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ENS 4919412 July 2013 21:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Sealed Source Failed Leak TestThe following information was obtained from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts via facsimile: When conducting a routine leak test for one of their Ni-63 source foils, the licensee submitted for analysis a leak test swab of the inactive side of the source foil and received on 7/12/13, at the end of the day, a leak test result of 0.008 uCi. The licensee submitted a report on 7/15/2013 to the Agency (Massachusetts Radiation Control Program) which states the source foil was in storage, it remains in storage, and was never used in any projects. Licensee reports the source foil will be decontaminated and the leak test will be repeated. All decontamination materials will be placed and sealed in a radioactive waste container and will be placed in the radioactive material storage area. Source will remain in storage until undergoing decontamination cleaning and subsequent leak test. Component name: Ni-63 source foil Manufacturer: Eckert & Ziegler Model # NER-004-13 Manufacture date: November 2008 Serial Number: 13-2080 Isotope activity: 0.015 Ci Assay Date: November 2008