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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 4127922 December 2004 12:55:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Stolen Troxler Moisture Density Gauge

The following information was received via Email: Licensee called to report one of their Troxler 3430 gauges (serial number 23691- 8 mCi Cs-137 / 40 mCi Am 241/Be) had been stolen along with the vehicle it was in. The gauge was reported to be locked in the enclosed SUV which was parked outside of the Riverside office this morning (12/22/04). The gauge user came out to his vehicle at about 0445, shortly after transferring the gauge from the storage facility to his vehicle, and discovered the vehicle had been stolen. A report was filed with the Riverside Police Department (P304357039).

  • * * UPDATE FROM R GREGER TO W GOTT AT 1419 ON 12/23/04 * * *

This gauge was recovered approximately noon yesterday (12/22/04), the same day it was stolen, when the stolen truck was recovered. The gauge was still in its transportation case in the truck and apparently had not been accessed. Notified NMSS (T Essig), R4DO (Spitzberg), TAS (J Foster) (email), and faxed to Mexico.