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ENS 5226322 September 2016 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Shutter on Density Gauge

The following information was provided by the State of Arkansas via email: On September 23, 2016 at 1300 CDT, the licensee contacted the Department (Arkansas Department of Health) reporting that during operations on September 22, 2016, the licensee discovered that the shutter on a Vega Americas Model BAL density gauge would not open. The gauge contains 300 milliCuries of Krypton-85. The gauge was replaced with a spare gauge and has been placed in a secure storage area and radiation exposure is maintained at less than 2 mR/hr. The licensee is contacting the manufacturer to request repair or disposal of the gauge. In accordance with RH-1502.f.2 (10 CFR 30.50(b)(2)) the malfunctioning shutter is reportable within 24 hours. The State of Arkansas is awaiting a written report from the licensee. The State's event number is AR-2016-011.


The following update was received via e-mail: The licensee stated that the shutter solenoid was 24 years old and had been in continuous service over that time. The shutter failed to open on September 22, 2016 and the gauge was removed from service and placed in storage. On November 28, 2017, the manufacturer took possession of the gauge for disposal. The Department considers this event to be CLOSED. Notified the R4DO (Deese) and NMSS Events Notification (E-mail).