Enclosure 4
list | | | Topic |
RIS 2002-01, Changes to NRC Participation in the International Nuclear Event Scale | 14 January 2002 | Enforcement Discretion Backfit | RIS 2002-03, Attachment 4: NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-03 Cross-Reference | 25 March 2010 | Ultimate heat sink High Energy Line Break Flow Induced Vibration Power Uprate | RIS 2002-04, Results of the Pilot Test of the Proposed Changes to the Unplanned Scrams Performance Indicatolr and Thescrams with Loss of Normal Heat Removal Performance Indicator | 1 March 2002 | Backfit Power Uprate | RIS 2002-04, Results of the Pilot Test of the Proposed Changes to The Unplanned Scrams Performance Indicatolr and Thescrams with Loss of Normal Heat Removal Performance Indicator | 1 March 2002 | Backfit Power Uprate | RIS 2002-06, Withdrawn NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-06, Evaluating Occupational Dose for Individuals Exposed to NRC-Licensed Material and Medical X-rays. | 16 April 2002 | Enforcement Discretion Deep Dose Equivalent Grace period Power Uprate | RIS 2002-09, Withdrawn NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-009: Preparation and Scheduling of Operator Licensing Examinations | 6 June 2002 | Generic Fundamentals Examination Backfit | RIS 2002-10, Revision of the Skin Dose Limit in 10CFR Part 20 | 9 July 2002 | Enforcement Discretion Deep Dose Equivalent | RIS 2002-12, NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-12l Revision 1 Panoramic And Underwater Irradiators | 24 August 2011 | Backfit | RIS 2002-12, NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-12l Revision 1 Panoramic and Underwater Irradiators | 24 August 2011 | Backfit | RIS 2002-14, Proposed Changes to the Safety System Unavailability Performance Indicators | 30 September 2002 | Probabilistic Risk Assessment Significance Determination Process Backfit | RIS 2002-15, OMB Control No.: 3150-0002 NRC Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-15 NRC Approval of Commercial Data Encryption Systems for the Electronic Transmission of Safeguards Information | 28 August 2002 | Backfit | RIS 2002-16, Current Incident Response Issues | 13 September 2002 | Health Physics Network Backfit | RIS 2002-17, Guidance on Performing Military Service Verification | 19 September 2002 | Backfit | RIS 2002-19, New Modalities To Be Regulated Under 10 CFR 35.1000 | 21 October 2002 | Brachytherapy TheraSphere | RIS 2002-19, New Modalities to Be Regulated Under 10 CFR 35.1000 | 21 October 2002 | Brachytherapy TheraSphere | RIS 2002-20, Clarification of Requirements Under 10 CFR 35.432, Calibration Measurements of Brachytherapy Sources. | 7 November 2002 | Enforcement Discretion Brachytherapy | RIS 2002-21, National Guard and Other Emergency Responders Located in the Licensee'S Controlled Area | 8 November 2002 | Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Backfit Potassium iodide | RIS 2002-22, Clarification on Endorsement of Nuclear Energy Institute Guidance in Designing Digital Upgrades in I&C Systems | 31 May 2018 | | RIS 2002-22, 03/14/2018--Summary of a Category 3 Public Meeting Held with External Stakeholders to Provide an Opportunity for Discussion on Draft Regulatory Issue Summary 2002-22, Supplement 1, Clarification on Endorsement of Nuclear Energy Institute | 12 June 2018 | | RIS 2002-22, Summary of Comments on 2018-01-24 Draft Ris Ks R1 from Ken Scarola Nuclear Automation Engineering | 24 January 2018 | | RIS 2002-22, Use of Epri/Nei Joint Task Force Report, Guideline on Licensing Digital Upgrades: EPRI TR-102348, Revision 1, NEI 01-01: a Revision of EPRI TR-102348 to Reflect Changes to the 10 CFR 50.59 Rule | 25 November 2002 | Backfit | RIS 2002-23, Availability of Licensing Guide for Diagnostic Nuclear Medicine | 27 November 2002 | Brachytherapy |