NUREG-1077, Fr Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact Re Renewal of License SNM-21

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Fr Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact Re Renewal of License SNM-21
Person / Time
Site: 07000025
Issue date: 06/21/1984
From: Page R
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ML20151J507 List:
RTR-NUREG-1077 NUDOCS 8406270105
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operation of the Energy Systems Group facility at Simi Hills, Ventura County, California,

  1. The Commission's Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety has prepared an Environmental Assessment related to the renewal of-Special Nuclear Material License No SNM-21. On the basis of this assessment, the Commission has concluded that the environmental impact created by the proposed license renewal action would not be significant and does not warrant the preparation of an Environnental Impact Statement. Accordingly, it has been determined that a Finding of No Significant Impact is appropriate. The Environmental Assessment (NUREG-1077) is available for public inspection and copying at the Commission's Public Docueent Room,1717 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

Copies of NUREG-1077 may be purchased by calling (301) 492-9530 or by writing to the Publication Services Section, Division of Technical Information and Document Control, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, D.C.

20555, or purchased from the National Technical Information Service, Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161.


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Dated at Silver Spring, MD this 21st day of June 1984 FOR THE N!! CLEAR REGULATDRY COMMISSION We sw as Helph G. Page R. G. Page, Chief Uranium Fuel Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety Distribution:

Docket 70-25/w/encls.

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NUREG-1077 1

l EnvironmentalImpact Appraisal

for renewal of Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-21 Docket No. 70-25 ,

Energy Systems Group ,

Rockwell International Corporation l

1 l l U.S. Nuclear Regulatory  :

Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards l'

i I June 1984 s

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NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, or any of their employees, makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or re-sponsibility for any third party's use, or the results of such use, of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed in this report, or represents that its use by such third party would not infringe privately owned rights.

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2. The NRC/GPO Sales Program, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555
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Referenced documents available for inspection and copying for a fee from the NRC Public Docu-ment Room include NRC correspondence and ir.ternal NRC memoranda: NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement bulletins, circulars, information notices, inspection and investigation notices; Licensee Event Reports; vendor reports and correspondence; Commission papers;and applicant and licensee documents and correspondence.

The following documents in the NUREG series are available for purchase from the NRC/GPO Sales Program: formal NRC staff and contractor reports, NRC-sponsored conference proceedings, and NRC booklets and brochures. Also available are Regulatory Guides, NRC regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances.

Documents available from the National Technical Information Service include NUREG series reports and technical reports prepared by other federal agencies and reports prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner agency to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

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Environmental Impact Appraisal for renewal of Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-21 ,

1 Docket No. 70-25 l Energy Systems Group Rockweli International Corporation 1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards June 1984

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF FIGURES .................................................. ... v LIST OF TABLES ...................................................... vi LIST OF FACTORS FOR CONVERSION OF ENGLISH TO INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS (SI) ............. ....... ...................... .. vii

1. PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION .................... ........... .. 1-1 1.1 Introduction ............................. ................. 1-1
1. 2 Summary of the Proposed Action ........ ................... 1-2 1.3 Need for Action ............................................ 1-3 1.4 The Scoping Process ..................................... .. 1-3 REFERENCES FOR SECTION 1 .... ............ .......................... 1-3
2. ALTERNATIVES, INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION ...................... 2-1 2.1 The Alternative of No License Renewal ...................... 2-1 2.2 The Alternative of License Renewal ......................... 2-1 2.2.1 Description of Current Operation .................... 2-1 2.2.2 Waste Confinement and Effluent Control .............. 2-4 Gaseous Effluent Control ................... 2-4 Liquid Effluent Control .................... 2-9 Solid Wastes ............................... 2-9 2.3 Safeguards ................................................. 2-9 2.4 Decommissioning ............................................ 2-11 2.5 Staff Evaluation of the Proposed Action and Alternatives ... 2-11 REFERENCES FOR SECTION 2 ............................................. 2-12
3. THE AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT ........................................ 3-1 3.1 Site Description ........................................... 3-1 3.2 Demography ................................................. 3-1 3.3 Land Use ................................................... 3-1 3.4 Geology .................................................... 3-6 3.4.1 Seismology .......................................... 3 3.5 Local Hydrology ............................................ 3-6 3.5.1. Ground Water ........................................ 3-7 3.5.2. Surface Water ....................................... 3-7 3.6 Meteorology and Climatology ................................ 3-7 i

l 3-7 3.6.1 General Climatology .................................

3.6.2 Atmospheric Dispersion............................... 3-7



P_ age 3.7 Flora and Fauna ...... . ........... ...... ................ 3-7 3.7.1 Terrestrial ......... ....................... ....... 3-7 3.7.2 Aquatic ........................... . .............. 3-8 3.8 Radiological Characteristics (Background) .................. 3-9 3.8.1 Total Body Dose Rates ... ................... .... .. 3-9 REFERENCES FOR SECTION 3 .............. ............. .......... .. 3-9

4. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF PROPOSED LICENSE RENEWAL ... ...... 4-1 4.1 Monitoring Program .............. ............. ........... 4-1 4.1.1 Effluent Monitoring Program .. ..................... 4-1 Radiological ........ ................ ... 4-1 Nonradiological ............................ 4-1 4.1.2 Environmental Monitoring Program . ................ . 4-2 Radiological .. ............................ 4-2 Nonradiological ..... ...................... 4-5 4.1.3 Conclusion .......................................... 4-5 4.2 Direct Effects and Their Significance . ................. .. 4-5 4.2.1 A i r Q u a l i ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4.2.2 Land Use ............................ ............... 4-5 4.2.3 Water Use ................................ .......... 4-5 4.2.4 Noise ............................................... 4-6 4.2.5 Appearance - Visual Impact ............ ............. .4-6 4.2.6 Radiological Impacts ................................ 4-6 Doses from Airborne Releases ............... 4-6 Population Dose ............................ 4-7 , Aquatic .................................... _4-8 4.3 Indirect Effects and Their Significance .................... 4-8 4.3.1 Potential Effects of Accidents ...................... 4-8 4.3.2 Accident Criticality .................. ............ 4-8 4.3.3 Offsite Accidents ................................... 4-9 REFERENCES'FOR SECTION 4 ...................... ...................... 4 APPENDIX A - NPDES No. CA0001309-..................................... A-1 l

APPENDIX B - Energy Systems Group - Environmental Monitoring and Facility Effluent Annual Report - 1980 .............. B-1 iv L

i 4

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Figure Page  !

1 2.1 Facility layout of RIHL ....................... ................. 2-2 l 2.2 Ventilation flow diagram for RIHL ............. ................. 2-5

,2. 3 Schematic diagram of constant-volume blower system .............. 2-7 2.4 Location of ventilation filters at RIHL ......................... 2-8 3.~ 1 Map of the Rockwell International Facilities .................... 3-2 3.2 Aerial view of the RIHL site .................................. . 3-3 3

3.3 RI-Simi Hills building arrangement ............... .... ......... 3-4


4.1 Map of RI sampling stations ........... ...... ................. 4-3

! 4.2 Map of RI sampling stations ..................................... 4-4 i



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I LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1 RI radiological emissions for gaseous effluent .................. 2-10 3.1 Population distribution within 80-km of the RI site in 1980 . . . . . 3-5 3.2 Annual average relative concentration (s/m ) 3based on continuous ground-level release and 1 year of onsite meteorological data, RI facility, Chatsworth, California ........ 3-8 4.1 RI facility radiological emission values for gaseous effluent ... 4-1 4.2 Estimated maximum annual dose to an individual at the nearest resident at-the RI site ......................................... 4-7 4.3 Summary of annual doses to the population from airborne effluent from the RI facility ............................................ 4-8 4.4 Maximum 50 year dose commitment to the nearest residence from a criticality accident ............................................ 4-9 vi

l LIST OF FACTORS FOR CONVERSION OF ENGLISH TO INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM OF UNITS (SI) l The following table gives the factors used in this document for the conversion of conventional English units to the equivalent International System of Units (SI) now being adopted worldwide or conventional metric units. The conversion factors have been obtained from the ASTM publication, " Standard for Metric Practice,"* and are used to four-digit accuracy, since most of the values in this document are not known to any more exactness. After conversion, the 51 values have been rounded to reflect an accuracy sufficient for the requirements of this document. Most of the values will be presented in SI units with the equivalent English unit following within parentheses.

Conversion of English to SI Units To Convert From T_o Multiplied By acre ' hectare (ha) 0.4047 barrel (bbl) cubic meter (m3 ) 0.1590 cubic feet / min (ft 3/ min) m3 / min 0.02832

feet (ft) meters (m) 0.3048 l

cubic feet (ft3) cubic meters (m3 ) 0.02832 cubic yards (yards3 or yd 3) m3 0.7645 gallon (gal) cubic meters (m3 ) 0.003785 gal / min m3 / min 0.003785 gal / min m3 /h 0.2271 gal / min liters /s (L/s) 0.06309 inch (in.) centimeters (cm) 2.54

, inch (in.) meter (m) 0.0254 mile (statute) kilometer (km) 1.609 square mile (mile 2) square kilometer (km2) 2.590 pound (1b) kilograms (kg) 0.4536 ton (short) kilograms (kg) -907.2

  • American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard E-380, " Standard for Metric Practice," February 1980.



1. PURPOSE OF AND NEED FOR ACTION 1.1 Introduction By application dated August 20, 1982 and its supplements dated October 29, December 17, 1982, March 2, and March 7, 1984, the Energy Systems Group (ESG) of Rockwell International Corporation requested renewal of its Special Nuclear Materials License No. SNM-21. Under its existing license, ESG is authorized to possess and use special nuclear material (SNM) for production of test and research reactor fuel elements, the development and testing of both irradiated and unirradiated nuclear fuels, and associated research and development projects.

The development and production of test and research reactor fuel elements (HEU) were conducted at the Headquarters facilities in Canoga Park located in Los Angeles County, California. Research and development activities associated with plutonium fuels and testing of irradiated nuclear fuels were conducted at the Santa Susana site in the Simi Hills located in Ventura County, California.

In the renewal application dated August 20, 1982, ESG did not request any increase in the scope of the licensed activities or changes in its special nuclear material possession limits. Then, in a subsequent letter dated December 17, 1982, ESG modified the license application to reduce the present possession limit for U-235 from 1500 kilograms to 10 kilograms, to delete its authorization to manufacture nuclear fuel elements and to possess U-233, and to delete Building 001 at Headquarters and Building 055 (NMDF) at the Santa Susana Field Laboratories as authorized facilities for possession and use of special nuclear material. In the supplement dated March 2, 1984, ESG further reduced the possession limit for U-235 to 5 kilograms. At present, ESG h;s ceased special nuclear material operations at the Canoga Park Headquarters facilities, and Buildings 001 and 004 are in the process of decontamination for unrestricted use. Therefore, in the renewed license, there will be no operation involving special nuclear material at the Headquarters site. The only major activity is the continued operation at the Hot Laboratory in Building 020 at the Santa Susana site. The research and development activities associated with plutonium fuels in Building 055 at the Santa Susana site have ceased, and Building 055 will be decontaminated for unrestricted use.

Subsequent to the ESG's August 20, 1982 application, the NRC received letters from individuals requesting a public hearing on the ESG's license renewal action.

On June 2,1983, the NRC ordered (CLI-83-15)1 that an informal hearing be instituted but indicated that it was necessary to request further filings to clarify the intentions of those individuals who lodged submissions and to deter-mine whether they could fulfull the requirements for intervention by " interested persons" so as to mandate that a hearing be convened. After subsequent filings from the individuals, ESG, and NRC staff, the Hearing Presiding Officer of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP) determined that because none of the individuals or letters submitted in response to the Order met the NRC's minimum requirements for the content of an intervention petition, each of the

- requests for public hearing was denied for lack of standing to intervene in the proceeding.2 1-1 I

In connection with ESG's license renewal application, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) prepared this environmental assessment pursuant to the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 CFR Parts 1500-1508) and NRC regulations (10 CFR Part 51), which implement requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (PL 91-190). Paragraph 1508.9 of the CEQ regulations (40 CFR) defines " environmental assessment" as follows:

1. An environmental assessment is a concise public document, for which a federal agency is responsible, that serves to
a. briefly provide sufficient evidence and analysis for determining whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or a finding of no significant impact,
b. aid an agency's compliance with the Act when no EIS is necessary, and
c. facilitate preparation of an EIS when one is necessary.
2. An environmental assessment shall include brief discussions of the need for the proposal, of alternatives as required by Section 102(2)(E) of NEPA, and of the environmental impact of the proposed action and alter-natives. It shall also include a listing of agencies and persons consulted.
1. 2 Summary of the Proposed Action The proposed action is the renewal of the license necessary for ESG to continue the existing Hot Laboratory operation in Building 020 at the Santa Susana site.

The operations at the Headquarters facilities (Buildings 001 and 004) have ceased and the buildings are in the process of decontamination for unrestricted use. The operation of the plutonium R&D facilities (Building 055) at the Santa Susana site have ceased and Building 055 will be decontaminated for unrestricted use. The Building 020 principally consist of the examination of irradiated reactor fuel and the preparation of irradiated Sodium Reactor Experi-ment (SRE) fuel for eventual reprocessing by removal of the metal cladding and thermal bonding material, cleaning and repackaging of the fuel slugs, and-shipment of the fuel for reprocessing.

Occasionally, unirradiated fuels are handled in the Hot Laboratory. When such ad hoc situations arise, ESG must receive specific approval from the NRC in the form of a license amendment. The types and amounts of special nuclear material to be handled under the renewed license are:

1. U-235 - 5 kg, contained in uranium or plutonium in various enrichments in any chemical or physical form (except UFs).
2. Pu (principally Pu-239) - 2.0 kg in any chemical or physical form. Up to 2.0 kg Pu in irradiated fuel is to be used in the Hot Laboratory with less than 1.0 kg Pu in process.
3. Pu (principally Pu-239) - 1.0 kg in sealed sources as Pu-Be' sources.


1.3 Need for Action The operations in the Hot Laboratory (Building 020) mainly involve the prepara-tion of irradiated fuel for eventual reprocessing at the DOE-facilities. Activ-ities involve removal of the metal cladding and thermal bonding material, cleaning and repackaging of the fuel slugs, and shipment of the fuel for reprocessing. Denial of the license renewal for the continued operation of the llot Laboratory at the Santa Susana site would require that similar activities be undertaken at another site. Although denial of renewal of the SNM license for the ESG is an alternative available to NRC, it would be considered only if issues of public health and safety cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of the regulatory authorities involved.

1. 4 The Scoping Process The overall operations and impacts of the ESG facilities were appraised in the Environmental Impact Appraisal 3 (EIA) issued by the NRC in September 1977.

Because of the previous documentation and the very limited impacts associated with the much reduced current operation, the staff determined that a formal scoping process was unnecessary. In conducting this assessment of the proposed action, the staff toured the site and surrounding area (April 11, 1984) and met with the applicant to discuss items of information related to the facility operations and to seek additional.information that might be needed for an adequate assessment. The staff also met with officials at the Radiological Health Section of the State of California's Department of Health Services

( April 10,1984). The source materials and byproduct materials at the RI-facilities are licensed by the State.

The principal environmental impact of the current operation of ESG's Hot Laboratory at the Santa Susana site results from release of trace quantity of radioactive gases (mostly fission products) to the atmosphere. The actual gaseous effluents released during normal operation have been monitored and documented. Because the proposed license renewal action for the ESG operation will be substantially reduced in comparison with the past operation and the impact is expected to be much lower than that previously appraised,8 the staff concludes that the principal subjects to be addressed in this environmental assessment should include effluent controls, effluent and environmental monitoring, and environmental impact of normal operation and accidents. Other site factors in plant operations necessary for this assessment will be described and aspects of insignificant impacts will be identified.


1. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Order (CLI-83-15) in the Matter of Rockwell International, Docket No. 70-25, June 2, 1983.


2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Memorandum and Order (ASLBP No. 83-488-01 ML), Docket No. 70-25, October 7, 1983.
3. Environnental Impact Appraisal, Atomic' International Commercial Nuclear Fuel Fabrication Facilities, Canoga Park and Chatsworth, California, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, September 1977.

1-3 L

2. ALTERNATIVES, INCLUDING THE PROPOSED ACTION 2.1 The Alternative of No License Renewal Not granting a license renewal for the ESG would cease the Hot Laboratory opera-tion at the Santa Susana site. This alternative would be considered only if issues of public health and safety could not be resolved. The only benefits to be gained by such a course of action would be the cessation of the environmental impact (as described in Section 4), which have been determined to be acceptably small.

2.2 The Alternative of License Renewal 1

This alternative, which is the proposed action, would result in the continued 4 operation of the Hot Laboratory in Building 020 at the Santa Susana site '

essentially as it has been operated during the current license period. A description of the current operation, waste confinement, and effluent control l follows.

2.2.1 Description of the Current Operation The Rockwell International Hot Laboratory (RIHL) operations are conducted in Building 020 at the Santa Susana site. The activities consist of the examina-tion of various types of irradiated reactor fuel and the preparation of irradiated Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) fuel for eventual reprocessing by removal of the metal cladding and thermal bonding material, cleaning and repackaging of the fuel slugs, and shipment of the fuel for reprocessing.1 2 The RIHL is constructed of both reinforced normal and dense, concrete. The floor plan'is shown in Figure 2.1. The laboratory consists of four rectangular hot cells, backed by decontamination rooms for examining high-level radioactive material, and of a building structure surrounding the cells to provide office space, an operating gallery, operations support, a markup area, and a service gallery.

Hot-cell operations are conducted from the operating gallery, where the in-cell equipment is remotely operated. The manipulators, analytical equipment, and controls for the various cell operations are located in this area. The cells are serviced from the service gallery, located to the rear of the hot cells.

Separating cells and service gallery are the decontamination rooms, where equipment is decontaminated prior to removal from the cells to the hot storage area. The decontamination rooms also serve as contamination control areas between the cells and the service gallery. A hot-storage area is provided for contaminated equipment. Also connected with the service gallery is a hot manipulator repair room for servicing low-level, radioactive contaminated equipment. In addition, controlled environment glove boxes are available for use with radioisotopes and low-level radiation operations. A machine shop and markup area allow fabrication and markup of remotely operated equipment prior to installation in the cells. The facility also includes-change rooms, a photographic laboratory, and office areas.

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4N Fig. 2.1 Facility layout of RIllL. Source: ER, AI-75-46, Fig. VI-10.I

All cell doors are provided with inflatable seals to minimize leakage around the doors and between the areas. Under normal operating pressures, leakage around the doors is essentially prevented. With all doors shut and sealed, each cell and decontamination room can be operated independently. For example, the oxygen content of the atmosphere in Cell 3 can be reduced by using a nitrogen purge, whereas normal cell ventilation is used in Cells 2 and 4; or Cells 2 and 4 can be entered while an examination is proceeding in Cell 3.

There is no pressurized water supply in the main cells. A nitrogen atmosphere (less than 5% oxygen) is used to suppress, control, and extinguish fires. Water to Cell 1 for the cleaning of metallographic supplies is provided by a flexible tube through a shielded cell access port. All pressure fittings and controls are mounted external to the cell.

Research and Development Operations in RIHL The specific operations performed in the cells vary depending on the current needs and changing program requirements; the work is principally research and development. Thus, only general techniques and types of operations typical to hot-cell operations are listed. The various capabilities for the cell block areas are listed below.

1. Cell 1
a. Preparation samples of irradiated material for metallography
b. Microhardness testing
c. Microscopic measurements
d. Preparation and replication of samples for electron microscopy
e. Autoradiography on mounted samples
2. Cell 2
a. Material testing (1) Tensile testing (2) Stress-rupture and creep (3) Testing (4) Fatigue testing
b. NaK and sodium distillation
c. Visual examination
d. Density measurements
e. Dimensional measurements
f. Minor component disassembly
g. Fission gas collection
h. Isotope encapsulation
3. Cell 3
a. Disassembly cell for irradiated materials
b. Sample preparation
c. Elox equipment
d. Cutoff wheel 2-3
e. Waste packaging
f. Visual examination
g. Stereomicroscopic examination
h. Dimensional measurements
i. Cask unloading
4. Cell 4
a. Hydrogen analysis
b. Profilometer measurements
c. Annealing studies
d. Permeation testing
e. Major component disassembly and repair
f. Visual examination
g. Stereomicroscopic examination
h. Fuel canning
i. Dimensional measurements J. Waste packaging
k. Cask unloading and loading
1. Density measurements
m. Gamma spectrometry
n. Autoradiography on capsu'r assemblies 2.2.2 Waste Confinement and Effluent Control 4 Gaseous effluent control The building ventilation systems were principally designed to control airborne contamination. These systems direct the leakage of air from outside of the building into the bain cells. The. airflow is always from an area of lower contamination to an area of higher contamination within the building. This flow pattern is accomplished by successfully reducing the pressure of the atmosphere at each area of higher contamination level. The direction of air leakage is shown in Figure 2.2.

High-Volume Cell Ventilation Ventilation for the four hot cells and decontamination room is provided by a 12,540-cfm constant-volume blower. A.sebond identical blower is located in parallel and is automatically actuated in tFe e<tet of a failure of the primary blower. Both blowers are on an emergency Jow system.

The exhaust from the cells passes thisu a t lters located in each cell and then through filters in the basement. lhe'i,,ters located in the basement are specified to be 99.95% effective for particles >0.8 pm in size, using a standard

" cold" 00P test.

Low-volume cell ventilation is controlled by pressure instruments located in the operating gallery. Under normal conditions (high-volume exhaust) with all cell doors closed and sealed, the pressure in the cells is maintained at >1.5 cm

(>0.6 in.) of water, negative with respect to adjacent areas. The pressure differential ~results is approximately 2.8 to 11.2 m / min3 (100 to 400 cfm) leakage from.the operating gallery into each cell. Because the blower is a~


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constant-volume blower, makeup air to attain the 355 m 3/ min (12,540-cfm) blower capacity is automatically added by a valve in the basement of the facility. A schematic diagram of the system is shown in Figure 2.2 and a flow diagram in Figure 2.3.

Suf ficient ventilation system capacity is provided to create large flow rates into the cells when any cell door or other opening is made. When a cell door is opened, about 113 ma (4,000 fta) of air is exhausted from the cell per minute.

This total corresponds to a flow rate of about 61 linear meter (200 linear feet) per minute through the opening into the cell, a rate adequate to prevent the release of contamination fram the cell into the adjacent decontamination room.

Low Volume Cell Ventilation To supply an inert atmosphere in the cells for fire prevention and the protec-tion of pyrophoric materials, a low-volume ventilation system is provided. This system can maintain a negative pressure in a cell of 0.05 to 0.130 cm (0.02 to 0.05 in.) of water with all doors closed and sealed, although the normal range is a negative 0.25 to 1.30 cm (0.1 to 0.5 in.) of water. This less-than-normal negative pressure results in less air leakage into the cells and reduces the amount of inert gas makeup required to maintain the oxygen content below 5%.

Nitrogen is the only inert gas currently in use. Operations are discontinued if negative pressure is reduced to a value less than 0.130 cm (0.05 in. ) of water. The supply of dry nitrogen to the cell is automatically shut off if the cell negative pressure drops to 0.130 cm (0.05 in) of water with respect to adjacent areas. This safeguard prevents cell pressurization.

General Posted Area Ventilation The general posted area ventilation blower provides exhaust for the hot change room, hot side of the manipulator repair room, hot laboratory, hot shop, and operating gallery. Two identical 648 m 3/ min (22,890-cfm) constant-volume blowers are located in parallel to provide this exhaust. One blower is normally in operation and the second or standby blower is automatically actuated if the first blower fails. Only one of the two blowers is on the building emergency power system. However, unless the blower on the emergency power system is inoperative, the electrical circuit sequence ensures the provision of general building ventilation during a loss of line power.

Figure 2.4 is a floor plan showing the location of all filters located on the main floor. The prefilters on all ventilation systems are changed frequently to extend the life of the high-efficiency filters. In-cell prefilters are changed during every cell cleanup (s8-week intervals) or when the negative pressure in the cell is greater than 1.5 cm (0.6 in.) of water.

Gaseous Effluent Control System The gaseous effluents from the RIHL are discharged to the atmosphere through a 22 m (73-ft)-high stack at a nominal airflow rate of 651 m 3/ min (23,000 ft 3/ min).

The filtration efficiency is about 99.99% for the DOP aerosol used to test the filters. Potential contaminants are the uranium isotopes 234U, 23sU, 23sU, and 238U, thorium, ta7Cs, 90Sr, 90Y, asKr, 129I, and 147Pm. Additional gaseous contaminants include combustion products generated by space heating with natural gas.







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/ FILTER Fig. 2.4. Location of ventilation filters at RIHL. Source: ER, AI-75-46, Fig. VI-13. I

l l

Stack-sampling is performed to permit the measurement of particulate radioactive l material discharged from the facility. A gas monitor is installed in the stack to measure radioactive gas discharges and to indicate accidental criticality of low-energy release occuring within a cell.

The gaseous radioactive releases from this facility for the calendar years 1980 to 1983 are given in Table 2.1. Liquid Effluent Control Radioactive contaminated liquid wastes from all hot-facility drains are collected in one ll-ma (3,000 gal) waste tank in the Holdup Tank Building, located to the east of the RIHL at the perimeter fence line. An attempt is made to absorb or solidify all highly contaminated waste in the cell at the time of generation.

Thus, most of the tank contents are generated during decontamination, using water.

A weir box is used to catch large particles prior to their entering the holdup tanks. In Cell 1 (the metallographic cell), highly acidic and basic solutions are used. A 0.02-m3 (5 gal) baffle tank is provided to separate coarse particles from the liquid prior to release to the holdup tanks. Liquid wastes from the RIHL are combined with waste streams from the Rocketdyne Santa Susana Field Test Laboratory for final solidification and disposed in a licensed burial site.

There is no radioactive liquid wastes released to an uncontrolled area.

Liquid sanitary wastes from the RIHL are treated and combined with the waste water from the Rocketdyne Santa Susana Field Test Laboratories before being released to an uncontrolled area. Solid Wastes Solid wastes remaining af ter decladding of spent reactor fuel are sealed in drums and shipped to the ESG DOE-owned disposal facility for handling and ultimate disposal at an authorized burial site.

Contaminated solid wastes from other licensed activities are accumulated in drums and disposed of by shipments to authorized burail sites or returned to the customer for burial under his license.

2.3 Safeguards Current safeguard requirements are set forth in 10 CFR Parts 70 and 73. The regulations in Part 70 provide for material accounting and control requirements with respect to facility organization, material control arrangements, account-ability measurements, statistical controls, inventory methods, shipping and receiving procedures, material storage practices, records and ' reports, and management control.

The NRC's current regulations in 10 CFR Part 73 provide requirements for the physical security and protection of fixed sites and for nuclear material in transit. Physical security requirements for protecting formula quantities of strategic SNM include (1) establishing and training a security organization (with armed guards), (2) installing physical barriers, and (3) establishing security response and safeguards contingency plans.



Table 2.1 .RI radiological emission values for gaseous effluent * *

' Building.. '

Curies released 1980 1981 1982. '1983

. Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta .

RI; Bldg 020 . 1.'7 x 10 7 '1.7 x 10 5 6.9 x 10 8 1.4 x 10 5' 3.1 x 10 " 1.4 x 10 5 2.4 x 10 8 1.3 x 10 6' RI_ Bldg 055- 8.2 x 10 8 -l.1 x 10 6 5.9 x 10 8 2.0 x 10 6 2.3 x 10 8 1.6 x 10 6 8.0 x 10 8 1.1 x'10 6 "

a Data are.taken from.the ESG Environmental Monitoring and Facility Effluent Annual Report-ESG-83-17 8' .

6 I

4 s

4 t.


The NRC's regulations in 10 CFR Parts 70 and 73, described briefly above, are applied in the reviews of individual license applications. License conditions are imposed to apply specific requirements and limitations tailored to fit the particular type of plant or facility involved.

The licensee has an approved material control and accounting plan and an approved physical security plan that meet the current requirements. It is concluded, therefore, that the safeguards-related environmental impact of the proposed action is insignificant.

2.4 Decommissioning At the end of its operating life, the plant must be decontaminated and decommis-sioned before the site and any plant buildings remaining on the site can be released for unrestricted use. The NRC has prepared a two-volume report 3 ,4 to provide information on the technology, safety, and costs of decommissioning uranium fuel fabricaticn plants. This information is intended to contribute background data for uranium fuel fabrication plant owners and for the NRC in the development of decommissioning plans and to provide the basis for future regulation regarding decommissioning of such facilities.

In accordance with NRC requirements, the applicant prepared and submitted a decommissioning plan, cost estimate, and financial surety, dated March 5,1978, and a supplement, dated October 26, 1978, for inclusion in the license applica-tion. The major guidelines embodied in the plan are as follows:

1. All facilities are to be cleaned to levels established for unrestricted use.
2. Current radiological limits and decontamination technology are to be utilized.
3. All process and ancillary equipment in controlled areas are to be cleaned to the extent' practicable, packaged, and transported to a licensed disposal facility for ourial. If the equipment can be decontaminated to levels established for unrestricted use, it can be released for use.
4. Any contaminated underground piping is to be removed, cleaned to the extent practicable, packaged, and transported to a licensed disposal facility for burial. The ground surrounding such piping is also to be surveyed and removed for disposal if contaminated beyond established limits.

Decommissioning based on the above guidelines and the use of existing prescribed procedures for minimizing radiological and nonradiological contamination should result in insignificant environmental impact during and after the decommissioning operation.

2.5 Staff Evaluation of the Proposed Action and Alternatives The staff has concluded that the denial of license renewal would provide very little in the way of environmental benefits. The staff believes that the method of waste confinement and effluent controls meet all applicable state and federal standards. Generally, the monitoring program for waste releases and environmental 2-11 I


impacts is adequate to detect adverse effects of plant operation and should be continued.


1. Rockwell International, Atomic International Division, Technical Information in Support of the Atomic International Application for Broad Nuclear Materials License - Operating Requirements and Standards (Technical Specifications) for Radiological and Nuclear Safety, AI-75-46, Canoga Park, CA, 1975.
2. Rockwell International, Energy Systems Group, Health and Safety Sections for Renewal Application of the Special Nuclear Materials License SNM-21, Docket No. 70-25, August 25, 1982; Revised February 29, 1984, ESG-82-33.
3. H. K. Eloger and D. E. Blahnik, Technology Safety and Costs of Decommis-sioning a Reference Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant, NUREG/CR-1266, Vol 1, prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory, October 1980.
4. H. K. Eldger and D. E. Blahnik, Technology Safety and Costs of Decommis-sioning a Reference Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant, NUREG/CR-1266, Vol 2, prepared by Pacific Northwest Laboratory, October 1980.


3. THE AFFECTED ENVIRONMENT 3.1 Site Description The RIHL facility is located in the Simi Hills of southeastern Ventura County, Los Angeles, California. Figure 3.1 shows the location of the RIHL facility in Los Angeles. Figure 3.1 also includes the Headquarters facility which is in the process of decommissioning for unrestricted use. There will be no

, licensing activities involving special nuclear materials at the Headquarters site. The RIHL is about 47 km (29 mi) northwest of downtown Los Angeles. The site comprises about 120 ha (290 acres) of varying topography in a relatively isolated mountain setting. The nearest communities are in the Simi Valley

, about 2.7 km (1.7 mi) northwest of the site. Figure 3.2 provides an aerial i

view of the RIHL site. The valley in the left background is the Simi Valley.

The area in the far right background is the western end of the San Fernando Valley. Most of the activities carried out by Rockwell International at the Simi Hills site are performed under contract with the Department of Energy (DOE) and are not subject to licensing. The boundary of DOE-owned or optioned facil-ities is delineated by the dashed line in Figure 3.3. Immediately adjacent to the RIHL site is the Rocketdyne Santa Susana Field Test Laboratory (SSFL). Both areas are controlled by the Rockwell International Corporation and many services and utilities are shared in common. At present, only Building 020 of the approximately 100 buildings at the Simi Hills site is utilized for licensed

! activities. Building 020 contains about 1,980 m 2 (17,800 ft2 ) of floor space.

The operations in Building 055 (the Pu facility) had ceased and will be decontaminated for unrestricted uses.


3.2 Demography The 1980 estimated population distribution within 30 km (50 mi) of the RIHL site is shown in Table 3.1. About 110,000 persens are estimated to live within an 8 km (5 mi) radius of the RIHL site; the nearest resident lives about 2.1 km (1.3 mi) south southeast from the site.2 3.3 Land Use i

RIHL is located in southeastern Ventura County near the~ crest of the Simi Hills at the western border of the San Fernando Valley. The Simi Hills have never supported intensive' farming or development because the terrain is too. rugged and rocky. Consequently, about 73% of the area within an 8 km (5 mi) radius


of the RIHL is undeveloped.3 Where farming is carried out, sweet corn and hay appear to be the primary crops; however, truck farms exist in the Simi Valley 5 km (3 mi) north, and in the Thousand Oaks area 15 km (9 mi) southwest of the site. Dense residential development begins in the San Fernando Valley about 6 km (3.5 mi) east of the RIHL where homes are rapidly replacing the farms .

[ previously located there.

Reservoirs existing near the site are used primarily for irrigation, flood control, and recreation. Chatsworth Reservoir is located at 6.4 km (4 mi)

( east of Building 055. Supplemental city water supplies are drawn from the 3-1 i



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Table 3.1 Population distribution within 80-km of the RI site in 1980 l (34*13'50"N, 118*42'45"W)

Centered Azimuth Direction

! 22. 5* - Toward Sector (deg) 0-1.6 km 1.6-3.2 km 3.2-4.8 km 4.8-6.4 km 6.4-8 km 8-16 km 16-32 km 32-48 km 48-64 km 64-80 km Total N 0 0 0 2,436 3,597 7,682 97 16,387 4,449 730 89 35,467 NNE 22-1/2 0 0 0 8,350 2,468 41 33,977 8,274 3,815 24,562 81,487 NE 45 0 1,209 0 564 0 392 26,411 9,844 4,270 63,563 106,253 w

$ ENE 67-1/2 0 0 0 51 883 45,597 264,064 58,027 10 1,219 369,851 l E 90 0 0 0 2,107 5,661 111,226 405,120 522,360 692,884 581,012 2,320,370 i ESE 112-1/2 0 0 0 548 8,346 53,282 138,131 1,189.218 1,180,366 1,015,060 3,584,951 SE 135 0 0 0 0 0 18,022 80,026 177,617 515,221 200,041 990,927 SSE 157-1/2 0 0 0 113 3,025 0 5.183 0 0 0 8,321 5 180 0 -0 0 0 0 8,876 4,134 0 0 0 13,010 SSW 202-1/2 0 0 0 4,3% 0 10,474 6,638 0 0 0 21,508 SW 225 0 0 0 0 0 15,395 1,125 0 0 0 16,520 WSW 247-1/2 0 0 0 0 0 38,005 58,296 135,222 3,195 0 234,720 W 270 0 0 0 0 0 3,982 28,824 77,255 42,697 13.212 165,970 WNW 292-1/2 0 0 2,914 3,145 14,747 3,237 7,964 12,288 18,433 0 62,728 NW 315 0 0 4,093 13,753 4,001 0 7,861 0 241 618 30,567 NNW 337-1/2 -0 0 0 6,144 3,257 607 1.565 0 0 2,186 13,759 Total 0 1,209 9,443 42,768 50,070 309,233 1,085,708 2,194,554 2,461,862 1,901,502 8,056,409 k

Van Norman Reservoir (12.88 km east-northeast) and the Encino Reservoir (12.8 km southeast) (ER, AI-76-21, p. A-III-1).1 The staff determined that no historic sites 4 are in the region of the RI facilities.

3.4 Geology The RIHL facility is located with the east-west trending structures which comprise the Transverse Ranges of California.5 The mountains and hills in this area resulted f rom the folding and faulting of Tertiary and Cretaceous marine sediments. An alluvial fill of Quadronary age covers the valley floors.

The RIHL is located within the Simi Hills. Local relief at the site is approxi-mately 200 m (600 ft). However, the laboratory facilities are located in a relatively level area. Unconsolidated surficial material in the area generally 1 consists of a 3.3 to 10 m (10- to 30-ft) deposit of alluvium (ER, AI-76-21, p.A-V-1).1 Beneath the alluvium is the Chico formation, an undifferentiated, well-cemented sandstone containing occasional thin beds of shale (ER, AI-76-21,

p. A-V-1). Fractures and faults are common within the Chico formation and are characteristic of the tectonic activity which produced the Simi Hills.

A detailed description of the Chico formation is contained in ER, AI-76-21, Appendix C.t 3.4.1 Seismology The RIHL facility is located within a seismically active region. However, no earthquakes have originated along minor faults in the immediate vicinity of the site (ER, AI-76-21, p. A-V-1).

Major active faults in the region include the San Andreas Fault, Santa Ynez Fault, San Gabriel Fault, and the Inglewood Fault, all of which are some 1 distance away from the site. Historically, four minor (* 3.5 Richter) and five major (> 6 Richter) earthquakes have been recorded along these faults within 96 km (60 mi) of the RI facility (ER, AI-76-21, pp. A-V-1 and A-V-2).

The 1971 San Fernando earthquake occurred along the San Gabriel Fault and registered a magnitude of 6.6 on the Richter scale. No damage occurred at the NDFL facility, which was located 32 km (20 mi) from the epicenter (ER, AI-75-46,

p. IV-28).

3.5 Local Hydrology The RIHL is located generally within the Bell Creek drainage system, a tributary of the Los Angeles River.6 Discharge from the facility includes treated sewage effluent and surface runoff. Surface water moves via a system of drainage ditches and catch ponds to a retention pond. The treated sewage effluent is also discharged in the retention pond. Water in the retention pond is usually reused as process water; however, occasional overflow is discharged into Bell Creek. Additionally, during periods of excessive runoff, some overflow from the catch ponds may be discharged into the Simi Valley through normally dry channelways (ER, AI-75-46, p. IV-25).8 3-6

- - - .. . - = _ . _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - .- .- .-- - __

3.5.1 Ground Water At the RIHL site, groundwater movement is controlled by the geologic conditions of the underlying Chico formation. Cementation results in a porosity of about 1%, and water generally occurs along the fault plains, fractures, and joints within the formations (ER, AI-76-21, p. C-5).1 Apparently, the groundwater is I contained under perched conditions with minimal movement through the formation.

Any movement of groundwater from the RIHL site would be toward the Simi Valley.

According to the applicant, discharge into the groundwater is too small to produce flow into the Simi Valley (ER, AI-76-21, p. A-IV-1).3 3.5.2 Surface Water There are no natural surface water bodies, such as ponds, lakes, or streams, at the RIHL site. However, there is a surface water drainage system composed of catch ponds and open drainage ditches that leads to a single retention pond 4

at SSFL. The surface water at the RI facility is derived from rain fall, 2

industrial wastewater, and recycled rocket engine exhaust coolant originating from the adjacent Santa Susana site, 4

3.6 Meteorology and Climatology 3.6.1 General Climatology 2

] The climatology of the site is typical of a semiarid region. The weather patterns are controlled principally by the position of the semipermanent pacific high pressure cell located off the west cost of North America. The average mean rain fall is 44.8 cm (17.4 in.); 95% of the total falls between November and April. As a result of the climate, there are no all-season

! rivers and streams in the valley, and precipitation runoff is controlled by l the use of storm drains and channels.

4 3.6.2 Atmospheric Dispersion

! The annual average relative concentration (X/Q) values fer the RI site were calculated using 1 year (1976) meterological data collected at the RI facility on Simi Ridge. Table 3.2 provides X/Q values at selected distances for j 16 directions from the plant for continuous ground-level releases.2

3.7 Flora and Fauna J

l 3.7.1 Terrestrial The natural vegetation of the Simi Hills is chaparral, a plant community of

very dense vegetation of broad-leaved evergreen shrubs, dominated by either chamise, or manzanita, and California lilac; numerous other shrub species are subdominant. In the past, much of the Simi Hills crest was semibarron, whereas the crest and the remaining upland areas were covered by chaparral dominated by chamise chaparral or costal sagebrush. Open grass lands occurred primarily I on the lower southeast slopes and oak woodland appeared only in the canyons near ephemeral streams, i


TABLE 3.2 Annual average relative concentrations (s/m )3 based on continuous ground-level release and one year of onsite meteorological data, RI facility, Chatsworth, California Distance (km)

Sector 0.8 1.6 3.2 6.4 16 40 80 l N 5.9-6tl. 1.8-6 6.3-7 2.4-7 7.0-7 2.2-8 9.4-9 NNE 4.0-6 1.2-6 4.2-7 1.6-7 4.6-8 1.5-8 6.2-9 NE 2.5-6 7.5-7 2.5-7 9.2-8 2.7-8 8.5-9 3.6-9 ENE 2.0-6 6.0-7 2.0-7 7.5-8 2.2-8 6.9-9 3.0-9 E 1.5-6 4.6-7 1.6-7 5.8-8 1.7-8 5.4-9 2.3-9 ESE 1.5-5 4.5-6 1.6-6 5.9-7 1.7-7 5.4-8 2.3-8

SE 2.8-5 8.7-6 3.0-6 1.1- 6 3.3-7 1.0-7 4.5-8 SSE 1.6-5 5.1-6 1.8-6 6.7-7 2.0-7 6.2-8 2.6-8
S 5.1-6 1.6-6 5.6-7 2.1-7 6.2-8 1.9-8 6.3-9 l SSW 3.3-6 1.0-6 3.5-7 1.3-7 3.8-8 1.2-8 5.2-9 4 SW 1.7-6 5.1-7 1.7-7 5.8-8 1.6-8 5.2-8 2.3-9

) WSW 3.9 1.2-6 4.2-7 1.6-7 4.6-8 1.4-8 6.2-9 i W 6.1-6 1.9-6 6.8-7 2.6-7 7.6-8 2.4-8 1.0-8

] WNW 3.8-5 1.2-5 4.1-6 1.5-6 4.6-7 1.4-7 6.1-8 NW 6.9-5 2.2-5 7.5-6 2.8-6 8.4-7 2.6-7 1.1-7 I NNW 3.7-5 1.2-5 4.0-6 1.5-6 4.5-7 1.4-7 6.0-8 4

Scientific notation:

ti 5.9-6 = 5.9 x 10 8 i

Currently, most of the Simi Hills area is dominated by an oak woodland with i_ undergrowth of grass or sage species. Canyon vegetation is dominated by shrub i willow, California bay and broom; no oaks are evident. The chamise chaparral has evidently been replaced by oak woodland, suggesting that success at fire-I suppression activities has allowed the fire-tolerant chaparrel vegetation to j be replaced by the less fire-tolerant oaks and sages.

1 Animals of rural cismontane costal areas would likely be present at the Simi Hills site as well as would animals characteristic of the coastal sage, chaparral, and oak woodland. These include mule deer, gray fox, and bobcat; several kinds of rodents; quail, and scrub jays; smaller birds of the tit and wren variety; and various reptiles including lizards and rattlesnakes.

3.7.2 Aquatic Because there is no natural surface water at the RI site, there are no resident populations of aquatic biota. Bell Canyon, although containing flowing water during periods of heavy rain fall (December through March), is merely a dry i natural channel during most of the year. Therefore, it does not sustain a permanent population of'the aquatic biota. There is no information available on aquatic biota that may be present in Bell Canyon during periods of flow.

i 3-8

_ - . - _. . .- .= -

. 3. 8 Radiological Characteristics (Background}

3.8.1 Total-Body Dose Rates Based on U.S. Environmental Protection Agency data,7 the total-body dose rate from natural background radiation in the vicinity of Los Angeles is expected to be on the same order as that for California in general, that is, 115 milli-rems / year (40 millirems / year f rom cosmic rays, 50 millirems / year from terrestrial radiation, and 25 millirems / year from internal emitters).


1. Rockwell International, Atomics International Division, Environmental Impact Assessment of Operations at Atomics International Under Special Nuclear Materials License No. SNM-21, AI-76-21, Canoga Park, CA, 1976.

1 l

2. The Effects of Natural Phenomena on the Atomics International Nuclear Materials Development Facility at Santa Susana, California, Docket No. 70-25, NUREG-0867, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, December 1981.
3. Rockwell International, Atomics International Division answers to

" Questions Relative to Environmental Reports of Atomics International's Nuclear Fuel Facilities at Los Angeles, California," Canoga Park, CA, December 1976.

4. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, The National Register of Historic Places, Superintendent of Documents, Washington, DC, 1972, Supplement 1974.
5. W. D. Thornbury, " Regional Geomorphology of the United States," John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 1965, pp. 545-46.
6. J. D. Moore, Rockwell International, Atomics International Division,

" Atomics International Environmental Monitoring and Facility Effluent Annual Report 1974," AI-75-31, Canoga Park, CA, 1974, p. 14,

7. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency " Estimates of Ionizing Radiation Doses in the United States 1960-2000," 09P/CSD 72-1, Rockville, MD, i August 1972, pp. 8-12.
8. Rockwell International, Atomics International Division, Technical Information in Support of the Atomics International Application for Broad Nuclear Materials License, AI-75-A6, June, 1975.

I l


4. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF PROPOSED LICENSE RENEWAL 4.1 Monitoring Programs 4.1.1 Effluent Monitoring Program Radiological Gaseous Although operations in Building 055 have ceased, air sampling is performed 4 continuously at Building 055 and the RIHL (Building 020). The air samples are
analyzed for gross alpha and gross beta activity. Table 4.1 summarizes the average annual releases of gross alpha and beta activities from Buildings 020 and 055.

. Table 4.1 RI facility average radiological emission values for gaseous

effluent (from 1980-1983)

Building Average annual curies released Alpha Beta

. Bldg 020 7.4 x 10 8 1.2 x 10 5 Bldg 055 6.1 x 10 8 1.3 x 10 6 Liquid

' There are no radioactive liquid effluents released to the environment from Building 020. Any liquid wastes generated are stored in a hold-up tank. The wastes are sampled for gross alpha and beta activities before combining with 4

waste streams from the SSFL for final solidification and disposed in a licensed burial site. Nonradiological Gaseous There are no biologically significant atmospheric effluents released from the


' RI facility, and no monitoring is required by the State. The staff concurs that no monitoring is necessary.

Liquid The Santa Susana Field Test Laboratory wastewater retention pond receiving

, effluent from RI facilities is sampled at least weekly. Samples are collected 4-1

on a monthly basis by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, which analyzes them in its own laboratory. When overflow is to be discharged

--during and immediately following periods of heavy rainfall or Rocketdyne rocket engine testing -- the Department is nrtified of the time and amount of release, and'its approval is obtained. Grab samples are collected at this time and sent to an independent analytical chemistry laboratory for analysis.

The results of the analyses are then sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region No. 4, to verify that the released water meets the contamination limits set forth in Order No.76-146, NPDES No. CA0001309. A copy of the NPDES permit and its monitoring requirements are shown in Appendix A of this report.

4.1.2 Environmental Monitoring Program Radiological Gaseous Continuous air samples are collected at various locations and analyzed for gross alpha and beta activities. Figure 4.1 shows the locations of the air sampling stations.

Water Surface water samples are taken at the RI site and from Bell Creek. The water samples are 1-liter grab-type samples, which are evaporated to dryness; the residual salts are redisolved in distilled water, dried, and counted for alpha and beta radiation. Sampling locations are shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2.

Onsite environs of the RI facilities are sampled monthly, whereas similar offsite samples are obtained quarterly.

Soil and Vegetation Soil samples are taken from the top 1.3 cm (1/2-in.) layer of undisturbed ground. After laboratory preparation, the samples are counted for alpha and beta radiation. Sampling locations are shown in Figures 4.1 and 4.2. The onsite environs are sampled monthly, the offsite environs quarterly. In addition, duplicate soil samples taken at onsite and offsite routine sampling locations are analyzed semiannually for plutonium. The soil samples are analyzed for increasing radioactivity beyond the natural variability of the general background level established.

Vegetation samples are taken as an adjunct to the soil samples and are analyzed to determine uptake of radioactivity by the plants. These plants do not contribute to the human food chain, nor are there significant agriculture or grazing operations in the immediate neighborhood of either site. Wherever possible, the vegetation samples are taken in the field of.the same perennial plant types. Ordinarily, plant root systems are not analyzed. The dry / ash weight ratio of the plant samples is used for the determination of the equivalent dry-weight grass radioactivity concentration value. As with the soil, for ambient air water samoles, only the determination of alpha and beta radiation is made. Specific radionuclides are not identified unless a significant increase in radioactivity levels is observed.


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Fig. 4.2. Map of RI sampling stations. Source:

ER, AI-76-21, Fig. B-XIII-3.I

Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Ambient gamma radiation monitoring is performed utilizing thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLDs) as shown in Figure 4.1. The TLDs are analyzed on a quarterly basis. Nonradiological Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination (NPDES) Permit issued by the State of California, RI is required to monitor nonradiological parameters at the point of discharge. A copy of the current NPDES permit is shown in Appendix A.

4.1.3 Conclusion The staff has reviewed the effluent and environmental monitoring data from the EGS's annual reports.2 The results indicate that the operations from the ESG's facility do not contribute an adverse effect to the general environment.

A copy of the current ESG's annual report on effluent and environmental moni-toring results is shown in Appendix B of this report.

The staff also concludes that the existing monitoring program which has been i

established and planned for the RI facility is adequate to measure the impact of plant effluents on the environment.

4.2 Direct Effects and Their Significance 4.2.1 Air Quality There are no biologically significant atmospheric effluents released from the RI facility. Trace quantities of radioactive effluents are released from routine operations in the R1 facility. Radiological impacts are discussed in Section 4.2.6.

4.2.2 Land Use There are no plans for expansion of the RI facility. In addition, the current licensed activities are much reduced than in the past year. Therefore, no additional impact on land use will result from license renewal.

4.2.3 Water Use Because there are no planned discharges of radioactive polutants into uncon-trolled areas from the RI facilities, no exposure from aquatic sources is anticipated.

Because there are no natural surface water bodies at RI sites, there is no present or potential aquatic impact onsite. Potential aquatic impact could occur offsite, however, from the release of pollutants during discharge of RI ,

wastewater to the Bell Canyon -- and thence to the Los Angeles River Channel --

from the retention pond located at the adjoining Santa Susana Field Test Laboratory (SSFL). In addition to receiving all rain fall runoff, the reten-tion pond also receives secondary-treated sewage effluent from all DOE facill- -

ties at RI as well as composited wastewaters from SSFL. The impounded water 4-5 l

is reused on a normal basis for industrial purposes, for example, cooling and fire protection. The pond lies at the head of Bell Canyon, which forms the natural drainage pathway to Los Angeles River Channel. Offsite discharge occurs as a result of overflow during and immediately following periods of heavy rain fall (December through March) or during extended periods of rocket engine testing at SSFL when an abundance of water is used for rocket engine exhaust' cooling.

Offsite discharge of this wastewater is controlled by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto. The permit, NPDES No. CA0001309, was renewed on September 27, 1976, and supersedes all previously held permits for wastewater discharge from the Rocketdyne Division, SSFL. It was issued and is enforced by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region. A monitoring program is conducted to ensure compl-iance with NPDES permit limitations assigned to selected pollutants. The compliance history with the NPDES permit limitations has been good and there is no significant impact from the discharge of nonradioactive constituents in waste water to unrestricted areas.

4.2.4 Noise From the description of activity at the RI facility and the far distance of the nearest resident from the Santa Susana site, the staff does not anticipate any noise effect from the licensed RI operation.

4.2.5 Appearance - Visual Impact The RI site cannot be considered consonant with its natural surroundings. It has been built in relatively straight lines across a rocky uneven plateau, which is dotted by sandstone bolders and cost live oaks. The exterior of the buildings is composed of utilitarian corrugated metal and cinder block con-sistent with a more industrailized urban area. However, none of these instal-lations is visible from either the San Fernando or Santa Susana Valleys below, or from the road leading to the RI property; thus, the staff believes the visual impact of the RT facility is insignificant.

4.2.6 Radiological Impacts The radiological impacts of the RI facility are assessed by calculating maximum dose to the individual living at the nearest residence (or the resident having the highest dose) and to the local population living within an 80-km (50-mi) radius of the plant site. Except where specified, the term " dose" as referred to in this report is actually a 50 year dose commitment for all internal expo-sures, that is, the total dose to the reference organ that will accrue from 1 year of intake of radionuclides during the remaining lifetime (50 years) of the individual.

" Doses from Airborne Releases Emissions from Building 020 are monitored continuously. Although Building 055 operations have ceased and the facility is being decontaminated, operation-of the ventilation system is required until decommissioning is complete.

4 I i

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Accordingly, the emissions from Building 055 are also continuously monitored.

The average annual release rate from both Buildings, from 1980 through 1983 is shown in Table 4.1. The nearest resident is about 2.1 km (1.3 mi) south southeast from the stacks. The annual average X/Q values were estimated using the Gaussian plume model and diffusion coefficients for Pasquill-type turbulance 3 ,4 and meteorological data obtained onsite in 1976.5 The annual average X/Q value 5 at the nearest resident is estimated to be 4.5 x 10 8 sec/ma . Because the specific radionuclides in the air effluents are not identified, it is conservatively assumed in calculating the maximum annual doses to an individual at the nearest residence that all of the alpha radio-activity measured in the plant effluents of Buildings 020 and 055 is due to Pu-239, and that all beta activity is due to Sr-90 (the two most hazardous radionuclides known to be present in the effluents). Average releases from the combined effluents of the two buildings during 1980-1983 were 1.4 x 10 7 Ci of alpha radioactivity and 1.3 x 10.s Ci of beta radioactivity.

The critical pathway of dose to the nearest resident is expected from direct inhalation. The maximum annual doses from the airborne effluents to an indi-vidual at the nearest residence are shown in Table 4.2. The highest dose of 1.9 x 10 4 millirem /yr is to the kidney. The total-body dose is estimated to be 2.5 x 10 5 millirem /yr, which is negligible compared with the 115 millirem /yr natural background radiation in the vicinity of Los Angeles area. All doses are only a small fraction of the EPA standard for uranium fuel cycle facilities of 25 millirems to the total body, 75 millirems to the thyroid, and 25 millirems to other organs 40 CFR Part 190).

TABLE 4.2 Estimatedb maximum annual dose

  • to an individual at the nearest residence at the RI site Organ dosec (millirems)

Location Total body Bone Kidney Lung RI Facility 2.5 x 10 5 1.7 x 10 4 1.9 x 10 4 3.2 x 10 5 a

A 50 year dose commitment for one year's intake of radionuclides. Dose conversion factors are taken from ORNL/NUREGITM-190/V36 Nearest resident with highest-dose lives at 2300 m in the southeast direction of the RI site. For dose calculation, the staff assumed an 80% occupancy factor at the nearest residence and the plutonium released was in insoluble form (Y compound) and the strontium released was in soluble form (D compound). Population Dose The population dose was determined for the 1980 estimated population distribution within an 80-km (50-mi) radius of the site. Approximately 8.0 x 108 persons live within the 50-mile radius of the RI facility.


As shown in Table 4.3, the annual population total-body dose is 3.5 x 10 3 man-rem. The dose is insignificant compared with a similar total-body popu-lation dose of 8.9 x 105 man-rem resulting from natural background in the Los Angeles area.

b TABLE 4.3 Summary of annual doses

  • to the population from airborne effluents from the RI facility Population dosec (man-rems)

Facility Total body Bone Kidney Lung Al facility 3.5 x 10 3 1,4 4,4 x 10 3 3.5 x 10 3 a

A 50 year dose commitment from exposure to one year of intake of radionuclides.

To population within 50-mile radius of facility.

C Dose calculations include inhalation and ingestion pathways for population within 50-mile radius of facility. Aquatic Because there are no planned discharges of radioactive pollutants into uncontrolled areas of the RI facility, no exposure from aquatic sources is anticipated.

4.3 Indirect Effects and Their Significance 4.3.1 Potential Effects of Accidents The only facility considered in this analysis is the Rockwell International Hot Laboratory (RIHL) in Building 020. The Nuclear Materials Development Facility (Building 055) at the Santa Susana site has ceased operation and will be decontaminated for unrestricted use. In the Hot Laboratory, the staff considers that the potential accident that could result in a maximum offsite effect is from a criticality accident. Another potential accident, such as a fire in the Hot Laboratory is judged to be less significant than a criticality accident since the release rates of fission products are much less in a fire accident than in a criticality accident. Although a criticality accident in the Hot Laboratory is very unlikely, such an accident is postulated and analyzed to estimate its potential effect to the environment.

4.3.2 Accident Criticality In calculating the consequences of accidental criticality, the staff used a value of 1.4 x 1018 fission, an accident condition similar to those described in Regulatory Guide 3.34 (Rev. 1).7 The accident was postulated in Building 020, the Rockwell International Hot Laboratory (RIHL), involving irradiated fissile material which contains an inventory of about 10 Ci 1-131. It was also assumed that 100% of the noble gases and 25% of the halogens were released into the building atmosphere and eventually released to the environment through the 4-8

p. y

i 1

exhausted system. Since the RIHL has installed multiple HEPA filters, it was conservatively assumed that 25% of the halogen would be released to the environs from Building 020.

The atmospheric dispersion factors were evaluated based on Regulatory Guide 3.34, i.e., under adverse meteorological conditions such as F-type of atmospheric stability with a low wind speed of 1 m/sec. The offsite consequences from a postulated criticality accident at the nearest residence are shown in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 Maximum 50 year doseb commitment to the nearest residence from a criticality accident Organs Dose (rem)

Whole-body 0.1 Thyroid 2.0 a

Nearest residence is 2300 m from the accident site.

b Accident parameters and calculations are based on information in Regulatory Guide 3.34 (Rev. 1).7 The criticality consequences were derived using conservative assumptions of instantaneous release from Building 020, and the results, as shown in Tables 4.4, would only create relatively small maximum offsite total body and thyroid doses which are below the levels of the 1-5 rems total-body and 5-25 rems thyroid doses set in the EPA Protective Action Guide (PAG) for emergency planning."

4.3.3 Offsite Accidents Transportation of special nuclear materials is strictly regulated by the U.S.

Departnent of Transportation (ref. 9 and 10 CFR Parts 50, 71), and package design and specificaf. ions must be approved by NRC. Containers must be designed to withstand hypothetical accident conditions applied sequentially in an order specified in the fegulations to determine the cumulative effect on the container being tested. Criteria include free drops, punct'Jres, thermal stress, and water- immersion tests. These tetts, wh ch are more severe than any expected transportation accidents, make the probability of release of contents or accidental criticality.very small. In addition, the applicant must establish, maintain, and execute a quality assurance program (10 CFR Part 71) that satis-fies applicable criteria (10 CFR Part 50) to ensure that all packages are properly prepared for shipment. The special nuclear materials are transported in dedicated vehicles specifically designed for the purpose of assuring nuclear safety and material accountability and security.

I ,

The environmental effects of transportation accidents involving properly packaged radioactive materials have been thoroughly analyzed and documented.10.13 These analyses show that the radiological ris( from transportation accidents involving radioactive materials does not contribute appreciably to the accident 4-9

consequences. The few shipments required would add very little to public injuries or fatalities in case of accidents.


1. Rockwell International, Atomics International Division, Environmental Impact Assessment of Operations at Atomics International Under Special Nuclear Materials License No. SNM-21, AI-76-21, Canoga Park, CA. 1976.
2. Energy Systems Group, Environmental Monitoring and Facility Effluent Annual Reports , ESG-81-17,1980-1983.
3. " Meteorology and Atomic Energy," David H. Slade, Editor, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, July 1968, pp.97-104.
4. Sagendorf, J. F. "A Program Evaluating Atmospheric Dispersion from a Nuclear Power Station," NOAA Tech. Memo ERL-ARL-42, 1974.
5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, The Effect of Natural Phenomena on the Atomics International Nuclear Materials Development Facility at Santa Susana, CA. NUREG-0867, December, 1981.
6. Estimates of Internal Dnse Equivalent to 22 Target Organs for Radionuclides Occurring in Routine Releases from Nuclear Fuel-Cycle Facilites, Vol. III, ORNL/NUREG/TM-190, October 1981.
7. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, " Assumptions Used for Evaluating the Potential Radiological Consequences of Accidental Nuclear Criticality in a Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant," Regulatory Guide 3.34, Rev. 1, July, 1979.
8. EPA-520/1-75-001, " Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Fuclear Incidents," Revision of June,1980.

, 9. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Regulatory and Other Responsibilities As Related to Transportation Accidents, NUREG-0179, Washington, D.C.,

June 1977.

10. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Directorate of Regulatory Standards, Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials to and from Nuclear Power Plants, WASH-1238, December 1972.
11. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Directorate of Licensing, Environmental Survey of the Uranium Fuel Cycle, WASH-1248, Sect. E. Washington, D.C.,

April 1974.

12. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Final Environmental Statement on the Transportation of Radioactive Material by Air and Other Modes, NUREG-0170, Vols. I and 2, Washington, D.C., December 1977.
13. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Environmental Survey of Transportation of Radioactive Materials to and from Nuclear Power Plants, NUREG-75038, Suppl. 1, Washington, D.C., April 1975.

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A-1 ,


3 ,4 ., s .

SYA;1 Of CAttFOGNIA-#tSOUects AGENCY ROMUNO O. GROWN JR., Go,emer CAllFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUAllTY CONTROL BOARD-1,0S ANGELES REGION pouTH seOADWAY, 5U1714027 Ews ANottf 5. CAttrOtNIA 90012 Cist a204460 OCT 2 51976 Rockwell Internatinnal Corporation Rocketdyne Division 6633 Canoga Avenue Canoga Park, California 91304 Attention: Mr. A. R. Bjorkland, Director, Facilities and Industrial Engineering Re: Waste Discharge Requirements (NPDES Permit No. CA0001309)


Reference is made to our letters dated August 20, 1976, and September 16, 1976, which transmitted drafts of tentative requirements for your waste discharge from the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

Parsuant to Division 7 of the Water Code of the State of California, this California Regional Water Quality Control Board, at a public hearin6 held on September 27, 1976, reviewed these tentative requirements, considered all factors in the case, and adopted Order No.76-146 (copy attached) relative to this waste discharge. This Order serves as a permit under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, and expires August 31, 1981. Please note that you must file an application for a new permit at least 180 days in advance of that date.

You are required to implement the. monitoring program as stated in the Monitoring and Reporting Program on the effective date of this Order. Please reference all techni-cal and monitoring reports to our Compliance File No. 6027 Very truly yours, RAYMO J M. HERTEL Executive Officer l l

l cc: See attached mailing list l Lelosures

cc: Environmental Protection Agenef, Region II Attention: Permits Branch U. S. Army Corps of Engineers State Water Resources Control Board, Legal Division Attention: Harry M. Schueller Department of Fish and Game, Region 5 Department of Health, Water Sanitation Section Department of Water Resources Los Angeles County Flood Control District County of Los Angeles, Department of Health Services NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service Central and West Basin Water Replenishment District City of Los Angeles, Department of Water and Power U. S. Fish and Wild Service, Division of River Basin Studies Mr. Dave Einhorn


The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, finds:

1. Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division, discharges wastes from its Santa Susana Field laboratory under waste discharge requirements contained in Order No.74-379 adopted by this Board on November 18, 1974 Order No.74-379 expires on September 26, 1976.
2. Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division, has filed a report of waste discharge and has applied for renewal of its waste discharge requirements and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit.

3 Rockwell International Corporation operates the Santa Susana Field laboratory at a site in the Simi Hills, Ventura' County, California, for research, development and testing f rocket engines and nuclear power plant components. Water is used in test firings for flame deflector cooling, fire suppression, heat exchange equipment, and washdown. Both a fresh water and a reclaimed water system are utilized at the Field Laboratory site.

The site comprises approximately 607 hectares (1,500 acres) with an additional 486-hectare (1,200-acre) southerly buffer zone which has no industrial activities. The Rocketdyne Division occupies the largest portion of the area and is responsible for the overall operation of the fresh water and reclaimed water systems.

4. Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Di 1sion, discharges intermittently up to 7 cubic meters per second, m3 /sec (160 million gallons per day, MGD) of wastes consisting of excess water from its onsite wastewater reclamation system and rainfall runoff which may pick up pollutants from the facilities. The wastes flow via Bell Creek to Los Angeles River, a water of the United States, near the intersection of Bassett Street and Owensmouth Avenue in Canoga Park, above the tidal prism.

Revised 9/10/76

_q_ 8/18/76

I i

Order Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division CA0001309 (Santa Susana Field laboratory) 5 The domestic water and the fresh water for industrial uses ere supplied by Ventura County Water Works District No._8._ Three package-type activated sludge sewage treatment plants provide secondary treatment for a portion of domestic sewage from the facilities and discharge chlorinated sewage effluent to the reclamation reservoirs. Waters from the reservoirs are also reused for indus. trial purposes.

Industrial wastes from test areas are channeled to the individual treatment ponds, and treated and neutralized chemically in these ponds. The effluent is discharged to the water reclamation system.

6. The water reclamation system consists of a series of about 29 individual retention ponds, skim ponds and reservoirs throughout the facilities. Nine of these ponds are lined with gunite to prevent groundwater pollution. An additional sprinkler disposal system is used to maintain zero diccharge to surface waters during dry weather and normal testing. Excess water in the reclamation system due to disproportional use of fresh water or rain water trapped in the ponds results in batch discharges from the two final retention ponds (R2A and perimeter line pond). These batch dis-charges occur intermittently.

7 Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division, also dis-charges rainfall runoff, which may pick up pollutants, from the facilities. The wastes are discharged from two discharge points after running into or bypassing the various ponds in the reclamation system. In each discharge system, part of the surface runoff bypasses the ponds but merges again with the flow from the ponds in the buffer zone before it leaves the property at the following discharge points.

Discharge Designation Latitude Longitude 0

001 34 12'29" 118o42'06" 002 34 12'51" 118 42'16" These points, located about 1,800 meters (6,000 feet) southerly from two final retention ponds, are not accessible for samplin5 due to the rough terrain.

The maximum rainfall during a 24-hour period, based on records for 1959 through 1975, is estimated at about 7 cubic meters per second (160 million gallons per day).

l 1

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Ordcr CA0001309 Rockwall International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division (Santa Susana Fiold Laboratory)

8. Periodic discharges from the Rockwell International Corporation, Atomics International Division facilities at the Santa Susana Field p laboratory to the water reclamation system, may contain minute f(~ quantities of radioactive materials. The exact nature of the material will vary due to the diversity of the All researchcontaining effluents and develop-

-ment work performed at this facility.

any such radioactive material are contained and tested prior to release so that concentrations at the point of entry to the Rocketdyne Division reservoirs do not exceed public health standards established in Title 17 of the California Administrative Code.

9 Effluents discharged from the Rocketdyne Division Propellant Research Area may contain trace quantities of certain toxic material used in the manufacture and testing of various rocket fuels. These toxic materials include, but are not limited to, trace amounts of heavy metals, boron, and fluoride. These effluents are monitored carefully to prevent the discharge of excessive amounts of these materials.

10. The discharger states that surface storage reservoirs are sampled at least once each week to assure suitable quality of water for reuse for industrial purposes or for discharge. Samples at the two discharge ponds are taken prior to any batch discharge and the dis-09534 un charge is pretreated if necessary.

The 4>11. This Order pertains only to the discharge to surface waters.

use of reclaimed water, subsurface disposal and sprinkler system disposal are subject of separate requirements.

12. The Board adopted a Water Quality Control Plan for Los Angeles River Basin on March 10, 1975 The water quality Control Plan contains water quality objectives for Los Angeles River and its tributaries including Bell Creek. The requirements contained in this Order are necessary to assist in meeting those objectives.

13 The beneficial uses of the receiving waters are: groundwater recharge, contact and non-contact water recreation, and (within the tidal prism) industrial service supply, ocean commercial and sport fishing, preservation of rare and endangered species, marine habita1 and saline water habitat.

14. Effluent limitation standards established pursuant to Section 301 o:

the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and amendments thereto are applicable to the discharge.



Crdar Rockwall Intorn:tional Corporation, Rocketdyne Division CA0001309 (Sant0 Bustna Field Laboratory)

The Board has notified the discharger and interested agencies and persons of its intent to prescribe waste discharge requirements for this discharge and has provided them with an opportunity to submit their written views and recommendations.

The Board it a public hearing heard and considered all comments per-taining to the discharge and to the tentative requirements.

This Order shall serve as a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or an.endments thereto, and shall take effect at the end of ten days from the date of its adoption, provided the Regional Administrator, EPA, has no objections.

that IT IS HEREBY ORDERED,ision, Rocketdyne Div Rockwell International Corporation, in order to meet the provisions contained in Division 7 of the California Water Code and regulations adopted thereunder, and the provisions of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and regulations and guidelines adopted thereunder, shall comply with the following:

A. Effluent Limitations

1. Wastes discharged shall be limited to excess water in the water reclamation system, overflow from two final retention ponda and storm runoff only, an proposed.
2. The discharge of an effluent in excess of the following limits is prohibited:

Discharge Limitationn '-

Unit of 30-Day Constituent Measurement Avernrg Maximum Total dincolved solido mg/l ---

950 kg/l 575,520 575,520 lbc/dny 1,267,680 1,267,680 Duopented colido* m6/1 50 150 kg/ day 30,270 90,800 lbs/ day 66,720 200,160 Settleable solids

  • ml/l 0.1 03 ,

BOD 20 C mg/l 20 60 0 kg/ day 12,110 36,320 lbs/ day 26,690 80,070 Oil and grence- /l 10 15 mg/

kg day 6,060 9,080 lbc/ day 13,350 20,020 Chromium mg/l 0.005 0.01 i kg/ day 3.03 6.06 l lbs/ day 6.67 13.4 l Not applicable t~o diochargen containing rainfall runoff during or immediately after periods of rainfull.

Order Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division CA0001309 (Santa Susana Field Inboratory)

Discharge Limitations Unit of 30-Day Constituent Measurement Average Maximum Chloride mg/l --

150 kg/ day 90,800 90,800 lbs/ day 200,160 200,160 Sulfate mg/l --

300 kg/ day 181,590 181,590 lbs/ day 400,320 400,320 Fluoride mg/l -- 1.0 kg/ day 605 605 lbs/ day 1,340 1,340 Boron rg/l -- 1.0 kg/ day 605 605 lbs/ day 1,340 1,340 Burfactants(as MBAS) mg/l --

0.5 kg/ day 303 303 lbs/ day 667 667  !

Residual chlorine mg/l --

0.1 l

l 1

i m

Order Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division CAoool309 (Santa Susana Field Inboratory)

3. The daily discharge rate shall be obtained from the following calculation for any-calendar day:

'N Daily discharge rate = 8.34 $O f C 1

1 in which N is the number of samples analyzed in any calendar day. Q and C are the flow rate.(MGD)+and the constituent concentbationkmg/1) respectively, which are associated with each of the N grab samples which may be taken in any calendar day. If a composite sample is taken, C f is the concentration measured in the composite sample and o g is the average flow rate occurring during the period over which samples are composited.

4. The 30-day average discharge rate shall'be the arithmetic average of all the values of daily discharge rate calculated using the results of analyses of nll samples collected during any 30 consecutive calendar day period. If fewer than four samples are collected and analyzed during any 30 consecutive calendar day period, compliance with the 30-day average rate limitation shall not be determined.
5. The pH of wastes discharged shall at all times be within the range 6.0 to 9.0 6.

phodff.pratureofwastesdischargedshallnotexceed 37.8 C 7 Wastes discharged shall not contain visible oil or grease, and shall not cause the appearance of grease, oil or oily slick, or foam in the receiving waters or on channel banks, walls, inverts or other structures.

8 Wastes discharged shall not cause the formation of sludge deposits.

9. Neither the disposal nor any handling of waste snall cause pollution or nuisance.
10. Wastes discharged shall not damage flood control structures or facilities.
11. Thin discharge shall not cause a violation of any applicable water quality standard for receiving waters adopted by the Regional Board or the State. Water Resources Control Board as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and regulations adopted thereunder. If more stringent applicable water quality standards are promulgated or approved pursuant to Section 303 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, the Board will revise and modify this Order in accordance with such more stringent standards.

In metric units, constant is 86.4.

+ In metric units, flow rate is in cubic meters per second.

Order Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division CAOOOl309 (Santo Susana Field laboratory)

12. Wastes discharged shall not increase the natural turbidity of the receiving waters at the time of discharge.

13 Oil,* oily material, chemicals, refuse, and other wastes shall not be stored or placed where they could be picked up by rainfall and discharged to surface waters.

14. The wastes discharged shall not contain phenols, mercaptans, or other substances in concentrations which would impart taste, odors, color, foaming or other objectionable characteristics to receiving waters.

15 The wastes discharged shall not cause re.ce.iving waters .to._contain any substance in concentrations toxic to human, animal, plant, or fish life.

16. Radioactivity shall not exceed the limits specified in Title 17, Chapter 5, Subchapter 4, Group 3, Article 3, Section 30269, of the California Administrative Code.

17 Sewage discharged to watercourses shall at all times be adequately disinfected. For the purposes of this requirement, the wastes shall be considered adequately disinfe'cted ifethe median number of coliform organisms does not exceed 23 per 100 milliliters. The median value shall be determined from the bacteriological results of the last seven days for which analyses have been completed.

Coliform samples shall be' obtained at some point in the treatment process at a time when wastewater flow and characteristics are most demanding on the treatment facility and disinfection procedures.

18. The average final effluent concentrations shall not exceed 15 percent by weight of tge average sewaSe treatment plant influent concentrations of BOD 5 20 C and suspended solids during periods of discharge.

19 Vastes discharged shall not contain heavy metals, arsenic, or cyanide in concentrations in excess of the mandatory limits con-tained in the current California Department of Health Drinkin5 Water Standards.

I 1

l Ordar i Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division CA0001309 .

(Santa Susana Field Inboratory)

B. Provisions

1. This Order includes the following items of the attached

" Standard Provisions": 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11.

2. This Order includes the following items of the attached

" Reporting Requirements": 1, 5, and 8.


3 This Order includes the attached " General Monitoring and Reporting Provisions."

4. This Order expires on August 31, 1981, and the discharger must file a Report of Waste Discharge in accordance with Title 23, California Administrative Code, not later than 180 days in advance of such date as application for issu-ance of new waste discharge requirements.
5. A copy of these waste discharge specifications shall be maintained at the discharge facility so as to be available at all times to operating personnel.
6. In the event of any change in name, ownership, or control of these waste disposal facilities, the discharger shall notify this Board of such change and shall notify the suc-ceeding owner or operator of the existence of this Order by letter, copy of which shall be forwarded to the Board.

7 Any discharge of wastes at any point (s) other than specifically described in this permit is prohibited, and constitutes a violation of the permit.

I, Raymond M. Hertel, Executive Officer, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true, and correct copy of an Order adopted by the California Regional Water Quality l Control Board, Los Angeles Region, on September 27, 1976.

RAIMUyD M. HEkFKl, EXeCutiVB Officer j

l l

l l

CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD l LOS ANGELES REGION GENERAL MONITORING AND REPORTING PROVISIONS GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS All sampling, sample preservation, and analyses shall be performed in cccordance with the latest edition of " Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for Analysis of Pollutants" promulgated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency. l All chemical, bacteriological, and bioassay analyses shall be conducted et a laboratory certified for such analyses by the State Department of H3 al th. In the event a certified laboratory is not available, analyses performed by a noncertified laboratory will be accepted until May 15, 1977, provided that the laboratory has applied for certification.

Effluent samples shall be taken downstream of any addition to the treatment works and prior to mixing with the receiving waters.

The discharger shall calibrate and perform maintenance procedures on all monitoring instruments and equipment to insure accuracy of measurements, or shall insure that both activities will be conducted.

A grab sample is defined as an individual sample collected in fewer than l 15 minutes.

t A composite sample is defined as a combination of no fewer than eight individual samples obtained over the specified sampling period. The volume of each individual sample is proportional to the discharge flow rate at the time of sampling. The sampling period shall equal the discharge period, or 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, whichever period is shorter.

GENERAL PROV1dIONS FOR REPORTING For every item where the requirements are not met, the discharger shall submit a statement of the actions undertaken or proposed which will bring the discharge into full compliance with requirements at the earliest time cnd submit a timetable for correction.

By January 30 of each year, the discharger shall submit an annual report to the Board. The report shall contain both tabular and graphical summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous year. In addition, the diccharger shall discuss the compliance record and the corrective actions taken or planned which may be needed to bring the discharge into full coupliance with the waste discharge requirements.

Ths discharger shall maintain all sampling and analytical results, including strip charts; date, exact place, and time of sampling; date analyses were performed; analyst's name, analytical techniques used; and results of all analyses. Such records shall be retained for a minimum of three years. This period of retention shall be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge or when requested by the Board. -

(R: vised 6/3/76) G-1 ,

l l

In rsporting tha monitoring date, ths dischargar shall arrange the data in tabular form so that tha data, tha constitunnts, and tha concentrations are readily discernible. The data shall be summarized to demonstrate compliance with waste discharge requirements and, where applicable, shall include results of receiving water observations.

Monitoring reports shall be signed by:

a. In the case of corporations, by a principal executive officer at least of the level of vice-president or his duly authorized representative, if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which discharge originates;
b. In the case of a partnership, by a general partner;
c. In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor;
d. In the case of municipal, state or other public f acility, by either a principal executive officer, ranking elected official, or other duly authorized employee.

Each report shall contain the following completed declaration:

"I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and CorrCCt.

Executed on the day of at .

(Signature (Title)"

The discharger shall mail a copy of each monitoring report to the following:

California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Los Angeles Region 107 South Broadway, Room 4027 Los Angeles, CA 90012 ATTN: Executive Officer l

l l

l R: vised 11/1/75 G-2


1. The discharger shall file with the Board technical reports on self-monitoring work performed according to the detailed specifications contained in any Monitoring and Reporting Programs as directed by the Executive Officer.
2. The discharger shall file a written report with t he Board within 90 days af ter the average dry-weather waste flow for any month equals or exceeds 75 percent of the design capacity of his waste treatment and/or disposal facilities. The discharger's senior administrative officer shall sign a letter which transmits that report and certifies that the policy-making body is adequately informed about it. The report shall include:

Average daily flow for the month, the date on which the instan-tantaneous peak flow occurred, the rate of that peak flow, and the total flow for that day.

The discharger's best estimate of when the average daily dry-weather flow rate will equal or exceed the design capacity of his facilities.

The discharger's intended schedule for studies, design, and other steps needed to provide additional capacity for his waste treat-ment and/or disposal facilities before the waste flow rate equals the capacity of present units. -(


Sections 13260, 13267(b), and 13268, California Water Code) .

3. The discharger shall notify the Board not later than 120 days in advance-of implementation of any plans to alter production capacity of the product line of the manufacturing, producing or processing facility by more than ten percent. Such notification shall include estimates of proposed production rate, the type of process, and projected effects on effluent quality. Notification shall include submittal of a new report of waste discharge and appropriate filing fee.
4. The discharger shall notify the Board of (a) new introduction into such works of pollutants from a source which would be a new source as defined in Section 306 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, if such source were discharging pollutants to the waters of the United States, (b) new introductions of pollutantsinto such works from a source which would be subject to Section 301 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto, if substantial change in the volume or character of pollutants being introduced into such works by a source introducing pollutants into such works at the time the waste discharge requirements were adopted. Notice shall include a description of the quantity and quality of pollutants and the impact of-such change on the substantial change in volume is considered an increase of ten percent in the mean dry-weather flow rate. The discharger shall forward a copy of such notice directly to the Regional Administrator.



! 5. The discharger shall file with the Board a report on waste discharge l at least 120 days before making any material change or proposed change in the character, location or volume of the discharge.

6. This Board requires the discharger to file with the Board, within 90 days after the effective date of this Order, a technical report on his preventive (failsafe) and contingency (cleanup) plans for con-trolling accidental discharges, and for minimizing the effect of such events. The technical report should:

l Identify the possible sources of accidental loss, untreated waste bypass, and contaminated drainage. Loading and storage areas, power outage, waste treatment unit outage, and failure of process equipment, tanks and pipes should be considered.

Evalulate the effectiveness of present facilities and procedures

and state when they became operational.

l Describe facilities and procedures needed for effective preventive and contingency plans.

Predict the effectiveness of the proposed facilities and pro-cedures and provide an implementation schedule containing interim and final dates when they will be constructed, implemented, or operational. (


Sections 13267(b) and 13268, California Water Code.

This Board, after review of the technical report, may establish con-i ditions which it deems necessary to control accidental discharges and to minimize the effects of such events. Such conditions may be incorporated as part of this Order, upon notice to the discharger.

7 The discharger shall submit to the Board, by January 30 of each year, an annual summary of the quantities of all chemicals, listed by both trade and chemical names, which are used for cooling and/or boiler water treatment and which are discharged.

8 The discharger shall submit to the Board, together with the first monitoring report required by this permit, a list of a11 chemicals and proprietary additives which could affect this waste discharge, including quantities of each. Any subsequent changes in types and/or quantities shall be reported promptly.

R-2 l

1. The requirements prescribed herein do not authorize the commission of any cet causing injury to the property of another, nor protect the discharger from his liabilities under federal, state, or local laws, nor guarantee the discharger a capacity right in the receiving waters.
2. The discharge of any radiological, chemical, or biological warfare agent or high level radiological waste is prohibited.
3. The discharger shall require any industrial user of the treatment works to comply with applicable service charges and toxic and pretreatment otandards promulgated in accordance with Sections 204(b), 307, and 308 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto. The discharger shall require each individual user to submit periodic notice (over intervals not to exceed nine months) of progress toward compliance with applicable toxic and pretreatment standards developed pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or amendments thereto. The dis-charger shall forward a copy of such notice to the Board and the Regional Administrator.
4. .The discharger shall permit the Regional Board:

(a) Entry upon premises in which an effluent source is located or in which any required records are kept; (b) Access to copy any records required to be kept under terms and conditions of this Order; (c) Inspection of monitoring equipment or records, and (d) Sampling of any discharge.

5. All discharges authorized by this Order shall be consistent with the terme I

cnd conditions of this Order. The discharge of any pollutant more frequently than or at a level in excess of that identified and authorized by this Order shall constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of this Order.

6 The discharger shall maintain in good working order and operate as efficiently as possible any facility or control system installed by the discharger to achieve compliance with the waste discharge requirements.

7. Collected screening, sludges, and other solids removed from liquid wastes shall be disposed of at a legal point of disposal, and in accordance with the provisions of Division 7.5 of the California Water Code. For the purpose of this requirement, a legal point of disposal is defined as one for which waste discharge requirements have been prescribed by a regional water quality control board and which is in full compliance therewith.

l S-1 '

8. After notice and opportunity for a hearing, this Order may be terminatec or modified for cause, including, but not limited to:

(a) Violation of any term or condition contained in this Order; (b) Obtaining this Order by misrepresentation, or failure to dis-close all relevant facts; (c) A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge.

9. If a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standards or prohibition) is established under Section 307(a) of the Federal Water Pollution Control j Act, or amendments thereto, for a toxic pollutant which is present in the discharge authorized herein and such standard or prohibition is more stringent than any limitation upon such pollutant in this Order, the Board will revise or modify this Order in accordance with such toxic effluent standard or prohibition and so notify the discharger.
10. There shall be no discharge of harmful quantities of oil or hazardous substances, as specified by regulation adopted pursuant to Section 311 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or amendments thereto,
11. In the event the discharger is unable to comply with any of the con-ditions of this Order due to:

(a) breakdown of waste treatment equipment;

] (b) accidents caused by human error or negligence; or (c) other causes such as acts of nature, the discharger shall notify the Executive Officer by telephone as soon as he or his agents have knowledge of the incident and confirm this notification in writing within two weeks of the telephone notification.

The written notification shall include pertinent information explaining reasons for the non-compliance and shall indicate what steps were taken to correct the problem and the dates thereof, and what steps are being 4 taken to prevent the problem from recurring.

12. Supervisors and operators of publicly owned wastewater treatment plants shall possess a certificate of appropriate grade in accordance with regulations adopted by the State W7.Ler Resources Control Board.

i l

.I l

i S-2 i



The discharger shall implement this monitoring program on the effective date of this Order. The first monitoring report under this program is due by December 15, 1976.

Monitoring reports shall be submitted by the dates in the following schedule:

Reporting Period Report Due July-September October 15 October November 15 November December 15 December January 15 January February 15 February March 15' March April 15 April-June July 15 If no flow occurred during the reporting period, the report shall so state.

l Effluent Monitoring A sampling station shall be established for each point of discharge and shall be located where representative samples of that effluent can be obtained.

The location of sampling station (s) and the method of monitoring effluent (s) be reported to the Board by November 15, 1976, for the approval of the Executive Officer.

i l

i T-1

Monitoring and Reporting Program CA0001309 Rockwell International Corporation. Rocketdyne Division (Santa Susana Field Laboratory)

'The following shall constitute the effluent monitoring program:

MinimumE Type of Frequency Constituent Units Sample of Analysis pH pH units grab once per discharge day Temperature C grab once per discharge d6y F

Total waste flow gal / day ---- once per discharge day Total dissolved solids mg/l grab once per discharge day Suspended solids mg/l grab once per discharge day Settleable solids ml/l grab once per discharge day B005200C mg/l grab once per discharge day 011 and grease mg/l grab once per discharge day Chromium mg/l grab once per discharge day Chloride mg/l grab once per discharge day Sulfate mg/l grab once per discharge day Fluoride mg/l grab once per discharge day Boron mg/l grab once per discharge day Surfactants mg/l grab once per discharge day (as MBAS)

Coliform group MPN/100 ml grab once per discharge day Radiation PC1/1 grab once per discharge day Residual chlorine mg/l grab once per discharge day Turbidity TU grab once per discharge day Influent Monitoring A sampling station shall be established at the headworks of each s'ewage treatment plant on the facility where representative samples of sewage influent can be obtained.

Influent monitoring is required only during discharge occurrences. The following shall constitute the influent monitoring program:

Type of Minimum Frequency Constituent Units Sample of Analysis B005 20 C mg/l grab weekly Suspended solids mg/l grab weekly 1/ For rainfall runoff, samples shall be taken during the first 30 minutes of discharge.

During periods of extgnded rainfall, no more than one set of samples per week is required. ,gg.,

w T-2

Monitoring and Reporting Program Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division CA0001309 (Santa Susana Field Iaboratory)

All records and reports are public documents and shall be made available for inspection during business hours at the office of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region.

Ordered by Aw '

I ExecKNeUfficer September 27, 1976 Date T-3

1 l


l APPENDIX B Energy Systems Group Environmental Monitoring and Facility Effluent Annual Report - 1980 B-1

l 1

ESG 81-17 l

ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND FACILITY EFFLUENT ANNUAL REPORT 1980 BY J. D. MOORE APPROVED: Ni 4 R. J. TUTTLE Manager Radiation and Nuclear Safety RockwellInternational Energy Systems Group 8000 De Soto Avenue Canoga Pat k, California 91034 ISSUED: 27 MAY 1981

-. -= - .-. _ _-- .



7 i I. Introduction.......................................................

II. Envi ronmental Moni toring Summa ry Resul ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 A. Radioactive Materials - 1980................................... 17 B. Nonradioactive Ma terial s -- 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 III. Environmental Monitoring Program................................... 27 A. Genera l Des c ri p ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

-B. Sampli ng and Sample Preparation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

1. 5oi1....................................................... 27
2. Vegetation................................................. 34
3. Water...................................................... 34
4. Ambient Air................................................ 35 C. Cou n ti ng and Cal i bra tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 D. Nonradioactive Materials....................................... 38 i

IV. E f f l ue n t Mo ni to ri ng P rog ram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 A. T rea tmen t a nd Ha ndl i ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 B. Energy Systems Group Facili ty Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

1. De Soto Site............................................... 41
2. Santa Susana Field Laboratories Si te. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 i
C. Estimation of General Population Dose Attributable to ESG i '0perations..................................................... 44 i .


A. Comparison of Environmental Radioactivity Data for 1980 with -

, Previous Years................................................. 50 t

B. California Regional Water Quality Control Board . Criteria for l

Discharging Nonradioactive. Constituents from Rocketdyne Division, SSFL..............................'................... 56 i

C. References..................................................... 57

.D. External Distribution.......................................... 15'7 ESG-81-17 3

3- TABLES Page 1-A. . Soil Radioactivity Data - 1980..................................... 18 1-B. Soil Plutonium Radioactivi ty Data - 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

2. Vegeta tion Radioacti vi ty Da ta -- 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3. SSFL Si te - Domestic Wa ter Radioactivi ty Data -- 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4. Bell Creek and Rocketdyne Site Retention Pond Radioactivity D a t a - 19 8 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
5. Amb ien t Ai r Ra di oacti vi ty Da ta -- 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6. De Soto and SSFL Sites -- Ambient Radiation Dosimetry Data - 1980. . . 25
7. Nonradioactive Constituents in Wastewater Discharged to U n re s t ri c te d A rea s -- 19 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
8. Sampl e S ta ti on Loca ti ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
9. Minimum Radioactivity Detection Limits (MDLs)...................... 37 10, Atmospheric Discharges to Unrestricted Areas -- 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
11. Liquid Effluent Discharged to Sanitary Sewer -- 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
12. Su r fa ce W i nd Co nd i ti on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
13. Maximum Downwind Plume Centerline Concentrations of Gaseous Em i s s i o n s -- 19 8 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
14. Population Dose Estimates for Atmospherically Discharged-Emi ssions f rom the De Soto .Fa cili ty - 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
15. Population Dose Estimates for Atmospherically Discharged Emi ss ions from SSFL Facil i ties -- 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 A-1. Soil Radioactivity Data - 1957 Through 1980........................ 51 A-2. Vegetation Radioactivi ty Data -- 1957 Through 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 A-3. SSFL Site' Domestic Water Radioactivity Data - 1957' Through 1980. ... 53 A-4. Bell Creek and Rocketdyne Division: Retention Pond Radioactivity

- Da ta -- 19 66 Th rou g h .19 80. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '54


A-5. Ambient Air Radioactivity Concentration Data - 1957 Through 1980... 55 B-1. NPDES No. CA00-01309, Effective September- 27, 1976................. .56

. :ESG-81-17

4 i

1 h


Page 8

f 1. Energy Systems Group - De Soto Site.................................

Energy Systems Group - Santa Susana Field Laboratories Site. .. . . . . . . 9 2.

Map of Santa Susana Field Labora tories Site Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 3.


4. Map of General Los Angeles Area.....................................
5. Map of Canoga Park, Simi Valley, Agoura, and Calabasas Sampling 28 Stations............................................................


6. Map of De Soto Si te and Vicini ty Sampling Stations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


7. Map of Santa Susana Field Laboratories Site Sampling Stations.......
8. Daily Averaged Long-Lived Airborne Radioactivity at the De Soto 36 and Santa Susana Field Laboratories Sites - 1980. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i j

J-1 i.

l l 1

, 1 i l ESG-81-17



ABSTRACT Environmental and facility effluent radioactivity monitoring at the Energy Systems Group (ESG) of Rockwell International (California operations) is performed by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Group of the Health, Safety and Radiation Services Department. Soil, vegetation, and surface water are routinely sampled to a distance of 10 miles from ESG sites. Continuous ambient air sampling and radiation monitoring by thermoluminescent dosimetry are performed on-site for measuring airborne radioactivity concentrations and site ambient radiation levels.

Radioactivity in emissions discharged to the atmosphere from ESG facilities is continuously sampled and monitored to ensure that levels released to unrestricted areas are within appropriate limits and to identify processes that may require additional engineering safeguards to minimize radioactivity levels in such dis-charges. In addition, selected nonradioactive constituent concentrations in surface water discharged to unrestricted areas are detennined. This report summarizes and discusses monitoring results for 1980.

The random variations observed in the environmental monitoring data indicate that no local source of unnatural radioactive material exists in the environs.

Additionally, the similarity between on-site and off-site results further indi-cates that the contribution to general environmental radioactivity due to opera-tions of ESG is essentially nonexistent.

The environmental radioactivity. reported herein is attributed to natural sources and to fallout of radioactive material from foreign atmospheric testing of nuclear devices.

ESG-81-17 6

f f

I. INTRODUCTION l The Energy Systems Group (ESG) of Rockwell International Corporation has been engaged in nuclear energy research and development since 1946. ESG is cur-rently working on the' design, development, fabrication, and testing of components and systems for central station power plants; on the fabrication of nuclear fuel for test and research reactors; and on the Decontamination and Disposition of Facilities (D&D) program. ' 0ther programs include the development and fabrication of systems for stack gas 592 control, production of gaseous and liquid fuels from coal, and solar and ocean thermal energy development.

The administrative, scientific research, .and manufacturing facilities (Fig-ure 1) are located y Canoga Park, California, approximately 23 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. The r.ite is level, typical of the San Fernando Valley floor. Certain nuclear programs, under licenses issued by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and the State of California, are conducted here. These include (1) Building 001 uranium fuel production facilities and (2) Building 004 analyti-cal chemistry laboratories ant 'a gamma irradiation facility. The 290-acre Santa I

Susana Field Laboratories (SSIL) ' site (Figure 2) is located in the Simi Hills of Ventura County, appro@ately 23 miles. northwest of downtown Los Angeles. The SSFL site, situated in rugged terrain ty'pical of mountain areas of recent geolog-ical age, is underlain by the' Chico formation, which is Upper Cretacious in age.

The site may be described aFan irregular plateau sprinkled with outcroppings above the more level patches, and with peripheral eroded gullies. Elevations of the site vary from 1650 to 2250if t above sea level. The surface mantle consists of sand and clay soil on sandstone. Bnth Department of Energy (DOE) and ESG ownedfacilitiessharethis, site,sh[wninFigure3. The SSFL also'contains facilities in which,nuclyar operations licensed by NRC and the State are con-ducted. The licensed flcilities include;f (1) the Rockwell International Hot Laboratory (RIHL)l building 020; (2) the Nucidar Materials Development Facility-(NMDF), Building 055; (3) a neutron r$dfography facility containing the L-85 nuclear examination ,and research reactor, Building 093; and (4) several X-ray and j

radioisotope radiog9aphy inspection facilities. The location of these sites in relation to nearby cominunities is shown in Figure 4.

ef ESG-31-17 7

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Figure 4. Map of General Los Angeles Area (Copyright Automobile Club of Southern California. Reproduced by permission)

Also included within the SSFL site is an 82-acre government-optioned area where DOE contract activities are conducted, primarily by the nonnuclear Energy Technology Engineering Center (ETEC). The major operational nuclear installation within the optioned area is the Radioactive Material Disposal Facility (RMDF),

Buildings 021 and 022. This facility is used for packaging wastes generated as a result of the D&D program, begun in 1975. Several deactivated nuclear reactor and support facilities, all within the optioned area, are affected by the D&D program. Currently involved are several facilities that had been used for SNAP (Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power) reactor test operations, Buildings 024 and 059, and the Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE), Building 143. No fissile material is located at any of these facilities.

Licensed programs conducted during 1980 included: (1) commercial operation of the L-85 reactor for central station power plant operator training and for neutron radiography inspection of precision forgings, castings, and electronic and explosive devices for manufacturing defects; (2) the operation of the RIHL for nuclear reactor fuel and system component examination and the fabrication of sealed radiation sources; and (3) the operation of nuclear fuel manufacturing facilities for the production of experimental and test reactor fuel involving enriched uranium, and the development of processes for the fabrication of advanced fuels.

The basic policy for control of radiological and chemical hazards at ESG requires that, through engineering controls, adequate containment of such mate-rials be provided and that, through rigid operational controls, facility effluent


releases and external radiation levels be reduced to a minimum. The environmen-tal monitoring program provides a measure of the effectiveness of the Group safety procedures and of the engineering safeguards incorporated into facility designs. Specific radionuclides in facility effluent or environmental samples are not routinely identified due to the extremely low radioactivity levels nor-mally detected, but would be identified by analytical cr radiochemistry techniques if significantly. increased radioactivity levels were observed.

ESG-81-17 14

In addition to environmental monitoring, work area air and atmospherically discharged emissions are continuously monitored or sampled, as appropriate. This provides a direct measure of the effectiveness of engineering controls and allows remedial action to be taken before a significant release of hazardous material l Can occur.

Environmental sampling stations located within the boundaries of ESG sites are referred to as "on-site" stations; those located within a 10-mile radius of a site are referred to as "off-site" stations. The on-site environs of the De Soto and SSFL sites are sampled monthly to determine the concentration of radioactivity in typical surface soil, vegetation, and water. Soil is sampled on-site semiannually for plutonium analysis. Similar off-site environmental samples, except for plutonium analysis, are obtained quarterly. Continuous on-site and off-site ambient air sampling provides information concerning long-lived airborne particulate radioactivity. On-site ambient radiation monitoring utiliz-ing thermoluminescent dosimetry (TLD), begun in 1971, measures radiation levels in i

the environs of both the De Soto and SSFL sites and at several off-site locations.

Nonradioactive wastes discharged to unrestricted areas are limited to liquids released to -sanitary sewage systems and to s.Pface water drainage systems. No

-intentional releases of any liquid pollutants are made to unrestricted areas.

! Liquid wastes generated at the De Soto site are discharged into the city sewage system. This effluent is sampled to determine radioactivity. Sanitary sewage from all DOE and ESG facilities at the SSFL site is treated at an on-site sewage plant. The plant outfall drains into retention pond R-2A, located on the adjoin-ing Rocketdyne Division site. The surface water drainage system of the SSFL is composed of catch ponds and open drainage ditches leading to retention pond R-2A.

Water from the pond may be reclaimed as industrial process water, or it may be released off-site into Bell Creek, a tributary of the Los Angeles River. The pond is monitored at discharge for-radioactive and nonradioactive pollutants by Rocketdyne Division as required by' discharge permits issued to Rocketdyne by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board.

1 ESG-81-17 15

This report summarizes environmental monitoring results for 1980. A compar-ison of 1980 radioactivity results with results from previous years appears in Appendix A.

ESG-81-17 16 t




The sampling and analytical methods used in the environmental monitoring program for radioactive materials are described in Section III.

The average radioactivity concentrations in local soil, vegetation, surface water, and ambient air for 1980 are presented in Tables 1 through 5. In calcu-lating the averaged concentration value for the tables, those individual samples having radioactivity levels less than their minimum detection levels (MDL) are assumed to have a concentration equal to the MDL. This method of data averaging, required by DOE Manual Chapter 0513, affords a significant level of conservatism 4 in the data, as c'.ident in the tables, in that most radioactivity concentrations are reported as "less than" (<) values. Thus, for measurements in which some apparent radioactivity concentrations are below the MDL, the true averaged _value

is actually somewhat less than the value reported.

The maximum level of radioactivity detected for a single sample is reported because of its significance in indicating.the existence of a major episode or area-wide location of radioactive material deposition. None of the maximum observed values, which occurred randomly during the year as shown in the tables, shows a great increase over the average values beyond natural ~ variability. The ambient air sampling data show no greatly increasing or decreasing trends for most of the year and can be described as generally constant with some increase in local airborne radioactivity levels occurring during the fourth quarter.

l The results reported in Tables 1-A and 2 show no significant difference between on-site: and off-site samples. Table 1-B shows _no significant variation in soil plutonium concentrations for the 1980 sample sets. The detected activity is due to a variety of naturally occurring radionuclides, and to radioactive fallout resulting from dispersal of nuclear weapons materials and fission pro-l ducts by atmospheric testing. One atmospheric test in.the northern hemisphere r

[ ESG-81-17 l

17 in 1 =e

TABLE 1-A S0ll RADI0 ACTIVITY DATA - 1980 Gross Radioactivity (uCi/g)

Maximum Observed No. Annual Average Value Value* and Area Activi ty Samples (95% Confidence Level) Month Observed

-7 a 144 (6.0 1.5) 10-7 11.4 x 10 (January)

On Site 11.0 x 10-5 8 144 (2.4 0.1) 10-5 (January)

-7 a 48 (5.6 1.5) 10-7 10.3 x 10 (April)

O U Site 8 48 (2.3 0.1) 10-5 3.0 x 10 -5 (October)

  • Maximum value observed for single sample.

r TABLE 1-B S0Il PLUT0NIUM RADI0 ACTIVITY DATA - 1980 9 July 1980 Survey Results 22 December 1980 Sur'vey Results 238 238 Sample Pu Pu239 + Pu240 Pu Pu239 + Pu240 Location (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (uCi/g)

-9 5-56 ( 0.7 2.4) 10-9 (0.5 1.3) 10-9 (-0.8 1.4) 10-9 (13.0 3.0) 10

-9 S-57 ( 1.4 3.4) 10 (9.5 4.8) 10-9 (-0.3 2.3) 10-9 ( 5.6 1 3.2) 10-9

-9 -9 S-58 (-0.2 2.4) 10-9 (1.6 2.0)'10 ( 0.4 3.1) 10-9 ( 9.9 4.6) 10 S-59 (-1.2 2.3) 10-9 (8.2 3.8) 10-9 (-0.8 2.1) 10-9 ( 4.2 2.7) 10-9

- S-60 (-1.1- -1.9) 10-9 (1.7 1.8) 10-9 (-1.6 1.7) 10-9 (29.5 6.5) 10-9 Note: Minus (-) indicates sample value less than reagent blank.

'ESG-81-17 18

-.-.__.m- _ _ _

r .

7 40

'was announced during 1980. Naturally occurring radionuclides include Be , K ,

87 147 , and the uranium and thorium series (including the inert gas radon Rb , Sm and its radioactive daughters). Radioactivity from fallout consists primarily 235 239 of the fission products Sr90 , y90 , Cs 137 , and Pm 147 and also U , and Pu ,


Gross Radioactivity (pCl/g)  % of

  1. Sh P $

Area Activity Dry Weight k ity 3 ,, Maximum Yalue* <MDL Annual Average Annual Average Value and Month Value (95% Confidence Level) Observed 8

.a. 144 (<3.1 2 2.1).10 (<2.5 i 1.7) 10~7 1.3 x 10-6 46 On Site (Janua ry) 8 144 (2.1 t 0.04) 10-5 (1.60 0.03)Ib'4 2.71 x 10 0 I (November)

-8 S.2 x 10*7 44 a 48 .(<4.2 2 3.3) 10 (<l.9 2 1.5) 10*7 i Off Site -5 (October)

! 6 48 (3.120.06)10 (1.42 1 0.03) 10-4 2.21 x 10'4 0 (January)

' Maximum value observed for single sample.


) (pCi/ml)'


  • i- . No. Average Value Value and Area Activi ty Samples .(95% Confidence Level) Month Observed

! ESG-SSFL a 24 (<2.2 2.7) 10-10. <2.2 x 10-10 l (100% <MDL)

I 6 24 (2.4- 0'.7)-10-9 3.4 x 10-9 (February)

  • Maximum value observed for single sample.

I r

t 4

e ESG-81-17 19:

. . = . . -_- . -.

- TABLE 4 BELL CREEK AND ROCKETDYNE SITE RETENTION POND RADI0 ACTIVITY DATA - 1980 Gross Radioactivity Concentration Area Activity 9,"pj,, Average Value Maximum *

% of t Samp (95% Value and Guide with Activity Confidence Level) Month Observed Bell Creek o 12 (5.121.4)10*7 9. 3 x 10*I NA 0 Mud No. 54 (February)

(pC1/g) 8 12 (2.3 2 0.1) 10-5 3 0 x 10-5 NA 0

( Februa ry)

Pond R-2A o 12 (5.121.4)10'7 7.4 x 10'7 NA 0 Mud No. 55 tDecembery (pC1/g) 8 12 (2.2t0.1)10-5 2.4 x 10' NA 0 (Jan & Nov)

Bell Creek n 12 (< 1. 8 2 1. 5) 10'I 3.6 x 10'I NA 42 Vegetation (February)

No. 54 8 12 (1.50 t 0.03) 10'4 2.22 x 10'4 NA 0 (pCi/g-ash) (January)

Bell Creek Vegetation a 12 (< 3.1 t 2.6) 10-8 1.1 x 10'I NA 42 No. 51 (February 4

j (pC1/g 8 12 (2.420.1)10-5 4.4 x 10'g NA 0 dry weight) ( February)

-10 <2. 3 x 10-10 <0.005 100 Bell Creek a 12 (<2.322.7)10 Water No. 16 (5)

(pr.1/ml) 8 12 (2.910.8)10'9 5.2 x 10'9 1.0 '0 (October)

Pond Water n 12 (<2. 3 2 2.7)10-10 <2 3 x 10-10 <0.005 100 No. 6 (1)

, (pC1/ml) 8 12 (2.920.7)10'9 4.7 x 10'9 1.0 8 l%nuamher)

SSFL Pond R-2A a 12 (<2.3 2 2.7)10-10 <2. 3 x 10-10 <0.005 100 Water No. 12 (5)

(pCf/ml) 8 12 (3.920.8)10'9 5. 7 x 10 9 1. 3 0

( November)

  • Maximum value otjserved for single sample.

tGuide: 5 x 10 0 pCf/mla, 3 x 10*7 pC1/m18; 20 CFR 20 Appendix B, CAC 17, DOE Manual Chapter 0524 NA - not applicable, no Guide value having been established.

l All samples were <MDL for 1980.

ESG-81-17 20



H'*i"""* s of Samples Site No. Average value ,

Act M ty Location 33,pj,3 g gg7' an ae Gul e with Activity ConfidenceLevel) Observed

<MDL De Soto ) 685 (<6.5

  • 7.7) 10-15 4.5 x 10 ~I4 <0.22 92

', On Site (pC1/ml) 685 (12/28)

3. 8 x 10~13 <0.013 47 l

a (<3.9 1.4) 10~34

( 12/25)

-15 ~I4

$5FL M 1611 (*6.4 2 7.8) 10 2. 5 x 10 <10.7 94 On Site .. (07/11)

(LCi/ml) e 1611 (<3.6 2 1.4) 10~34 a.5 x 10-13 <0.12 52 (12/25)

SSFL Sewage

! Treatment M (<6.3 7.6) 10-15 1.8 x 10~I# <10.5 95

! Plant .. 366 (07/09) 3.1 x 10-13

,34 Off Site s (<3.2 f 1.6) 10 <0.11 63 (uC1/ml) -(12/c5) 5 SSFL Control E (<6.3 2 7.9) 10 2.0 x 10~I4 <10.5 97 i Center . .. 365 (07/11)

Off Site a (<3.7 ! 1.4) 10~34 3.6 x 10~33 <0.12 62
(pCi/ml) (12/25)
  • Maximum value observed for sin le sample.

-iGuide: De Soto site, 3 x 10-1 uCi/mla 3 x 10-10 LCi/m16; 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, SSFL site, 6 x 10-14 LCi/mla, 3 x 10-11 bCi/mlS; 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, CAC 17, and DOE Manual t Chapter Q SMOL =6.1x10-1g24uCf/ml - Individual daily samples with activity levels of 0 to 6.1 x 10-15 pC1/ml are recorded and averaged as 6.1 x 10-15 pCi/ml

    • MDL = 1.2 x 10-14 pCi/mi - Individual daily samples with activity' levels of 0 to 1.2 x 10'I4

, uti/mi are recorded and averaged as 1.2 x 10-14 pC1/ml. Indicated average values are upper i limits, since most data were below the minimum detection levels.

I i

i Domestic-water the SSFL site isobtained from Ventura County Water.

District No.17, which also supplies nearby communities, and is distributed on site by the same piping system previously used when all facility process water l

i was obtained from on-site wells. Two on-site water wells were operated during 1980 to reduce comsumption of Ventura County domestic water. The well water pro-

. portion in the blend averaged about 40% for the year. for a total well water con-7

sumption of approximately 7.8 x 10 ' gal. Pressure for the water system is l l provided by elevated ' storage tanks.

I i-  !

i ESG-81-17 21

,- ,-r . - . - - , m-m- - --, , - ~ , 4 ,7 -- r

Water from the system is sampled monthly at two widely separated SSFL site locations. The average domestic water radioactivity concentration is presented in Table 3.

As discussed earlier, surface waters discharged from SSFL facilities and the sewage plant effluent drain southward into retention pond R-2A on Rocketdyne property. When full, the pond may be drained into Bell Creek, a tributary of the Los Angeles River in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles County. Pursuant to the requirements of Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Resolu-tion 66-49 of 21 September 1966, a sampling station for evaluating environmental radioactivity in Bell Canyon was established in 1966. It is located approximately ,

2.5 miles downstream from the southern Rockwell International Corporation boun-dary. Samples, obtained and analyzed monthly, include stream bed mud, vegeta-tion, and water. Average radioactivity concentrations in Rocketdyne and Bell Creek samples are presented in Table 4.

Comparison of the radioactivity concentrations in water from the ponds and from Bell Creek with that of the domestic water supply shows no significant variation in either alpha or beta activity.

The SSFL site surface water and the ambient air radioactivity concentration Guide values selected for each site are the most restrictive limits for those radionuclides currently in use at ESG facilities. Radioactivity concentration guide values are those concentration limits adopted by DOE, NRC, and the State of California as maximum permissible concentrations (MPC). The MPC values are dependent on the radionuclide and its behavior as a soluble or an insoluble material. For comparison with results of environmental and effluent monitoring, the lowest MPC value for the various radionuclides present is selected. Accor-dingly, for SSFL site surface water, the Guide values of 5 x 10 6 Ci/ml alpha activity corresponding to Pu 239 and 3 x 10~7 pC1/ml beta activity corresponding to Sr90 are appropriate. The corresponding most restrictive Guide value for De Soto site wastewater radioactivity discharged to the sanitary sewage system, ESG-81-17 22

a controlled area, is 8 x 10~4 uCi/ml alpha activity corresponding to U 235 and 1 x 10-3 Ci/ml beta activity corresponding to Co60 These values are estab-lished in 10 CFR 20, California Administrative Code Title 17, and 00E Manual 4

Chapter 0524.

The Guide value of 6 x 10"I4 pCi/ml for SSFL site ambient air alpha activity

- is due to work with unencapsulated plutonium. The value of 3 x 10~11 pCi/ml for beta activity is due to the presence of Sr90 in fission products in irradiated i nuclear fuel at the SSFL site. The Guide value of 3 x 10"I2 pCi/ml for De Soto

! ambient air alpha activity is due to work with unencapsulated uranium (including 60 depleted uranium). The Guide value of 3 x 10-10 pCi/mi is for Co for which the ambient air beta activity Guide is appropriate since it is the most restric-tive limit for beta-emitting radionuclides present at the De Soto site. Guide value percentages are not presented for soi,1 or vegetation data since no concen-

! tration Guide values have been established.

Ambient air sampling for long-lived particulate alpha and beta radioactivity is performed continuously with automatic sequential samplers at both the De Soto and SSFL sites. Air is drawn through Type HV-70 filter media, which are analyzed for long-lived radioactivity af ter a minimum 120-h decay period that eliminates naturally occurring short-lived particulate radioactivity. The average concen-trations of ambient air alpha and beta radioactivity for 1980 are presented

separately in Table 5.

Radioactivity levels observed in environmental samples for 1980, reported in Tables 1 through 5, compare closely with levels reported for recent years.

Local environmental radioactivity levels, which result primarily from beta-emit- l ting radionuclides and which had shown the effect of fallout during past exten-sive atmospharic testing of nuclear devices, have decreased and have been '

generally constant during the past several years. The effects of foreign atmos-pheric nuclear tests continue to be occasionally observed in daily ambient air-borne radioactivity levels. This effect was readily discernible during late 1980. The long-term effects of airborne radioactivity on surface sample radio-activity levels are not discernible for recent years. The continuing relative i

ESG-81-17 23

constancy in environmental radioactivity levels is due primarily to the dominance of naturally occurring radionuclides in the environment and to the longer-life fission product radioactivity from aged fallout.

Site ambient radiation monitoring is performed with thermoluminescent dosi- ,

meters. Each dosimeter contains two calcium fluoride (CaF 2:Mn) low background, bulb-type chip dosimeters. The dosimeter sets are placed at locations on or near the perimeters of the De Soto and SSFL sites. Each dosimeter, sealed in a light-proof energy compensation shield, is installed in a polyethylene container which is mounted %1 m above ground at each location. The dosimeters are exchanged and evaluated quarterly. There were 13 on-site TLD monitoring locations used during the year. Three additional dosimeter sets, located at locations up to 10 miles from the ESG sites, are similarly evaluated to determine the local area off-site ambient radiation level, which averaged 0.019 mrem /h for 1980. The averaged radiation dose rate and equivalent annual dose monitored at each dosimeter location are presented in Table 6.

The table shows that radiation dose rates and equivalent annual doses moni-tored on-site are nearly identical to levels monitored at three widely separated off-site locations. These data include natural background radiation from cosmic radiation, radionuclides in the soil, radon and thoron in the atmosphere, and radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons tests. Locally, the natural background radiation level is approximately 160 mrem / year. The small variability observed in the data is attributed to differences in elevation and geologic conditions at the various dosimeter locations. Since the data for the on-site and off-site locations are nearly identical, no measurable radiation dose to the general population or to individuals in uncontrolled areas resulted from ESG operations.

B. NONRADI0 ACTIVE MATERIALS - 1980 Processed wastewater and most collected surface runoff discharged from the SSFL site flows to retention pond R-2A, operated by Rocketdyne. Water samples from the pond are analyzed for various constituents, as required by the Regional Water Quality Control Board for each discharge to Bell Canyon. Such discharges ESG-81-17 24

i t

TABLE 6 1 DE S0TO AND SSFL SITES -- AMBIENT RADIATION 00SIMETRY DATA - 1980 Equivalent "verage Dose Rate Annual Dose TCD (mrem /h) (mrem) 1 De Soto 0.019 166 2 De Soto 0.017 149 3 De Soto 0.016 140 4 De Soto 0.018 158 5 De Soto 0.019 166 6 De Soto 0.022 193 7 De Soto 0.020 175 1 SSFL 0.018 158 2 SSFL 0.019 166 i 3 SSFL 0.021 184 4 SSFL 0.020* 175 5 SSFL 0.018*t 158 6 SSFL 0.018 158 1 Off-Site Control 0.018 158

2 Off-Site Control 0.019 166 3 Off-Site Control 0.019 166
  • Excludes second quarter data due to missing dosimeter.
tExcludes third quarter data due to damage to the dosimeter from a brush fire..

I are normally required only as a result of' excessive rainfall run-off. During such' releases, the NPDES permit concentration ~ limits for turbidity and for sus-4 pended and settleable solids do not apply. The results of analyses for each discharge for 1980, most of which were rainfall-related discharges, are presented in Table 7.

=ESG-81-17 25

Tsatt 7 kWA010ACfif( C0h5?!T.,t47514 .A5f(=Af(R 015(mAa4t0 70 Uhp(Tt;C?[0 ARIAi - 1960 f acelssis newits 'or eastewater Cinc.*erges f rom Poad 0-2A to tell Creen on Oate ladicated - Saeole Station W-12)


Jan.a r, 9* Jeaw arp 16* f ebr ua ry 11 febr uary 11 Co* lt i t veat s I of 1Of 1 Of 1 Of newit bide #esult bide se s it bise Result b t Je Total Dissetred blies (git) 300 n.6 3% 37.5 1Y) 20.0 56 5.9 C# ori de (*i/ l) 32 21.3 3F 24.7 21 14.0 $1 34,0 hif ate (*S/1) 43 27.7 45 29.3 to 14.7 104 35.3 hue *ded ic t Hs* (*g/ I) M 18. 7 18 12.0 75 50 10 6.7 ke t teeale solids' 'ptll) - 0.1 31.3 0.1 < 33. 3 0.1 < 3 3. 3 0.1 + 13. 3 400g !=4/ t ) 6 IOM ll it. 3 5 8.3 4A .

C'l ead feesse lag /l) 4 26.7 1 6. 7 3 20 , et 6. 7 Nrbidity (?W 3a 21 - 72 6 -


  • iva (9/1) 0.004 4] O 0.005 50.0 0.007 7G.0 0.004 40.0 f tworise (q/I) 0.7 70 0 0.9 90.0 0.6 6J 0 1. 0 100.0 Bortia (=S/ I) 0.2 70.0 0. 3 10.0 <0 2 <210 0.2 20.0 Sestdaal (m'oriae (eg/l) 0.04 410 0.04 40 0 0.C4 440.0 0.04 + 40.0 f etal Caliform f *4100 / ml) 2. i - 9. 5 +2.2 9. 5 5.1 22.2 5.1 22.2 5arfectects (usa 5) 0.02 4.0 0.04 4.0 0.01 21 0 0.02 4.0 on e.2 7.8 7.9 8.4 Balef all ( ta. ) 4.5 1.0 laciuded ta Febrwary 13 tst emated aeta'all Duc of f (gel) 9a10 I 6 a 10 Same 6

telease iolse (gal) 1.7 a 10' 1.2 a 10 g,,,

f ear ary 13* February 20* perca 1 pierca 3 t oas t i t weat s t of 1 of 8 of 1 of sete t t r.u t se Result blee Be s e t t bise Bewit Guise f atal Otssolved Solids 'ag/I) 247 26.0 14? 14.9 359 17.8 208 21.9 Calee m (ag/t) 24 16.0 8 5. 3 38 25.3 20. 13.3 WIf ate (ag/1) 60 20.0 36 12.0 98 32. 7 47 15.7 hip ** ded Solted (mg/1) 45  %. 7 24 16.0 6 4.0 80 53.3 5ettleetle 5elles* (al/1) 04 113.0 02 66.6

  • 0.1 = 3 3. 3 0.1 < 33.3 800g (*g/ I) 9 15.0 1 1.7 NA + 3 5.0 Oil ead Grease (=all) 2 11.3 at +6.7 <1 < 6. 7 <1 <6.7 forteldity (tW) 128 - 52 8 -

45 .

(*rumte (*g/I) 0.022 220.0 0.020 200 0 0.010 100.0 0.010 100.0 f loar toe (ag/1) 0.6 60.0 0.5 50.0 0.9 90.0 0. 7 70.0 tures tag /I) <0.% + 20.0 0. 2 20.0 0. 2 20.0 0. 2 20.0 test swel Chierine (*g/I) ' 0.04 < 4 3. 0

  • i). L1 < !10 0.04 + 40.0 0.04 = 40. 0 Fecal Colt foem ("P4/1?O et) 9.2 40.0 16 69.5 4A - 2.2 9.6 hrf attaats ("tA5l 0.02 10.0 0.01 20.0 0.1 20.0 0.2 4.0 rn n.2 7. 7 7. 9 7. 8 ta saf aiI ite. ) 4.2 9.6 2.01 tst emated sainf all Avao*f (gal) # 0 #

8.4 e 10 1.92 a 10 5.6 a 10 notesse solume (gal) 1.5 a 104 g , g;6 1.5 s 10 5

1.35 a 10 6

perch 18* par 2* tiovareer 10 Dece4er 4*

(6* st i t weat s t of I of 1 of 5 of 8ewlt Guide Result hide Rewlt Cas t de Reswlt bide Total Olssolved Solids (eg/I) 449 47.3 395 41.6 664 69.9 421 44.3 Chloride (ag/1) 42 28.0 SF 38.0 90 60.0 50 33.3 5 elf ate (ag/1) 98 32.7 110 36.7 147 47.3 111 37.0 hspeaded Solles* (ag/l) 45 10.0 16 10.7  !! 7. J 85 56.7 5ettleatle 5elidsf (al/1)

  • 0.1 < 33. 3 0.1 31.3 < 0.1 < 33. 3 0.2 66.6 8005 (og/1) 6 10.0 3 5.0 3. 5.0 30 50.0 Oil sad Grease (og/1) (1 6. 7 el 6, 7 *1 <6.7 7 46.7 fertietty (Tu) 52 . 13 . 3 . 33 -

Chrop hse (og/1) 0.004 40.0 0.003 30.0 0.002 20.0 0.001 10.0 flwortde (eg/1) 0. 7 10.0 0. 7 10.0 0. 8 00.0 0.6 60.0 toroa (ag/I) 0. 3 30.0 0.2 20.0 0.2 20.0 0. 2 20.0 sentowel (ploriae (ag/l) <0.04 43.0 0.04 40.0 0.04 40.0 0.04 40.0 fecal Colltere (mP4/t00 s1) <2.2 9.6 2.2 <l.6 >l6 69.5 9.2 40.0 krfectaatt (*0AS) 0.03 4.0 0.03 0.05 0.01 2.0 pN 8. 3 8.1 0.1 8.0 Aataf all (ta. ) 0.56 0.15 1.07 Estimated Relafall #weef f (gal) 4.1 e 10 3 a 10 0

2.1 a 10 I

Belease vetee (gal) 0 0 6 1.2 e 10' l .8 e 10 2.3 a 10 1. 3 a 10 ftA e het Asaltatie; analygig not requested se act performed.

  • e tatafall relates discharge.


  • hetPoad hot e:

applicable to discharps togtstalag retefall eqaof f duc teg er impediately after pertods of retafall.

R.2A taaettty . 2.3 a 10 ga l .

ESG-81-17 26

l III. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM A. GENERAL DESCRIPTION Soil and vegetation sample collection and analysis for radioactivity were initiated in 1952, in the Downey, California area, where the Energy Systems Group was initially located. Environmental sampling was subsequently extended to the then proposed SRE site in the'Simi Hills in May of 1954. In addition, sampling was begun in the Burro Flats area, southwest of SRE, where other nuclear instal-lations were planned and are currently in operation. The Downey area survey was terminated when nuclear activities were relocated to Canoga Park in 1955. The primary purpose of the environmental monitoring program is to survey environmen-tal radioactivity adequately to ensure that ESG operations do not contribute significantly to environmental radioactivity. The locations of sampling stations are shown in Figures 5 through 7 and listed in Table 8.


1. Soil Soil is analyzed for radioactivity to monitor for any significant increase in radioactive deposition by fallout from airborne radioactivity. Since soil is naturally radioactive and has been contaminated by atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, a general background level of radioactivity exists. The data are moni-tored for increases beyond the natural variability of this background.

Surface soil types available for sampling range from decomposed granite to clay and loam. Samples are taken from the top 1-cm layer of undisturbed ground surface for gross radioactivity analysis and to a depth of 5 cm for plutonium analysis. The soil samples are packaged in plastic containers and returned to the laboratory for analysis.

Sample preparation for gross radioactivity determination consists of trans-0 ferring the soils to Pyrex beakers and drying in a muffle furnace at-M00 C for ESG-81-17 27




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00541319 0 Figure 5. Mdp of Canoga Park, Simi Valley, Agoura, and Calabasas Sampling Stations

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ESG-81-17 29

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Figure 7' Map of Santa Susana Field Laboratories Site Sampling Stations

TABLE 8 SAMPLE STATION LOCATIONS (Sheet 1 of 3) i Station Location SV-1 SSFL Site, Bldg.143


j. SV-2 SSFL Site, Bldg. 143 Perimeter Drainage System I SV-3 SSFL Site, Bldg. 064 SV-4 SSFL Site, Bldg. 020 SV-5 SSFL Site, Bldg. 363
SV-6 Rocketdyne Site Interim Retention Pond SV-10 SSFL Site Access Road SV-12 SSFL Site, Bldg. 093 (L-85 Reactor)

SV-13 SSFL Site, at SRE Water Retention Pond SV-14 SSFL Site, Bldg. 028 SV-19 SSFL Site Entrance, Woolsey Canyon SV-24 De Soto Site, Bldg. 004 SV-25 De Soto Avenue and Plummer Street SV-26 Mason Avenue and Nordhoff Street SV-27 De Soto Avenue and Parthenia Street SV-28 Canoga Avenue and Nordhoff Street SV-31 Simi Valley, Alamo Avenue and Sycamore Road l

i SV-40 Agoura - Kanan Road and Ventura Freeway SV-41 Calabasas - Parkway Calabasas and Ventura Freeway i SV-42 SSFL Site, Bldg. 886 SV-47 Chatsworth Reservoir North Boundary

SV-51 SSFL Site, Bldg. 029 SV-52 SSFL Site, Burro Flats Drainage Control Pond, G Street and '

.' 17th Street SV-53 Rocketdyne Site Pond R-2A Spillway, Head of Bell' Canyon SV-54 Bell Creek i

S-55 Rocketdyne Site Retention Pond R-2A (Pond Bottom Mud)

S-56 SSFL Site, F Street and 24th Street SV - Soil and Vegetation Sample Station S - Soil Sample Station ESG-81-17 31 1


Station Location S-57 SSFL Site, J Street at Bldg. 055 S-58 SSFL Site, Bldg. 353 5-59 Rocketdyne Site Test Area CTL 4 S-60 Rocketdyne Site Retention Pond R-2A W-6 Rocketdyne Site Interim Retention Pond (drains to Pond R-2A)

W-7 SSFL Site Domestic Water, Bldg. 003 W-11 SSFL Site Domestic Water, Bldg. 363 W-12 Rocketdyne Site Area II Final Retention Pond R-2A W-16 Bell Creek A-1 De Soto Site, Bldg. 001 Roof A-2 De Soto Site, Bldg. 004 Roof A-3 SSFL Site, Bldg. 009, West Side A-4 SSFL Site, Bldg. 011, West Side A-5 Rocketdyne Site, Bldg. 600, North Side A-6 Rocketdyne Site, Bldg. 207, North Side A-7 SSFL Site, Bldg. 074, South Side A-8 SSFL Site, Bldg. 143, West Side A-9 SSFL Site, Bldg. 363, West Side TLD-1 De Soto Site, South of Bldg.102 TLD-2 De Soto Site, West Boundary TLD-3 De Soto Site, Guard Post No. 1, Bldg. 201 TLD-4 De Soto Site, East Fence TLD-5 De Soto Site, North Boundary TLD-6 De Soto Site, East Boundary TLD-7 De Soto Site, South Boundary TLD-1 SSFL Site, Bldg. 114 S - Soil Sample Station W - Water Sample Station A - Air Sampler Station TLD - Thermoluminescent Dosimeter Location ESG-81-17 32 a


Station Lecation TLD-2 SSFL Site, SRE Water Petention Pond TLD-3 SSFL Site, Electric Substation No. 719 TLD-4 SSFL Site, West Boundary on H Street TLD-5 SSFL Site, at Southwest Boundary TLD-6 SSFL Site, Bldg. 854 TLD-1 Off Site, Northridge TLD-2 Off Site, Simi Valley TLD-3 Off Site, Northridge TLD - Thernoluminescent Dosimeter Location ESG-81-17 33

8 h. Af ter cooling, the soil is sieved to obtain uniform particle size. Two-gram aliquots of the sieved soil are weighed into copper planchets. The soil is wetted

in the planchet with alcohol, evenly distributed to obtain uniform sample thick-ness, dried, and counted for alpha and beta radiation. Soil plutonium analysis is performed according to the guidelines specified in U.S. NRC Regulatory Guide ,

4.5 titled " Measurements of Radionuclides in the Environment-Sampling and Analy-sis of Plutonium in Soil" by a certified independent testing laboratory.


2. Vegetation 4

The analysis of vegetation, performed as an adjunct to the soil analysis, is done to determine the uptake of radioactivity by plants. These plants do not contribute to the human food chain, and there is no significant agriculture or grazing in the immediate neighborhood of either site.

Vegetation samples obtained in the field are of the same perennial plant types, wherever possible; these are usually sunflower or wild tobacco. Vegeta-tion leaves are stripped from plants and placed in ice cream cartons for transfer I

to the laboratory for analysis. Ordinarily, plant root systems are not analyzed.

i Vegetation is first washed with tap water to remove foreign matter and then thoroughly rinsed with distilled water. Washed vegetation is dried in tared beakers at 100 C for 24 h for dry weight determination, then ashed in a muffle furnace at %500 C for 8 h, producing a completely burned ash. One-gram aliquots of pulverized ash from each beaker are weighed into copper planchets. The vege-l tation ash is wetted in the planchet with alcohol, evenly distributed to obtain f uniform. sample thickness, dried, and counted for alpha and beta radiation. The dry / ash weight ratio is used for' determining the equivalent dry weight gross radioactivity concentration value.

3. Water _

i Surface and domestic supply water samples are obtained monthly at the SSFL ,

site and from Bell Creek. The water is drawn into 1-liter polyethylene bottles )

and transferred to the laboratory.

L-ESG-81-17 34 ,

Five-hundred-milliliter volumes of water are evaporated to dryness in crys-tallizing dishes at VJO C. The residual salts are redissolved into distilled water, transferred to planchets, dried under heat lamps, and counted for alpha and beta radiation.


4. Ambient Air i

Air sampling is performed continuously at the De Soto and SSFL sites with


automatic air samplers, operating on 24-h sampling cycles. Airborne particulate l f radioactivity is collected on Type HV-70 filter media, which are automatically I changed daily at the end of each sampling period. The samples are counted for l alpha and beta radiation following a minimum 120-h decay period. The volume of 3

a typical daily ambient air sample is approximately 25 m ,


! Figure 8 is a graph of the daily averaged long-lhed alpha and beta ambient air radioactivity concentrations for the De Soto and SSFL sites during 1980. The average beta concentration for each month is also indicated by horizontal bars.

The graph shows a generally increasing trend in airborne radioactivity during the final quarter of the year. Several transient peak concentration levels were ,

i observed within the general trend. This activity is attributed to a foreign atmospheric test of a nuclear device during October.


Environmental soil, vegetation, water, and ambient air samples are counted for alpha and beta radiation with a low-background gas flow proportional counting

! system. The system is capable of simultaneously counting both alpha and net beta radiation. The sample-detector configuration provides a nearly 2n geometry. The l

thin-window detector is continually purged with methane counting gas.- A preset

time mode of operation is used for all samples. The minimum detection limits _

shown in Table 9 were determined by using typical values for counting time, system efficiencies for detecting alpha and beta radiation, background countrates (approximately 0.05 cpm a and 1.0 cpm S), and sample size. For the table, the t

ESG-81-17 35-t r, . - - - - . - - - ~ , , - m e . - , y. . , . , . , _s

10 i i i .i iiiii iiisi iiiii j iiiii g ii s iij iiiii j iiiii j iiiii j iiiii j i 3 3 31 i s i l '_-



, l_

l s o _

W 1 1 a -

s -

2 _

19t10 m f

  • AVGJ m <

? 5 <

w m z -

b 4 Qy-ik*m u jdyi i u lwr w MI _

uot 93 J - uot Li lift l lilli lilli 1811I lilli Illil Illll IIll! Illli llIll l'llI l'III 3

MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB Figure 8. Daily Averaged Long-Lived Airborne Radioactivity at the De Soto and Santa Susana Field Laboratories Sites - 1980


/ .


minimum statistically significant amount of radioactivity, irrespective of sample configuration, is taken as that amount equal in countrate to three times the l standard deviation of the syden b/ckground countrate.

// TABLE 9 ,


Sample Activity Minimum Detect on Limits a (5.7 6.8) 10-8 C1/g Soil (2.312.3)10-7 Ci/g 8

u (1.1 1 1.4) 10~7 uCi/g ash 9"

  • IO" s (3.7 3.7) 10~7 pCi/g ash a (2.2 2.7) 10-10, Ci/ml ater s (6.2 6.2) 10-10 uCi/ml 15 a (6.1 8.'0)10 uCi/ml


B (1.2 1 1,3) 0-14 pCi/ml) t Counting system efficiencies are determined routinely with Ra-D+E+F (with alphaabsorber),C1 36 , Th 230 ,U 235 , and Pu 239 standard sources and with K40, in the form of standard reagent grade kcl, which is used to simulate soil and vege-tation samples. Self-absorption standards are made by dividing sieved kcl into samples, increasing in mass by 200-mg increments ,from 100 to 3000 mg. The sam-ples are placef in copper planchets, of the type used for environmental samples, and counted. The ratio of sample activity to the observed net countrate for each sample is plott'ed as a function of sample weight. The correction factor (ratio) corresponding to sample weight may be obtained from the graph. The product of the correction f3ctor and the net sample countrate yields the sample activity (dpm). This.methad has been proven usable by applying it to various-sized ali-quots of uniformly' mixed environmental samples and observing that the resultant specific at.tivities fell within the expected statistial counting error.

[ s l


, a 7 ,' y

( .a n , 1, , ,

I __ '

Since the observed radioactivity in environmental samples results primarily from natural and weapons-testing sources, and is at such low concentrations, no i

ef fort is made to identify individual radionuclides. The detection of signifi-cant levels of radioactivity would lead to an investigation of the radioactive material involved, the sources, and the possible causes.

D. NONRAD10 ACTIVE MATERIALS Rockwell International Corporation, Rocketdyne Division, has filed a Report of Waste Discharge with the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, and has been granted a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to discharge wastewater, pursuant to Section 402 of the Federal Water Pollution Con-trol Act. The permit, NPDES No. CA0001309, became effective on 27 September 1976 and supersedes all previously held permits for wastewater discharge from the Rocketdyne Division, SSFL. Discharge of overflow and storm runoff is only per-mitted into Bell Creek from water reclamation retention ponds. Discharge gener-ally occurs only during and imediately after periods of hea'vy rainfall or during extended periods of rocket engine testing.

Only one of the retention ponds receives influent directly from the ESG SSFL site. It is identified as retention pond R-2A, Water Sample Station W-12 in i Table 8. The influent includes sewage treatment plant effluent and surface run-4 off water. Grab-type water samples, taken at the retention pond prior to a dis-charge, are analyzed for nonradioactive chemical constituents and for radioactiv-ity by a California State certified analytical testing laboratory. The specific constituents analyzed for, and their respective limitations in discharged waste-water, are presented in Appendix B. Wastewater originating from facilities located throughout the SSFL site is collected at the retention pond. The point of origin of nonradioactive constituents normally found in wastewater is impas-sible to determine; however, in the event of excessive amounts of any of these materials in wastewater, the origin may be ' determined from the knowledge of i facility operations involving their use. Twelve off-site discharges of waste-water from Pond R-2A occurred during 1980.

l l

ESG-81-17 i 38

T IV. EFFLUENT MONITORING PROGRAM Effluents that may contain radioactive material are generated at ESG facili-ties as the result of operations performed under contract to 00E, under NRC Special Nuclear Materials License SNM-21, and under State of California Radio-active Material License 0015 1 71. ,The specific facilities arE identified as t Buildings 001 and 004 at the De Soto site, and Buildings 020, 021, 022, and 055


at.the Santa Susana site,.SSFL.

A. TREATMENT AND HANDLING Waste streams released to unrestricted areas are limited, in all cases, to gaseous emissions. No contaminated liquids are discharged to unrestricted areas.

The level of radioactivity contained in all atmospheric discharges is reduced to the lowest values by passing the emissions through certified, high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. These emissions are sampled for par-ticulate radioactive materials by means of continuously operating stack exhaust samplers at the' points of release. In addition, stack monitors installed at Buildings 020 and 055 provide automatic alarm capability in the event of. the release of gaseous or particulate activity from Building 020 and particulate activity from Building 055. The HEPA filters used for filtering gaseous emissions are 99.97% efficient for particles of 0.3-pm diameter. Particle filtration efficiency increases for particles above and below this size.

The' average concentration and total radioactivity in gaseous releases to unrestricted areas are shows. in Table 10. The effectiveness of the air cleaning systems is evident from the fact that, in most cases, the gaseous emissions are less radioactive than is ambient air. The total-shows that no significant quantities of radioactiv'ity were released in 1980.

Liquid. wastes released to-sanitary sewage systems, a controlled area as provided fo'r by CAC 17 and 10 CFRs20, are generated atHthe De Soto site only.

i e

"n ESG-81-17

" 39 u :n q.


l. '

l1 l,

TABLE 10 ATMOSPHERIC DISCHARGES TO UNRESTRICTED AREAS - 1980 Approximate Sampling Period Total ., o f Approximate Mininum Annual Maximum Radio- , of^ j,3 Building Emissions Activity Det on hew '

.Y Monitored Co t ion Guide with Activity t Con on e a (LCi/ml) (LCi/mi, -(C1) 10 -13 -0.33 46 001 1.9 x 10 a 1. 9 x 10-16 cl.0 x 10'I4 1.8 x 10 < 5. 3 x 10-6 De Soto 8 ~ 6.1 x 10-16 ,8. 2 x 10 -15 9. 4 x 10*I4 < 4. 3 x 10 -6 0.003 37

-15 004 2.4 x 10 10 a 2.5 x 10-16 - 1.2 x 10 1.4 x 10-14 < 1. 0 x 10-6 ,0.04 33 De Soto -6 8.7 x 10 -16 < 7. 3 x 10-15 1.1 x 10-13 < 4. 9 x 10 <0.002 34

' m- 020 ' 1. 3 x 10 10 a 0.9 x 10 -16 ,4.6 x 10-16 1. 4 x 10-15 < 1. 7 x 10~7 <0.77 15 SSFL ~I4

- g."- .

8 3. O x 10

-16 4.6 x .10 2.4 x 10-13 1. 7 x 10-5 0.15 0 Y 021- 1. 3 x 10 10 a 1.0 x 10 -16 <1.6 x 10

-16 5. 7 x 10 -16 < 6. I x 10 <0.27 65 L

E' 3.1 x 10-16 < 4. 7 x 10-15 3.5 x 10-I4 <1.7 x 10-6 <0.02 10 055 7.9 x 10 E a 2. 7 x 10-16 ,3. 7 x 10

-16 4.8 x 10 -15 <8.2 x 10~8 <0.62 94


, 8 8.9 x 10-16 <4 9 x 10-15 3.5 x 10 -14 <1.1 x 10-6 -0.002 12 Annual' average ambient air-Total <3.5 x 10-5 radioactivity concentration - 1980 . < 6.4 x 10-15 8 < 3.6 x 10'I4 tGuide: De Soto site, 3 x In-12 LCi/mi alpha, 3 x 10-10 Ci/mi beta,10 C SSFL site, 6 x 10-14 pCi/ml alpha, 3. x 10-11 LCi/mlbeta,3x10g20AppendixB. LC1/ml beta (055 only); 10 CFR 20 4

Appendix B, CAC-17, and DOE Manual Chapter 0524.

Note: All release points are at the Stack Exit

Liquid wastes are discharged from Building 001 following analysis for radioactiv-ity concentration. There is no continuous flow. Building 004 chemical wastes are released to an automatic discharge cycle retention tank system which periodi-cally samples and composites aliquots of the tank contents prior to each dis-charge of a fixed volume of wastewater to the facility sanitary sewerage. No radioar.tive liquid effluents are released from Santa Susana Buildings 020, 021, 022, or 055. Liquid radioactive waste generated at SSFL is solidified for land burial. The average concentration and total radioactivity in effluents discharged are shown in Table 11. j B. ENERGY SYSTEMS GROUP FACILITY DESCRIPTIONS

1. De Soto Site
a. Building 001 - NRC and California State Licensed Activities Operations at Building 001 which may generate radioactive effluents consist of production operations associated with the manufacture of enriched uranium fuel elements. Only atmospherically discharged emissions are released from the build-ing to uncontrolled areas. Following analysis for radioactivity concentration, liquid wastes are released to the sanitary sewage system, which is considered a controlled area, as provided by CAC 17 and 10 CFR 20. Nuclear fuel material handled in unencapsulated form in this facility contains the uranium isotopes U


,U 235 ,U 236 , and U 238 ,

b. Building 004 - NRC and California State Licensed Activities Operations at Building 004 that may generate radioactive effluents consist of research studies in physics and chemistry, and the chemical analysis of small

. quantities of fuel materials, usually limited to a few grams. Only atmospheric-ally discharged emissions are' released from the building to uncontrolled areas.

Liquid laboratory wastes are released to an interim retention tank installation which samples and retains an aliquot of wastewater each time a fixed volume is . the facility sanitary sewage system. The aliquots are composited and.

ESG-81-17 41

f 0 , k TABLE 11 LIQUID EFFLUENT DISCHARGED TO SANITARY SEWER - 1980 Sample Approximate Annual Total Approximate 8*I " Radioactivity Point of Effluent- Activity Average of Building "L Concentration Concentration Released Guide #

Release Volume Monitored (gal) ( Ci/ mil (pCf/ml) ( '}


-9 -8 -I -5 <0.009 a 1.2 x 10 < 7. 3 x 10 4.1 x 10 1.3 x 10

. Retention 48,000 -5

'001 -9 -8 2.8 x 10 -7

'm . Tank 8 3.7 x 10 <6. 2 x 10 1.1 x 10 (0.006 w _

5 -4 <0.003 a 1.2 x 10'9 <2.4 x 10-8 1.5 x 10-7 <1.6 x 10

%W w

h Flow 1,717,000 004 -85 <0.006

6. 5 x 10- <4.1 x 10-4 h Sampler 8 3.7 x 10-9 < 6. 3 x 10

-~ - - -

020* -

0 -


l021-'- 022* -

0 -

055* -

0- - -

  • All: liquid radioactive wastes are solidified and land buried as dry waste.

tGuide: . Es x 10-4 pCi/ml alpha, 1.x'10-3 LCi/ul beta; 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, CAC-17 5% of samples <M0L: 52.3% alpha activity, 47.6% beta activity 4

analyzed for radioactivity. Nuclear fusi material handled in unencapsulated form in this facility contains the uranium isotopes U 234 ,U 235

,U 236 , and U 238 ,

60 Major quantities of other radionuclides in encapsulated form include Co and Pm I47 No significant quantities of these radionuclides were released.

2. Santa Susana Field Laboratories Site
a. Building 020 - NRC and California State Licensed Activities Operations at Building 020 that may generate radioactive effluents consist of hot cell examination of irradiated nuclear fuels and reactor components. Only atmospherically discharged emissions are released from the building to uncon-trolled areas. The discharge may contain particulate material, as well as radio-active gases, depending on the operations being performed and the history of the irradiated fuel or other material. The chemical form of such materials may be U metal, U0 , UC, mixed fission products, and various activation products. No 2

radioactive liquid waste is released from the facility. Radioactive material handled in unencapsulated form in this facility includes the following radio-232 ,U 233 ,U 234 ,U 235 ,U 236 , and U 238 nuclides: Th as constituents in the various 137

, Sr90, Kr85 , and Pm l

fuel materials; and Cs as mixed fission products.

b. Buildings 021 and 022 - DOE Contract Activities Operations at Buildings 021 and 022 that may generate radioactive effluents consist of the processing, packaging, and temporary storage of liquid and dry radioactive waste material for disposgl. Only atmospherically discharged emis-sions are released from the building to uncontrolled areas. No radioactive liquid waste is released from the facility. Nuclear fuel material handled in encapsulated or unencapsulated form contains the uranium isotopes U234 ,U 235 ,

U 236

,U 238 , plus Cs 137 , Sr90, and Pm 147 as mixed fission products.

ESG-81-17 43


c. Building 055 - NRC and California State Licensed Activities Operations at Building 055 that may generate radioactive effluents consist of fabricating depleted uranium carbide fuel pellets and converting UC waste to the oxide state. Only atmospherically discharged emissions are released from the facility to uncontrolled areas. No radioactive liquid waste is released from the facility.

The various fuel materials (depleted and enriched uranium and plutonium) contain the following radionuclides: U 234 ,U 235 ,U 236 ,U 238 , Pu 238 , Pu 239 ,

240 Pu , Pu 241 , and Am 241 ,

C. ESTIMATION OF GENERAL POPULATION DOSE ATTRIBUTABLE TO ESG OPERATIONS The release of airborne material at the De Soto site for summer season weather conditions would generally be under a subsidence inversion into an atmos-phere that is typical of slight neutral to lapse conditions. Nocturnal cooling inversions, although present, are relatively shallow in extent. During the sum-mer, a subsidence inversion is present almost every day. The base and top of this inversion usually lie below the elevation of the SSFL site. Thus, any atmospheric release under this condition from the SSFL site would result in Pas-quill Type D lofting diffusion conditions above the inversion and considerable atmospheric dispersion prior to diffusion, if any, through the inversion into the Simi or San Fernando Valleys. In the winter season, the Pacific high-pressure cell shifts to the south and the subsidence inversion is usually absent. The surface air flow is then dominated by frontal activity moving through the area or to the east, resulting in high-pressure systems in the great basin region.

Frontal passages through the area during winter are generally accompanied by pre-cipitation. Diffusion characteristics are highly variable depending on the loca-tion of the front. Generally, a light to moderate southwesterly wind precedes these frontal passages introducing a strong onshore flow of marine air, and lapse rates which are slightly. neutral. Wind speeds increase as the frontal systems approach, enhancing diffusion. The diffusion characteristics of the frontal passage are lapse conditions with light to moderate northerly winds. -Surface wind directions and average windspeed for the local area are summarized in Table 12.

ESG-81-17 44

TABLE 12 SURFACE WIND CONDITIONS: FREQUENCIES OF WIND DIRECTIONS AND TRUE-AVERAGE WIND SPEEDS Wind Speeds for Each Stability Class Wind Toward Frequency A B C D E F G N 0.188 1.84 2.92 4.33 3.78 3.70 1.79 0.0 NNW 0.118 1.89 2.87 4.13 3.84 3.73 1.85 0.0 NW 0.085 1.86 2.65 3.62 4.01 3.98 1.92 0.0 WNW 0.131 1.85 2.58 3.75 4.02 4.03 1.95 0.0 W 0.053 1.31 1.74 2.70 2.82 3.58 1.75 0.0 WSW 0.024 1.16 1.34 2.37 3.25 3.35 1.49 0.0 l SW 0.017 1.55 1.05 2.30 5.79 3.47 1.27 0.0 SSW 0.021 1.29 1.22 2.65 5.67 3.37 1.50 0.0 l S 0.043 1.16 0.97 2.04 4.80 3.44 1.63 0.0 SSE 0.059 1.36 1.23 2.75 5.51 3.65 1.59 0.0 SE 0.052 l'.46 1.13 2.89 5.32 3.72 1.52 0.0 ESE 0.046 1.24 1.24 2.58 4.63 3.74 1.63 0.0 E 0.030 1.46 1.39 2.08 3.73 3.60 1.46 0.0 ENE 0.022 1.24 1.39 2.52 3.00 3.05 1.30 0.0 NE 0.034 1.47 1.79 2.70 2.94 2.92 1.24 0.0 NNE 0.077 1.66 2.36 3.85 3.46 3.42 1.28 0.0 Average 1.72 1.74 2.95 4.16 3.55 1.57 -

The downwind concentration of radioactive material discharged to the atmos-phere during 1980 from each of the four major ESG nuclear facilities has been calculated with the AIRDOS-EPA computer code methodology.

To determine the nearest site boundary and nearest residence radioactivity concentrations, a mean wind speed for each stability class of 2.2 m/s was selected to evaluate the plume centerline (maximum) concentrations toward the sector in which those locations lie. The 80-km concentration is not direction specific, but is given for comparison with the nearby concentration values. These are shown in Table 13.

ESG-81-17 45

TABLE 13 MAXIMUM DOWNWIND PLUME CENTERLINE CONCENTRATIONS OF GASE0US EMISSIONS - 1980 Release Distance (m) to Downwind Concentration (pCi/cm3 ),

Rate Facility (Ci/yr) Boundary Residence Boundary Residence 80-km B/001 9.6 x 10-6 110 W 171 SW 6.7 x 10-17 7.6 x 10-17 1.8 x 10-19 B/020 1.7 x 10 -5 305 NW 1900 SE 1.9 x 10-17 1.5 x 10-17 2.4 x 10-19 B/022 1.8 x 10-6 350 NW 2300 SE 7.2 x 10 -19 7.3 x'10-19 2.2 x 10-20 B/055 1.2 x 10-6 400 NW 1830 SE 3.7 x 10-19 1.8 x 10-18 1.8 x 10-20

  • Assume ii = 2.2 m/s average wind speed, constant direction, full year.

The demographic information used to estimate the general population dose distribution around the De Soto and SSFL sites was based on the 1970 general census data projected to 1980. The projection was based on an average growth rate of 5.17%/ year. The population distribution surrounding the De Soto facility and to a radius of 8 km is centered on the De Soto site. Beyond 8 km and out to 80 km, the De Soto distribution is centered on coordinates 34 14' 25" north and 118 39' 00" west. This is between the De Soto and SSFL sites, which are approx-imately 10 km apart. The population distribution surrounding the SSFL site out to a radius of 80 km is site centered for all distance segments.

The general population man-rem dose estimates are calculated from the demo-graphic distribution and the sector-averaged downwind radioactivity concentrations generated by AIRD05-EPA, which uses release rate, wind speed, wind direction and frequency, inversion, lapse, and effective stack height parameMrs as input data.

Population dose estimates are presented in Tables 14 and 15 for the De Soto and SSFL sites. The exposure mode is by inhalation with lung, the critical organ for U 235 and Pu239,and bone for Sr90 The doses for the SSFL site are summed for all release points and nuclides.

ESG-81-17 46


Dose to Receptor Population Segment (man-rem)

Sector 0-8 km 8-16 km 16-32 km 32-48 km 48-64 km 64-80 km Total N 6.3E-4 2.1E-6 5.4E-5 4.3E-6 2.8E-6 2.3E-7 6.9E-4 NNW 3.4E-4 2.7E-6 6.4E-6 6.4E-7 3.0E-7 7.1E-6 3.6E-4 NW 1.3E-4 1.1E-4 1.1E-4 1.3E-6 9.4E-7 4.5E-7 3.5E-4 WNW 2.6E- 4 2.4E-3 1.9E-4 3.8E-4 2.6E-4 1.1E-5 3.5E-3 W 6.2E-4 8.3E-5 4.2E-4 7.2E-4 8.9E-4 2.3E-6 2.7E-3 WSW 1.5E-3 2.4E-5 3.3E-4 4.2E-5 2.8E-5 0 1.9E-3 SW 1.5E-3 5.0E-5 4.9E-5 0 0 0 1.6E-3 SSW 1.3E-3 3.8E-5 2.0E-5 0 0 0 1.4E-3 S 1.9E-3 1.1E-4 9.9E-5 0 1.4E-6 0 2.1E-3 SSE 4.1E-3 1.1E-3 2.0E-3 1.4E-3 2.1E-3 2.8E-4 1.1E-2 SE 2.6E-3 2.0E-3 5.2E-3 1.2E-2 7.7E-3 4.3E-3 3.4E-2 ESE 2.2E-5 3.0E-3 5.4E-3 7.2E-3 4.9E-3 3.0E-3 2.4E-2 E 1.2E-3 1.9E-3 2.4E-3 9.8E-4 4.9E-4 2.9E-4 7.3E-3 ENE 1.0E-3 7.0E-4 8.4E - 9.3E-6 2.6E-6 1.2E-5 2.5E-3 NE 6.4E-4 4.4E-6 1.8E-4 1.4E-5 8.5E-5 1.3E-4 1.1E-3 NNE 3.4E-4 5.7E-6 3.5E-4 1.7E-5 1.8E-5 1.5E-5 7.4E-4 Total 1.8E-2 1.2E-2 1.8E-2 2.3E-2 1.6E-2 8.0E-3 9.5E-2

1. Average individual dose = 7.3E-9 rem for the total population of 80-km radius area.
2. Total 80-km radius man-rem dose estimate from naturally occurring airborne radioactivity dose to the lung of 10.1 rem / year = 1,300,000 (1.3E+6) man-rem..

I l

ESG-81-17 '


TABLE 15 POPULATION DOSF ESTIMATES FOR ATM0 SPHERICALLY DISCHARGED EMISSIONS FROM THE SSFL FACILITIES - 1980 Dose to Receptor Population Segment (man-rem) g Sector 0-8 km 8-16 km 16-32 km 32-48 km 48-64 km 64-80 km Total N 3.5E-4 1.8E-6 4.3E-6 1.1E-6 1.1E-6 3.3E-7 3.6E-4 NNW 6.2E-4 1.3E-7 3.1E-5 1.4E 1.2E-7 1.3E-6 6.5E-4 HW 7.5E-4 1.8E-5 2.8E-5 1.6E-5 1.5E-6 1.7E-7 8.1E-4 WNW 2.1E-4 1.7E-5 1.1E-4 5.9E-5 9.3E-5 1.8E-5 5.1E-4 W 0 3.5E-5 9.4E-5 2.6E-4 2.9E-5 0 4.2E-4 WSW 0 1.5E-4 3.9E-5 3.0E-5 0 0 2.2E-4 SW 1.4E-5 3.8E-5 8.2E-6 0 0 0 6.0E-5 SSW 6.6E-5 2.8E-5 1.0E-5 0 0 0 1.0E-4 S 4.3E-6 1.4E-5 8.5E-6 0 0 0 2.7E-5 SSE 1.0E-5 2.2E-5 4.3E-5 0 6.6E-5 1.6E-5 1.6E-4 SE 1.7E-4 2.4E-4 1.7E-4 1.2E-3' 1.4E-3 8.5E-4 4.0E-3 ESE 1.5E-4 3.5E-4 6.8E-4 1.2E-3 1.1E-3 6.3E-4 4.1E-3 E 8.3E-5 9.9E-5 6.9E-4 2.2E-4 1.2E-4 5.5E-5 1.3E-3 ENE 2.1E-5 2.1E-5 1.1E-4 5.6E-6 3.5E-6 1.3E-5 1.7E-4 NE '1.8E-4 5.3E-5 3.9E-5 4.1E-5 6.8E-6 4.0E-5 3.6E-4 NNE 1.4E-4 1.1E-6 8.2E-6 1.8E-6 1.1E-6 8.6E-7 1.5E-4 Total 2.8E-3 1.1E-3 2.1E-3 3.0E-3 2.8E-3 1.6E-3 1.3E-2 Avera9e individual dose = 1.9E-9 rem for the 80-km radius area total population.

ESG-81-17 48

The off-site doses are extremely low compared to the maximum permissible exposures' recommended'for the general population. These values are 3 rem / year

' for bone and 1.5 rem / year for the lung for an individual, and they are one-third of these values for the general population. The highest average individual dose for 1980 is for the De Soto 0-8 km segment, which is equivalent to an average dose / man-year of 0.00005 mrem, or 0.00003% of the maximum permissible exposure for an individual and 0.00001% of the general population exposure limit. Es ti-mated radiation doses due to aunnspheric discharges of radioactivity from all ESG .

1 facilities are a small fraction of the recommended limits and are far below doses j due to internal deposition of natural radioactivity in air, which is %50 to 100 mrem / year.

i A

ESG-81-17. ,

'49 l________-____'______

APPENDIX A COMPARIS0N OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADI0 ACTIVITY DATA FOR 1980 WITH PREVIOUS YEARS This section compares environmental monitoring results for the calendar year 1980 with previous annual data. .

The data presented in Tables A-1 through A-5 summarize all past annual _.

average radioactivity concentrations. These data show the effects of both the -

short-lived and long-lived radioactive fallout from nuclear weapons tests super-imposed on the natural radioactivity inherent in the various sample types.

Over the considerable period of time that the environmental program has been in operation, evolutionary changes have been made in order to provide more effec-tive data. In some cases, this is readily apparent in the data. For example, in Table A-1, a small but abrupt increase in the alpha activity reported for soil occurs in 1971. This increase, which is observed in both the on-site and the off-site samples, resulted from use of an improved counting system with a thinner sample configuration. The thinner sample increases the sensitivity of the detec-tor to alpha-emitting radionuclides in the sample, thus producing a higher measured specific radiation.

Similarly, prior to 1971, gross activity in ambient air was measured, including both alpha and beta activity. In 1971, measurements were begun which allowed separate identification of these two types of radiation.

The types of random variations observed in the data indicate that there is no local source of unnatural radioactivity in the environment. Also, the simi-larity between on-site and off-site results further indicate that the contribu-tion to general environmental radioactivity due to operations at ESG is essentially nonexistent. ,

ESG-81-17 50

TABLE A-1 50Il RADI0 ACTIVITY DATA -- 1957 THROUGH 1980 Off Site - Average On Sige-Average (10- pCi/g) (10-6 pCi/g)

Year Number Number a 6 " 6 Samples Samples 1980 144 0.60 24 48 0.58 23 1979 144 0.64 25 48 0.50 23 1978 144 0.63 24 48 0.51 24 1977 144 0.56 24 48 0.53 23 1976 144 0.56 25 48 0.56 24 1975 144 0.60 25 48 0.58 24 1974 144 0.60 25 48 0.54 24 1973 144 0.57 25 48 0.51 24 1972 14 4 0.56 25 48 0.57 24 1971 144 0.55 25 48 0.53 23 1970 144 0.47 27 48 0.48 25 1969 144 0.42 27 48 0.42 25 1968 144 0.47 26 48 0.48 26 1967 144 0.42 28 48 0.39 24 1966 144 0.41 29 48 0.44 25

-1965 144 0.46 36 142 0.47 29 1964 152 0.46 32 299 0.44 26 1963 156 0.43 45 455 0.42 42' 1962 147 0.44 48 453 0.41 47 1961 120 0.37 34 458 0.33 23 1960 115 0.41 23 362 0.37 19 1959 107 0.43 15 377 0.32 14 1958 80 0.27 21 309 0.26 10 1957 64 0.32 11 318 0.35 10 ESG-81-17 51 il r c . . - i - _

_g .

3 _ _ _ _

TABLE A-2 VEGETATION RADI0 ACTIVITY DATA - 1957 THROUGH 1980 l On Site - Average Off-Sjte - Average

{ (10-6 pCi/g ash) (10- pCi/g ash)

Year Number Number a 6

, g iSamples Samples 1980 144 <0.25 160 43 <0.19 142 1979 f 144 <0.24 139 48 <0.23 134 144 <0.24 166 48 <0.24 143 1978 f 1977 144 <0.22 162 48 <0.21 142 1976 144 <0.19 170 48 <0.22 147 1975 ! 144 <0.21 155 48 <0.21 141 1974 144 <0.20 152 48 <0.27 141 1973 144 <0.24 155 48 <0.24 142 1972 144 0.23 145 48 0.36 125 1971 i 144 0.24 165 48 0.31 132 1970 144 0.33 159 48 0.30 142 1969 144 0.40 165 48 0.36 144 1968 144 0.51 158 I 48 0.51 205 1967 144 0.62 286 48 0.39 413 1966 144 0.37 169 48 0.37 123 1965 144 0.56 162 142 0.61 138 1964 154 0.50 211 293 0.51 181 1963 156 0.44 465 456 0.37 388 1962 147 0.45 500 453 0.44 406 1961 120 0.35 224 459 0.29 246 1960 ,

115 0.35 137 362 0.25 136 1959 96 0.29 212 293 0.18 168 1958 65 0.57 683 250 0.39 356 1957 58 1.1 208 304 0.89 200 ESG-81-17 52


1957 THROUGH 1980 Number Av Av Year Samples (10gragea (10grage6 UCi/ml)

PCi/ml) 1980 24 <0.22 2.4 1979 24 <0.23 2.8 1978 24 <0.26 3.0 1977 24 <0.25 2.5 1976 24 <0.25 2.0 1975 24 <0.24 2. 3.

1974 24 <0.24 2.7 1973 24 <0.26 3.4 1972- 24 0.22 3.7 1971 24 0.28 4.9 1970 24 0.18 5.3 1969 24 0.11 5.0 1968 24 0.16 5.0 1967 24 0.13 '6.1 1966 24 0.13 4.6 1965 24 0.22 6.0 1964 23 0.18 5.3 1963 24 0.18 7.0 1962 24 0.21 12.0 1961 24 0.08 2.9 1960 22 0.08 1.9

-1959 18 0.08 1.6 1958 13 0.16 4.7 1957 17 --

13.0 ESG-81-17 53


-Bell C m k Mud Bell Creek Vegetation Bell Creek Water Pond Water R r 6 12 Average Average Average Average Average O No No (10~9 pCi/ml)

Year. Sa ies (10 pCi/9) 3, jg, (10-6 Ci/g ash) 3, jes (10'9 uCi/trl) g, ies (10~9 uti/ml) 3, es a- a a S a 8 c 8~ a B

<0.22 2.9 12 <0.22 2.9 12 <0.22 3.9 1980 12. 0.51 23. 12 ~< 0.18 150. 12 0.46 23. 12- <0.26 136. 12 <0.23 3.2 12 <0.25 3.1 12 <0.23 4.5

.G 1979 12

<0.26 156. <0.24 2.5 12 <0.25 4.3 12 <0.25 4.6

j. E 1978 . I'2 0.42 23. 12 12 0.29 22. .12 <0.19 155. 12 <0.24 1.8 12 <0.24 4.3 12 <0.25 5.2 7 1977 12 4.4 Z 1976 12 0.38 23. 12 '<0.17 164. 12 <0.25 2.2 12 <0.24 4.3 12 <0.28

' 12 ' O.29 22. 12. <0.19 123. 12 <0.22 2.4 12 <0.24 4.2 12 <0.31 4.5 1975 12 0.32 22. ' 12 <0.16 142. 12 <0.21 2.5 12 <0.22 4.2 12 <0.21 4.5 1974 0.34 24. 12 <0.17 147. 12 <0.21 2.7 12 <0.23 4.5 12 <0.37 5.6

~1973 12 1972 '12 0.32 22. L12 0.12 139. 12 0.20 2.5 12 0.22 5.3 12 0.22 5.5 1971 12 .0.36 23. 12 0.19 128. 12 0.15 3.8 12 0.18 6.2 12 0.16 6.4 1970 '12 0.44 24. 12 0.23 165. 12 0.15 3.7- 12 0.15 6.9 12 0.12 7.4 0.35 27. 12 0.28 166. 12 0.04 4.0 12 0.07 5.9 11 0.10 5.7 1%9 12 1968 11 0.32 24. 11. 0.39 170. 8 .0.05 4.6 11 0.23 8.1 12 0.33 7.7 1%7 12 0.40 24. 12 0.38 180. 12 0.07 5.8 12 0.19 6.6 10 0.17 7.0 1%6 :3- 0.39 25, 3 1.1 108. 3 0.75 2.5 9 0.11 ; 5.8 8 1.1 6.3 I

l l


1957 THROUGH 1980 5

DeSoto Site Average SSFLSjteAverage I (10-12 pCi/ml) (10-1 uCi/ml)

Year Number Number , g a g g>

Samples Samples 1980 685 <0.0065 <0.039 2342 <0.0064 <0.035 1979 697 <0.0066 <0.021 ?519 <0.0065 <0.020 1978 713 <0.0084 <0.091 2402 <0.0072 <0.088 1977 729 <0.0066 <0.17 2438 <0.0066 <0.17 1976 719 <0.0067 <0.096 2520 <0.0065 <0.11 1975 709 <0.0063 <0.076 2450 <0.0060 <0.073 1974 663 <0.0056 <0.I6 2477 <0.0057 <0.16 1973 715 <0.0075 <0.041 2311 <0.0072 <0.038 1972 708 0.0085 0.14 2430 0.0086 0.14 1971* 730 0.0087 0.30 2476 0.0086 0.33 1970 668 -

0.34 2434 -

0.36 1969 687 -

0.27 2364 -

0.26 1968 650 -

0.32 2157 -

0.32 1967 712 -

0.39 2400 --

0.41 1966 706 --

0.18 2205 --

0.17 1965 483 --

0.83 1062 --

0.21 1964 355 --

2.7 --

t 1963 360 -

6.6 292 -

4.7 1962 343 -

7.3 314 -

5.6 1961 313 -

4.2 176 -

3.6 1960 182 --

0.24 44 --

0.44 -

1959 215 -

2.5 257 -

0.93 1958 366 -

4.9 164 --

2.7 1957 63 -

1.6 141 -


  • Ambient air alpha radioactivity values were included in the beta values and not reported separately prior to 1971 tInsufficient data 5 Includes Rocketdyne Site Air Sampler Data ESG-81-17 55 m


TABLE B-1 NPDES NO. CA00-01309, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 27, 1976 Discharge Rate Concentration Limit (lb/ day) (mg/t)

Constituent 30-day 30-day Maximum Average Average Total Dissolved Solids 1,267,680 -

950 Chloride 200,160 -

150 Sulfate 400,320 -

300 Suspended Solids

  • 66,720 50 150 Settleable Solid:.* -

0.1 0.3 BOD 5 26,690 20 60 Oil and Grease 13,350 10 15 Chromium 6.67 0.005 0.01 Fluoride 1,340 -~ 1.0 Boron 1,340 -

1.0 Residual Chlorine - -

0.1 Fecal Coliform (MPN/100 mt) - - 23.0 Surfactants (as MBAS) 667 -

0.5 pH 6.0-9.0

  • Not applicable to discharges containing rainfall runoff during or immediately after periods of rainfall.

ESG-81-17_ j


_..u_,-_.m. mm__m.,__ _ _


1. DOE Manual Chapter 0513
2. DOE Manual Chapter 0524, Appendix -
3. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 10, Part 20 California Radiation Control Regulations, California Administrative Code,



Title 17, Public Health

5. California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region, -

Order No.74-379, NPDES No. CA0001309, Effective September 27, 1976- .-

6. Meteorology and Atomic Energy - 1968, TID 24190
7. Report of Committee II on Permissible Dose for Internal Radiation (1959),

ICRP Publication 2 .

8. Deposition and Retention Models for Internal Dosimetry of the Human Respiratcry Tract, ICRP Committee II Task Group on Lung Dynamics ._
9. Document TI #N001TI000-046 titled " Method of Estimating General Population Radiation Dose Attributable to Atmospheric Discharge of Radioactivity



from ESG Nuclear Facilities," J. D. Moore

10. AIRD05-EPA: A Computerized Methodology for Estimating Environmental Concen- -

trations and Doses to Man from Airborne Releases of Radionuclides, ORNL-5532 -

11. Environmental Impact Assessment of Operations at Atomics International Under Special Nuclear Materials License No. SNM-21, AI-76-21 .




1. Radiologic Health Section, State Department of Public Health, California
2. Radiological Health Division, Los Angeles County Health Department --

California _


3. Resources Management Agency, County of Ventura, California =-
4. U.S. Department of Energy, San Francisco Operations Office
5. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division of Reactor Licensing
6. Gordon Facer, Division of Military Applications, DOE
7. Andrew J. Pressesky, Reactor Research and Development, DOE F
8. James Miller, Division of Biomedical and Environmental Research, DOE
9. DOE-Headquarters Library, Attention: Charles Sherman _



ESG-81-17 57



4. TlTLE AND SUBTITLE (Add volume No., of apprepnate) 2. (Leave blank l Environmental Impact Appraisal for Renewal of Special Nuclear Material License No. SNM-21 3. RECIPIENT'S ACCESSION NO.

Docket No. 70-25

9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION N AME AND MAILING ADDRESS (include Esp Codel DATE REPORT ISSUED Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety MOu1H YEAR Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards June l1984 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission s. (teave branai Washington, D. C. 20555 8 (Leave blank)

Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safeu Office of Nuclear haterial Safety and Sareguards , ,, ,,g g g, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission k!ashington, D. C. 20555 13, TYPE OF REPORT l l'E RIOD COVE RED (Inclusive dates)

Environmental Appraisal i

15. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 14. (Leave o/ack/

Pertains to Docket No. 70-25

16. ABSTR ACT (200 words or less)

This Environmental Impact Appraisal is issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in response to an application by Energy Systems Group, Rockwell International Corporation, for renewal of Special Nuclear Material (SNM) License No. SNM-21.

18. AV AILABILITY STATEMENT 19. SE CURITY CLASS ITh<s reporrl 21 NO OF P AGES Unlimited Unclaccuig 20 RITY C AS (This pagel 22 PRICE NRC FORM 335 ttisu

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