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ENS 411693 November 2004 08:10:0010 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xii), Transport of a Contaminated Person OffsiteOffsite Medical Treatment for Injured Contaminated Worker

On 11/03/04 at approximately 0256 hrs, a refueling bridge operator was injured when his gloved right hand became entangled in the refuel bridge mast during the performance of core alterations. The moving mast sections crushed two of the operator's fingers, and the bridge was immediately shutdown by the spotter. An irradiated fuel bundle had just been removed from the reactor core at the time of the incident, and was being raised to the full up position for transport to the spent fuel pool. The refueling SRO directed the bridge power be turned on to lower the mast slightly and release the operator's hand. The bridge operator was escorted off of the refuel floor by radiation protection and site medical personnel. A bridge relief crew completed the movement of the irradiated fuel bundle to its target location in the spent fuel pool, and core alterations were stopped pending completion of an accident investigation. The injured bridge operator was contaminated with approximately 5000 counts per minute on the injured hand, and was transported offsite by radiation protection and site medical personnel at approximately 0310 hrs. The operator was subsequently de-contaminated inside of the ambulance under the care of the emergency room physician, and the contaminated material was returned to site inside the ambulance. Once decontaminated, the operator was admitted to the Salem Memorial Hospital emergency room in Salem, New Jersey. The licensee informed the Lower Alloways Creek Township and the NRC Resident Inspector and does not plan a press release.


Update to the details in the initial report second paragraph provided via fax: The injured bridge operator was released from the Radiologically Controlled Area as un-contaminated with the exception of 5000 disintegrations per minute noted on a cotton liner on his right hand. Site medical personnel, accompanied by a radiation protection technician, transported the individual off-site at approximately 0310 hrs. The cotton liner was subsequently removed from the injured hand in the ambulance under the guidance of the emergency room physician and radiation protection supervisory personnel (after the ambulance arrived at the hospital). No residual contamination was noted on the skin, and all contaminated material was returned to site inside the ambulance. The operator was then admitted to the Salem Memorial Hospital emergency room in Salem, New Jersey. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector. Notified R1DO (Silk).