SECY-22-0016, Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 18, 2022

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SECY-22-0016: Weekly Information Report - Week Ending February 18, 2022
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/01/2022
From: Sherri Miotla
To: Commissioners
Jolicoeur J
Download: ML22055A246 (9)




The Commissioners FROM:

Sherri Miotla Assistant for Operations (Acting)

Office of the Executive Director for Operations


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 18, 2022 CONTENTS Enclosure Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer A

Office of the Chief Information Officer B

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation C

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards D

Office of Administration E

Office of the Secretary F

Sherri Miotla Assistant for Operations (Acting), OEDO CONTACT: John R. Jolicoeur, OEDO 301-415-1642 Rivera-Varona, Aida signing on behalf of Miotla, Sherri on 02/28/22


  • via e-mail OFFICE OEDO OEDO/AO NAME JJolicoeur SMiotla DATE 2/24/2022 2/28/2022 Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer Items of Interest Week Ending February 18, 2022 ARRIVALS RETIREMENTS NONE DEPARTURES NONE FEBRUARY 28, 2022 ENCLOSURE A

Office of the Chief Information Officer Items of Interest Week Ending February 18, 2022 Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Requests, Appeals, and Consultations Received During the Period of January 31 - February 4, as submitted by requester Tracking Number Requester s Name Requesters Organization Request Description Received Date 2022-000080 Martel Kelly Advent Services LLC The first page (i.e., Face Page) of the current contract award, and first 15 pages of the Performance Work Statement or Statement of Work for the existing contract

  1. NRCHQ8417C0004; who is currently assigned as: PM/TM/POC (govt program manager, technical manager or govt owner of the requirement), COR (Contracting Organization Representative), CO/KO (contract officer), and CS (contract specialist, if applicable) 02/15/2022 2022-000081 Ian Holt Banks Environmental Data Please provide the information found within the WBL [Web-Based Licensing]

database for all records in Texas, in excel format 02/15/2022 2022-000082 Michael Ravnitzky A copy of OIG-06-A-23, OIG-07-A-04, OIG-08-A-10, OIG-10-A-11, and OIG-20-A-02 02/16/2022 2022-000083 Park Overall I am requesting the Escape Plan for the public in Erwin, TN at Nuclear Fuel Services 02/16/2022 2022-000084 Alexsis Bowen Triterra US Any records available for the attached Material Licensing Tracking Systems.

02/17/2022 FEBRUARY 28, 2022 ENCLOSURE B

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR)

Items of Interest Week Ending February 18, 2022 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Grants COVID-19 Related Exemption for LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2 On February 15, 2022, the NRC granted an exemption (ML22042A076) to Constellation Energy Generation, LLC for LaSalle County Station, Units 1 and 2, from specific requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) Part 26, Fitness for Duty Programs, Section 26.205, Work hours. This exemption is related to COVID-19. The staff reviewed the proposed exemption (ML22041A451) and determined that pursuant to 10 CFR 26.9, the exemption is authorized by law, will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security, and is otherwise in the public interest.

NRC Holds Public Outreach Meeting to Solicit External Stakeholder Feedback on Considering Risk-Informed Alternatives to Current Policy for Addressing Common Cause Failure for Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems On February 15, 2022, the NRR staff held an outreach meeting to inform and solicit external stakeholders feedback on the staffs plan to expand the current digital instrumentation and controls (DI&C) common-cause failure (CCF) policy to allow consideration of risk-informed alternatives. The NRC staff, the Nuclear Energy Institute, and Idaho National Laboratory made presentations in the meeting. Over 100 stakeholders attended the meeting and provided their feedback on the current CCF policy, the risk-informed performance-based alternatives to the policy, and milestones and schedule of a Commission Paper. The stakeholders expressed the need for future public engagement on the staffs initiative. The staff will consider stakeholders feedback in developing the Commission Paper to expand the current policy to address DI&C CCF.

Constellation Energy Submits Analyses in Support of Planned Digital Instrumentation and Controls Modernization at Limerick Generating Station On February 14, 2022, Constellation Energy Generation, LLC submitted a defense-in-depth and diversity (D3) analysis (ML22046A074) for the planned digital instrumentation and controls modernization at the Limerick Generating Station. The D3 analysis is intended to support the Limerick license amendment request that the licensee plans to submit to the NRC by the end of August 2022. The staff plans to complete an acceptance review of the D3 analysis in March 2022 to confirm that the request does not contain any readily apparent information insufficiencies.


NRC Provides Schedule and Resource Update for SHINE Medical Isotope Production Facility Operating License Application Review On February 17, 2022, NRC staff issued an update (ML22047A179) on schedule and resource needs in response to the SHINE Technologies, LLC Application for an Operating License Supplement No.15, Submittal of the Phased Startup Operations Application Supplement.

Based on its review, the staff determined that it could accommodate the additional scope with a small increase in the total level of effort and plans to complete the operating license application review by October 2022. Additionally, the staff communicated that untimely resolution of information insufficiencies may result in extending the review schedule.

FEBRUARY 28, 2022 2


Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Items of Interest Week Ending February 18, 2022 Receipts-Based NRC Size Standards: Final Rule; 10 CFR Parts 2 and 171 [NRC-2014-0264; RIN 3150-AJ51]

On February 17, 2022, the NRC published a notice in the Federal Register (87 FR 8943) amending its small business size standards, which are used to qualify an NRC licensee as a small entity under the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended. The purpose of these size standards is for reducing annual NRC license fees for small entities. These standards do not apply to the NRCs contracts for goods and services. The NRC is increasing the upper and lower tiers for its receipts-based small entity size standards for small businesses and small not-for-profit organizations. This change allows NRC standards to remain consistent with the inflation adjustments made by the Small Business Administration size standard for nonmanufacturing concerns. In addition, in accordance with the Small Business Runway Extension Act of 2018, the NRC is changing the calculation of annual average receipts for the receipts-based NRC size standard for small businesses that provide a service or small businesses not engaged in manufacturing from a 3-year averaging period to a 5-year averaging period. This final rule is effective on March 21, 2022.


Office of Administration Items of Interest Week Ending February 18, 2022 Network Inventory and Optimization Solution (NiOS)

On February 14, 2022, contract number HHSN316201200183W/31310022F0016 was awarded to Turning Point Global Solutions, LLC in Rockville, MD. The purpose of this contract is to provide the NRC with a customized NiOS application. The period of performance is from February 15, 2022, through February 14, 2023, with four option periods. The total potential value of the contract can be up to $1,451,750.96.

Financial Management Assessments and Support for the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

On February 16, 2022, contract number 31310022A0001 was awarded to The MIL Corporation in Bowie, MD. The purpose of this contract is to provide financial management assessments and support services in various areas within OCFO. The period of performance is from February 15, 2022 through February 14, 2027 with no option periods. The total potential value of the contract can be up to $3,900,000.00.


Office of the Secretary (SECY)

Items of Interest Week Ending February 18, 2022 Document Released to Public Date of Document Subject Decision Documents 1.

SECY-22-0009 02/1/22 Proposed Limited Revision to Policy Statement On Criteria for Reporting Abnormal Occurrences Information Papers 1.

SECY-22-0008 01/31/22 Advanced Reactor Program Status 2.

SECY-22-0012 02/14/22 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending 02/04/2022 Memoranda 1.

SRM-SECY-16-0056 02/18/22 Recommendations for a Process to Make Inimicality Determinations for the Licensing of Utilization Facilities Commission Correspondence 1.

Letter to Mr. Anthony M. Reardon, National President, National Treasury Employees Union, responds to letter regarding the NRC's workplace posture and hybrid work environment 2.

Letter to the Honorable Thomas Carper, et al., submits the report for the first quarter in Fiscal Year 2022 on the licensing activities and regulatory duties of the NRC for the reporting period of October 1 - December 31, 2021 Federal Register Notices Issued 1.

Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving Proposed No Significant Hazards Considerations and Containing Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information and Order Imposing Procedures for Access to Sensitive Unclassified Non-Safeguards Information [NRC-2022-0041]