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ENS 4497520 August 2008 05:00:0010 CFR 20.2202(b)(1)Possible Overexposure During the Second Quarter of 2008

Landauer, a dosimeter processing vendor, notified Halliburton Energy Services of a possible overexposure in their quarterly dosimetry report on 8/20/2008. Around that same time Halliburton had just terminated the previous RSO and was in the process of hiring a new RSO. The current RSO became aware of this possible overexposure when she received an annual exposure report from Landauer. One well logging engineer, who had been performing work for Halliburton at the Prudhoe Bay, Alaska site, reportedly received an exposure of 9141 millirem from 4/1/2008 to 6/30/2008. The report from Landauer contains a note to the effect that the dosimeter had been read twice with the second reading in agreement with the first; however, there was an irregularity. The RSO is investigating the occurrence.


The following information was received via e-mail: Halliburton conducted an investigation to determine the validity and potential cause of the 9141 millirem exposure. To assist with the investigation, Halliburton engaged the services of a recognized expert in the field of radiation dosimetry. The investigation was comprehensive and included employee interviews and a review of their work involving sources of radiation, review and analysis of exposure monitoring data for all personnel working in Alaska, review of job records involving radioactive sources, and actual recreations of multiple exposure scenarios. Landauer technical experts were also engaged during the investigation process. Upon conclusion of the investigation, it was determined that the employee involved did not receive a 9141 millirem dose or any dose in excess of that allowed by the regulations. Halliburton has requested a modification of the employee's dose record by Landauer. On May 7, 2009, Halliburton submitted a written notification of this event to the NRC Region IV Deputy Director, including a detailed report of the investigation and findings. Notified the R4DO (Gaddy) and FSME (Reis).