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ENS 430366 December 2006 07:00:00Agreement StateAgreement State Report - Licensee Lost Custody of Troxler Gauge During TransportThe State of Utah reported that a member of the general public recovered a Troxler moisture density gauge on a street located near St. George, Utah. Apparently, the licensee was transporting the gauge through this area when it fell off the vehicle. The licensee was not aware that the gauge was no longer in their custody and continued traveling down the road. A member of the general public, a cable company employee, noticed the gauge and its transportation container lying in the street. The individual recovered the gauge, placed it back in the transport container, and contacted the licensee via the phone number on the package. The licensee arrived and took custody of the gauge from the member of the general public. The licensee reported that the source remained in the safe, shielded position. The licensee reported that the gauge was not damaged and is located in their St George, Utah office. The State is expecting additional details regarding the serial number, isotope, or activity of the gauge.