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ENS 533089 March 2018 19:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Radiography Camera Source Guide Tube Crushed

The following information was received via E-mail: On Friday, March 9, 2018, Applied Inspection Systems was performing industrial radiography. At approximately 1315 CDT while performing industrial radiography, a pipe fitting sitting on a 'V' pipe stand fell over and crushed the source guide tube. Source Production & Equipment Company was called in to perform source retrieval. There were no over-exposures or reportable exposures. The retrieval crew received a maximum of 40 mR. The source was retrieved and re-inserted back into the camera with no concerns noted. The SPEC IR-192 Model G-60 source serial number was YK0701, source strength was 35 Ci, and camera serial number was 1381. The industrial radiography camera was a SPEC-150.

"This event is considered closed out.

Applied Inspection Systems, Inc. License Number: ARK-0576-03310, Reciprocity: RC-493, AI#: 154688. This Arkansas licensee was working under reciprocity in the State of Louisiana at the Calumet-Cotton Valley Refinery, in Cotton Valley, Louisiana. Louisiana Event Report ID No.: LA20180003

ENS 483928 October 2012 05:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Radiography Camera Source Disconnected

The following information was obtained from the State of Arkansas via email: The Arkansas Department of Health (the Department) was notified on October 8, 2012 at 1345 (hrs. CDT), by the licensee, of a source disconnect. The radiography crew had completed a radiograph of a pipe weld and was unable to retract the source into the shielded position. The licensee's RSO was notified, the boundaries were verified and the radiography crew made several attempts to retract the source. The crank-out device was disassembled and the crew manually pulled the cable and discovered that the drive cable had separated. The licensee contacted Source Production & Equipment Company (SPEC) for source retrieval. Licensee representatives remained on-site and maintained direct surveillance awaiting the arrival of the source retrieval team. SPEC personnel arrived on site on October 9, 2012 and were able to retrieve the source into the radiography camera. The Department sent two Health Physicists to observe the source retrieval. Equipment involved: Radiography Camera is a SPEC 150, SN # 1357, radiography source is a SPEC G-60, SN # TH0302 containing (redacted) Iridium-192. The camera was inspected by SPEC personnel and the source leak tested. After the associated equipment (crank-out and guide tube) were replaced, the camera was returned to service. The Department is awaiting a report from SPEC and from the licensee. The Arkansas Department of Health, Radioactive Materials Program, Event Number is AR-2012-012

  • * * UPDATE AT 1555 EDT ON 10/16/12 FROM KRIESEL TO HUFFMAN * * *

The Arkansas Department of Health, Radioactive Materials Program, reported that the SPEC source retrieval crew received exposures of 12 mR for individual #1 and 10 mR for individual #2 during retrieval of the source back into the radiography camera. R4DO(Pick) notified and a copy of this update was e-mailed to FSME Events Resource.


The Arkansas Department of Health reported that it received the final reports from SPEC and Applied Inspections Systems (the licensee). SPEC has found that their investigation of the failure of the drive cable to be inconclusive. The Arkansas Department of Health has concluded that the root cause of this incident cannot be determined from the data available. Since the exposure device and source involved in the incident were certified for use and returned to service by SPEC personnel, the Arkansas Department of Health considers this event closed. R4DO (Vasquez) notified and a copy of this update was e-mailed to FSME Events Resource.

ENS 4613026 July 2010 20:10:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Stuck Radiography Source

The following was received via email from the State of Arkansas: The following are the findings of the Arkansas Department of Health, Radioactive Materials Program, concerning Event Number (AR) 07-10-01 involving a stuck radiography source in Wilburn, Arkansas at a pipeline location. The Department was contacted on July 26, 2010 and informed by the licensee that the incident occurred around 9:30 a.m. on the first shot. The camera involved was an Industrial Nuclear IR-100 (Serial Number 6961) that contained a 34 Curie Iridium-192 source (Model G-40T, Serial Number RC3103). (Source Production and Equipment Company) (SPEC) (- the vendor -) had been contacted and was expected to arrive at the location around 5:00 a.m. on July 27, 2010. In the meantime, the crew and both of the Assistant Radiation Safety Officers maintained constant surveillance. Health Physicists from the Arkansas Department of Health also went to the incident location. On arrival, it was discovered that the source was in an approximately 10 foot hole and it was indicated that the radiography crew had performed three cranks and then the source would not retract back into the shielded position. SPEC successfully retrieved the source. The source, camera and associated equipment are being transported to the SPEC facility in Louisiana for evaluation. It appears that this incident may have been caused by the failure of the locking mechanism of the camera. The licensee and SPEC (are) to supply the Department with a written report. The Department will provide updates as information is received. This is Arkansas Department of Health, Radioactive Materials Program event number 07-10-01.


The following report was received via e-mail from the State of Arkansas: A report received from SPEC states that the cause of the incident was a source misconnect and the source locking mechanism failing to function properly. The report also states that if the camera had been operating properly, the radiographer should not have been able to push the flag down and release the source. There was no evidence of damage to the drive cable connector or to the source assembly. The source was reloaded into the camera and returned to the licensee. The Arkansas Department of Health considers this incident to be closed. Notified R4DO (Deese) and FSME (McIntosh).