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ENS 558804 May 2022 17:00:00Agreement StateGauge Struck and Damaged by BulldozerThe following was received from the Texas Department of State Health Services (the Agency) via email: On May 4, 2022, the licensee's radiation safety officer contacted the Agency and reported one of it's Humboldt 5001EZ gauges containing an 8 millicurie cs-137 source and a 40 mCi am-241 source had been struck by a bulldozer at a temporary field site. The gauge was damaged, and the licensee stated their engineer was going to the site to inspect and recover the gauge. The RSO contacted the Agency later that day and stated the source was in the shielded position and readings on contact with the transport case was 5 millirem an hour and 2 millirem an hour at three feet. The licensee transported the gauge back to it's facility. The licensee contacted it's service provider who will dispose of the gauge. No significant exposures were received as a result of this event. Additional information will be provided as it is received in accordance with SA-300. Texas Incident Number I-9930