxler 3440 portable gauge (serial number 37345) was run over by a water truck. The Troxler 3440 gauge has an 8 mCi Cs-137 source and a 40 mCi (Am-241/Be) source. The Utah radiation safety officer inspected the gauge at the job site and determined that the sources appeared to be undamaged and remained in the shielded position. The licensee took the gauge to another Utah licensee, Construction Materials Technologies (doing business as Precision Calibration) (with license number) UT1800143, for evaluation and repair. Utah Event Report ID: UT23-0008
ENS 535877 September 2018 06:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Damaged GaugeThe following was received from the State of Utah via fax: On September 5, 2018, a portable gauge user from Kleinfelder, Inc. (Radioactive Materials License UT 1800085) was performing compaction measurements at a field location in West Jordan, Utah. After performing a test, the operator placed the Troxler 3440 (s/n 19966) gauge on the tailgate of the licensee's vehicle to move to another location. The gauge fell off the tailgate of the truck, struck the pavement, and cracked the gauge case. The licensee performed exposure rate measurements of the gauge and incident site, and determined that the sealed sources were intact and that no contamination was present at the site. The licensee secured the damaged gauge in the transportation package, transported the gauge to the licensee's facility, and secured the gauge in the licensee's gauge storage cabinet. The licensee is conducting an investigation into the incident, and will submit a written report to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (Division) within 30 days. Utah Event Report ID No.: UT180007
ENS 5183529 March 2016 07:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Damaged Moisture/Density GaugeThe following information was received from the State of California via email: On 03/29/16, the California Office of Emergency Services (OES) contacted the RHB (Radiation Health Branch) via an email to notify them of a damaged moisture/density gauge. The gauge was a Troxler gauge, Model 3440, S/N 38618 containing 9 mCi of Cs-137 and 44 mCi of Am-241. The gauge had been run over by an excavator while the operator was taking a reading along the side of the road where the incident occurred. Per the licensee, the Cs-137 source was in the shielded position (at the time of the incident readings were taken over a standard block for counts) when the gauge was damaged. The licensee stated that a 20 foot area was cordoned off until the gauge was removed. Fire Department personnel were at the scene. Per the licensee, a Pacific Nuclear Technology (PNT) RSO arrived at the site, and confirmed a survey meter reading of 0.5 mRems at one meter from the gauge, which is considered normal for this type of gauge. It was also noted that the Cs-137 and Am-241 sources were intact. Survey of the area after removal of the gauge indicated background readings. The gauge was placed inside the transit cage and returned to the licensee's storage location. A leak test will be performed and the gauge will be disposed of in the near future. RHB will be following up on this incident. California 5010 Number: 032916 / Kleinfelder
ENS 5127830 July 2015 07:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Damaged Moisture Density GaugeThe following was received from the State of Washington via email: A Troxler 3440 gauge used by Kleinfelder, Inc., license number WN-I0475, fell from the back of a truck onto the middle of the runway at Seatac airport. The only sign of damage was to the circuit board. The source rod was undamaged and still works. Reporting requirement WAC 246-221-250(2)(f)(ii) - Damage affects the integrity of the radioactive material or its container. The gauge contains 10 mCi of Cs-137 and 50 mCi of Am-241/Be. The damage is attributed to a failure to block and brace equipment. Washington Incident Number WA-15-026
ENS 4399419 December 2007 23:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report Involving a Damaged Cpn Portable GaugeThe following report was received via email: This is the initial notification for an incident that was reported to this Department on 12/19/2007 at approximately 4:00PM. At that time the Department was notified by telephone of an accident involving a CPN model MC1 DR portable gauge. The gauge is owned and operated by Kleinfelder, Inc., Colorado Radioactive Materials License Number 958-01. The incident occurred at a temporary jobsite just outside of Pueblo, Colorado. The individual notifying the Department was . . . the company RSO. The licensee reported that while at the jobsite the operator backed his vehicle over the gauge. At the time of the accident, the Cs-137 source was in its shielded position. The result of the accident was that the handle/source rod was snapped off above the gauge case approximately 6 inches from the top of the handle. The source remained in the shielded position and the body of the gauge remained intact with no apparent damage. The gauge was inspected by Department personnel on 02/04/2008 and was found to be in the condition previously described by the RSO. The department had directed the Licensee to leak test the gauge at the time the report was initially made and the results are pending. Once the leak test results are received by the Department the licensee will be directed to provide details on repair or disposal of the gauge. No other details are available at this time.