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 Start dateReporting criterionTitleEvent descriptionSystemLER
ENS 455324 February 2008 16:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Damaged Nuclear Gauge Not Initially ReportedThe following report was received via e-mail: On Monday, February 4, 2008, a technician was attempting to load a gauge on a truck when he dropped the gauge on the tailgate whereupon the index probe broke off and the Cs-137 probe became extended and failed to retract to the shielded position. The gauge was then loaded into the cab of the truck and was delivered to the local site office less than ten minutes from the work site. A service company was notified and within an hour, the source rod was safely retracted into the shielded position. The gauge sources were satisfactory leak tested. No overexposures occurred in this event. The licensee required all gauge users to attend refresher training on nuclear gauge safety and procedures. The licensee was cited for a related violation. During a record review, it was discovered that this event was reported to the NRC using the Nuclear Materials Event Database (080192) instead of to the Headquarters Operations Officer. Texas Incident #: I-8494