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ENS 5408022 May 2019 18:15:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Damaged Troxler Moisture Density GaugeThe following information was obtained from the state of Oregon via email: (The licensee) was asked to perform density testing of the roadway at the intersection of US Hwy. 26 and SE Firwood in Sandy, Oregon. (The licensee's client), Fall Line Construction, is working for DEPCOM Power. At approximately 1115 (PDT), (the gauge user) was asked to move (his) vehicle by the construction workers onsite. (The user) moved the Nuclear Densometer to a place where (he) believed would be safe from equipment onsite. While (the user) was parking (approximately 400 feet away), (he) saw some construction workers waving down the bulldozer operator who had backed into (the) Nuclear Densometer. (The user) checked to see if the gauge had been damaged. The lead shield had not been damaged. The handle for the gauge had been bent. Due to this deformation, the (source) was stuck in the safe position. (The user) tested the gauge with (a) Geiger counter and there appeared to be no excessive radiation coming from the gauge. The gauge was loaded back into the transport box and returned to the permanent storage place. The gauge will be sent out for repair either today or tomorrow. The gauge is a Troxler model 3440, SN 26146, containing 9 mCi of Cs-137 and 44 mCi of Am-241:Be.