NRC Bulletin 80-25

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Bulletin 80-25: Operating Problems with Target Rock Safety-Relief Valves at BWRs

SSINS No.: 6820

Accession No.


IEB 80-25





December 19, 1980



Description of Circumstances:

Five events have occurred over a three-month period involving two types of

malfunctions of the Target Rock (TR) safety-relief (S/R) valves at Boston

Edison Company's Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station Unit 1. On two occasions

(July 25 and August 1, 1980), the "D" S/R valve failed to open in response

to manual demand. This same "D" valve failed to reclose in response to

manual control actions on October 1, 1980. On October 7 and 31, 1980, the

"A" S/R valve opened spuriously while the reactor was operating at power and

did not reclose in response to repeated attempts until the reactor was shut

down and the reactor coolant system depressurized. The first three events

represented failures of the S/R valve, whereas the last two events resulted

from failures of the nitrogen supply system pressure regulation.

The S/R valves at Pilgrim are two-stage, pilot-operated, dual-purpose valves

designed by Target Rock Corporation in accordance with GE criteria for

service application in the GE BWR main steam system. The two-stage S/R valve

has been designed to replace the TR three-stage S/R valve that had a

tendency to leak at the pilot valve and thereby keep the main disk from

reseating. The replacement of the three-stage valves at Pilgrim was

accomplished during the refueling outage that was completed in May 1980. The

Pilgrim reactor has four of the two-stage S/R valves installed plus two

spring-loaded safety valves.

When the "D" S/R valve failed to open on July 25, 1980, this event was

determined to be caused by a failure of its solenoid actuator to function.

During fabrication, the excessive use of Loc-tite (i.e., a trademark

adhesive for nuts and bolts) caused the solenoid plunger to adhere to the

bonnet, thus preventing pneumatic pressure from entering the pneumatic


When the second failure of the "D" valve to open on August 1, 1980 was

investigated, no discrete cause was found. The investigation involved the

removal, disassembly, inspection and testing of only the top-works of the

valve. It did not include, however, a corresponding inspection and testing

of the main-stage internals including the piston and guide.

The October 1, 1980 failure of the "D" valve to reclose was concluded to be

caused by foreign material being lodged between piston and guide of the main

stage of the valve. This conclusion was reached when scoring marks on the

surfaces of the piston and guide were found, although no foreign material

was recovered.


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December 19, 1980

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The two remaining events of October 7 and 31, 1980 involved the "A" S/R

valve that spuriously opened and depressurized the reactor coolant system.

These events represented failures of the pneumatic system when excessive

pressure in the nitrogen supply system caused the "A" valve to open and then

to stay open. The events were addressed in IE Information Notice No. 80-40,

"Excessive Nitrogen Supply Pressure Actuates Safety-Relief Valve Operation

to Cause Reactor Depressurization," that was issued on November 7, 1980.

General Electric recently provided recommendations with regard to these two

events caused by high pneumatic supply pressure.

Action to be Taken by Utilities with BWR Plants with Operating Licenses or

Near-Term Operating Licenses:

1. If your facility has not yet installed or changed or is presently in

the process of changing to the two-stage S/R valves, initiate

appropriate quality control procedures to assure inspection of the

solenoid actuators for excess Loc-tite prior to operation. If the

solenoid actuator manufactured by Target Rock Corporation is already

installed in your facility, confirm its operability either by its

operational performance (i.e., it has functioned as designed following

an aging period of about 3 months in the higher temperature environment

of power operating conditions) or by functional testing at full

pressure during the next refueling shutdown of the facility. Include in

your report the results of all attempts to operate the two-stage S/R


2. In the event that a S/R valve, regardless of make or model (e.g., both

two or three stage), fails to function as designed, excepting for

pressure setpoint requirements, and the cause of the malfunction is not

clearly determined, understood, and therefore corrected, standard

operating procedures shall require that the entire valve be removed

from service, disassembled, inspected, adjusted, and pressure setpoint

tested with steam for proper operation prior to returning the valve to

service. These overhaul requirements shall be at least equivalent to

those applicable to periodic surveillance rehabilitation requirements.

Appropriate revisions to your operating procedures shall be made to

include these requirements.

3. A review of your S/R valve pneumatic supply systems shall be performed

to determine the potential for and magnitude of an overpressure

condition. The determined overpressure potential of the pneumatic

supply shall be compared with the maximum operating pressure

capabilities of the solenoid actuator valves serving the S/R valves, so

as to determine whether supply pressure could result in valve

malfunction. Protective devices (such as relief valves) shall be

installed in the proximity of the S/R valves and set to protect against

supply pressure in excess of the operating pressure capabilities of the

solenoid actuator device. In addition, consideration should be given to

modification or replacement to reduce the sensitivity of the solenoid

actuator to pneumatic supply overpressure. Further, the failure, either

high or low, of the pneumatic supply system shall be annunciated to the

control room operator. The annunciated supply pressure should be

measured at a location as close as practical to the S/R


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valves and downstream of any check valve connecting two or more

pneumatic sources. Appropriate operating procedures shall be provided

to guide operator response to such an occurrence of high or low supply


4. The results of your review in response to each of the three items above

shall be provided within 90 days of the date of this bulletin. The

system upgrading identified in Item 3 shall be completed within 6

months of the time that you conclude a replacement or modification

would be made and the necessary parts are available; this upgrading

shall be reported when completed.

Provide written reports as required above, signed under oath or affirmation,

under the provisions of Section 182a of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954.

Reports shall be submitted to the Director of the appropriate Regional

Office and a copy forwarded to the Director, Office of Inspection and

Enforcement, NRC, Washington, D.C. 20555.

This request for information was approved by GAO under a blanket clearance

number R0072 which expires November 30, 1983. Comments on burden and

duplication should be directed to U. S. General Accounting Office,

Regulatory Reports Review, Room 5106, 441 Eighth Street, N. W., Washington,

D. C. 20548