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ENS 5165313 January 2016 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Damaged Moisture Density GaugeThe following report was received from the State of Pennsylvania via facsimile: On January 13, 2016, the Department (PA DEP Bureau of Radiation Protection) was notified that a Troxler gauge was damaged while on the job site in Pennsylvania. This event is reportable within 24-hours per 10 CFR 30.50(b)(2). A Troxler gauge was hit with a truck while on a job site. The source rod became detached from the gauge and rendered the gauge unusable. The area was secured and a local service provider was notified to recover the gauge. The gauge was not found to be leaking and was secured for shipment back to Troxler for repair. There was no exposure to workers or the public. Gauge Model: 3440 Test Date: 7/6/2015 Gauge S/N: 18936 A local service provider assisted with retrieval of the gauge. A reactive inspection was performed by the Department. More information will be provided upon receipt. PA Event Report ID No: PA160001