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ENS 539072 March 2019 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Radiography Device Left UnsecuredThe following report was received from the North Carolina Division of Health Service Regulation, Radioactive Materials Branch via email: Licensee reports that an Industrial Radiography (IR) exposure device was unaccounted for during the 15 hours following work site activities on March 1st. The IR device was left unsecured the entire time until discovered the morning of March 2nd by the radiography crew that left it. The device (Spec 150; S/N: 1251) and source (72 Ci Ir-192; Model: G-60; S/N: AA0805) are secured and in possession of the corporate RSO (Radiation Safety Officer) at the time of this report. North Carolina Radioactive Materials Branch has initiated an investigation and will update this report for completion. NC Event Tracking ID: 190008 THIS MATERIAL EVENT CONTAINS A "CATEGORY 2" LEVEL OF RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL Category 2 sources, if not safely managed or securely protected, could cause permanent injury to a person who handled them, or were otherwise in contact with them, for a short time (minutes to hours). It could possibly be fatal to be close to this amount of unshielded radioactive material for a period of hours to days. These sources are typically used in practices such as industrial gamma radiography, high dose rate brachytherapy and medium dose rate brachytherapy. For additional information go to
ENS 5271929 April 2017 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Radiography Source Failed to RetractThe following information was received from the state of Texas via email: On April 30, 2017, the Agency (Texas Department of State Health Services) was notified by the licensee's Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) that a radiography crew working at a temporary field site was unable to retract a 101 Curie iridium-192 source into a SPEC 150 exposure device (camera). The failure occurred after the radiography crew had moved the camera from one location to another at the same job site. The radiography crew notified the licensee of the event. The licensee sent an individual to the site to retrieve the source. The individual found that the guide tube had disconnected from the front of the camera and the flex in the cable was causing the connector to hang up on the camera inlet port. The recovery individual straightened the cable by pulling on the crank out cables and was able to fully retract the source. The RSO stated no over exposures occurred from this event. The RSO stated he believes sand had gotten into the guide tube to camera connection preventing the guide tube from fully latching on the camera outlet connection. The licensee possesses a license issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and is operating under reciprocity in the State of Texas. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Texas Incident No.: I-9483
ENS 509594 April 2015 04:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Inability to Retract a Radiography Source to Its Shielded PositionThe following information was received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania via email/fax: An 84 curie iridium-192 (lr-192) source being housed in a Source Production & Equipment Company (SPEC) 150 industrial radiography camera could not be retracted back into the exposure device. The source eventually was able to be retrieved without any over exposures to either the workers or the general public.. The cable broke and became dislodged from the gear mechanism within the exposure device itself. The cable was manually pulled to return the lr-192 source to its locked position within the exposure device. It is unknown at this time why the cable broke. PA Event Report ID No.: PA150009