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ENS 4898926 April 2013 19:57:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Radiography Source Fails to RetractThe following information was received via fax: On 04/26/2013, the RSO for IRIS, was notified by one of his radiography crews working at the Marathon Refinery that a source was not retracting into the shielded area of the camera. This incident involved a QSA Global Exposure Device, Model Delta 880, S/N D6458, loaded with an Ir-192 source. Associated equipment was used with the exposure device. The problem occurred when the crew used a magnetic source tube stand as opposed to a non-magnetic support stand. Source retrieval was accomplished by the RSO around 2:53 pm. Using safety equipment, maintaining a 2 mR boundary, and time, the highest exposure received was by the RSO which was 75 mR. The other exposures recorded were from normal work activities. The Department (Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality) was notified after source retrieval was completed.
ENS 483655 September 2012 15:45:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Radiography Camera Source Unable to Be RetractedThe following information was provided from the State of Louisiana via facsimile: IRISNDT dispatched a radiography crew to Marathon Petroleum on September 5, 2012. The crew set up and began work around 6:30 am. The crew worked with a camera, associated equipment, and a collimator for hours before there was a problem. (At 1045 CDT) the source setup was about 15 feet up above the ground in the pipe rack when the source would not return into the shielded position. After several attempts to retrieve the source, the RSO was notified. The crew was instructed to secure the barricade at the 2 mR distance and maintain observing the area until the RSO could arrive. The RSO arrived and secured the source into the exposure device's shielded position. The equipment, QSA Global Delta 880, s/n# D6460, the source is s/n# 86363B ...Ir-192, last leak tested on 08/07/2012. The investigation concluded a gear in the crank assembly was damaged and it caused the drive cable to jam. The assembly was red tagged and removed from service. Event exposures were 29 mR (Radiographer Trainer), 6 mR (Radiographer Trainee) and 2.4 mR (RSO). Louisiana Event Report ID No. LA1200004.