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ENS 5462831 March 2020 23:50:00NonNotification of a Non-Emergency Unusual Event Due to a Seismic Event

The following is a summary of information received from the Idaho State University Reactor Facility via phone conversation: At 1750 MDT on March 31, 2020, the licensee declared a Notification of Unusual Event due to seismic activity felt from an earthquake originating in southern Idaho. The facility was closed due to the suspension of all campus activities set forth by the pandemic response. The reactor was shutdown at the time of the earthquake and is being constantly monitored by the campus public safety office. Inspections of the facility will be performed. The licensee notified the NRR Project Manager (Yin).


The licensee has finished conducting visual inspections and monitoring activity levels throughout the facility. All indications came back normal. The licensee also verified the seismic indicator was still in its proper position. Notified NRR PM (Yin) and NPR (Reed).

ENS 4077624 May 2004 15:00:00NonBreach of Primary Fission Product BarrierDuring routine annual maintenance, a fueled control rod was determined to have a cladding failure. The control rod end cap weld was broken and the fuel in the fueled control rod had been exposed. A preliminary radiological assessment was performed and showed negligible release. There was minimum surface contamination isolated to the area of the breach. Radiation readings on contact were less than 20 millirem/hour. All air sample concentrations were well below 10CFR20 Derived Air Concentration (DAC) limits. Licensee notified the NRC Program Manager for Non Power Reactors and the Region 4 RA.Control Rod