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ENS 5527323 May 2021 07:00:00Agreement StateDamaged Gauge

The following was received from the California Department of Public Health via e-mail: On May 24, 2021, (the licensee), contacted Los Angeles County Radiation Management regarding a CPN International MC3 (serial number not reported, containing nominally 10 millicuries Cs-137 and 50 millicuries Am:Be-241) moisture density gauge that had been stored in a gauge operators home that was involved in a house fire on May 23, 2021. The gauge was stored in the transport case. The gauge was found to have been melted and was unrecognizable. An inspector from the Los Angeles County was sent to the scene to perform radiation surveys and to evaluate the damage to the gauge and determine if the sealed sources were intact. The disposal of the source will be determined once the evaluation of the damage to the gauge has been completed. The California Department of Public Health will continue to investigate the incident. CA 5010 Number: 052421


The following was received from the California Department of Public Health via e-mail: The Cs-137 and Am:Be-241 sources were recovered the evening of May 24 by a member of the California radiation control program. The sources were taken to a licensed gauge service provider the next day, where wipes were taken of the sources for leak testing. The leak test results were received from the gauge manufacturer on May 26 showing that neither source was leaking. The serial number of the gauge was reported as M34125843. Notified R4DO (Gepford) and NMSS Event Notifications (email)