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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 5290614 August 2017 04:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Irradiator Source Racks InoperableFollowing a panoramic irradiator two day shutdown, a restart with three source racks commenced. Air pressure was applied to raise the source racks. During the restart, two source racks (racks 1 and 3) did not descend into the irradiator pool as designed. During an investigation, two release valves associated with the two source racks did not operate properly. Operators manually released air pressure and all source racks descended into the irradiator pool. The deficient release valves were replaced and the source racks were satisfactorily retested. The source racks all properly descended into the pool. The time the source racks were inoperable for approximately 1.5 hours.