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ENS 4365621 September 2007 20:45:00Agreement StatePotential Overexposure of Radiographer HelperThe State of Oklahoma received a report from Global X-Ray Services of a high monthly exposure reading based on results from Landauer. The August badge for a radiography helper had an exposure of 5680 mR. Initial interviews with the employee determined that he had no instances where his dosimeter ever read off-scale or his rate meter ever indicated excessive exposure rates. His work record shows that he worked for 24 days in the month of August with I-192 radiographic devices. He worked with various radiographers during the month and there is no current information showing any excessive exposures for any of the radiographers. The employee is relatively new and has been averaging 200 - 300 mR per month exposure prior to the August reading. Landauer is performing analysis to determine if the dose indicates a 'Static' exposure. Both Global X-Ray and the State are developing follow-up actions at this time.