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Enclosure 2, Errata Pages 5-28 and 5-29 for WCAP-18830-NP
Person / Time
Site: Turkey Point, Westinghouse  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/2024
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML24262A226 List:
Download: ML24262A229 (1)


Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 LTR-NRC-24-37 Westinghouse Electric Company 1000 Westinghouse Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066

© 2024 Westinghouse Electric Company LLC All Rights Reserved Errata Pages for WCAP-18830-NP (Non-Proprietary)

September 2024 (3 pages including this cover page)

Errata pages 5-28 and 5-29

      • This record was final approved on 09/18/2024 13:56:16. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)

WCAP-18830-NP September 2023 Revision 0 Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 5-28

      • This record was final approved on 09/17/2024 17:12:30. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation) 5.7 SOLUBLE BORON CREDIT Results for soluble boron credit for normal and accident conditions are given here.

5.7.1 Soluble Boron Requirements for Normal Operation The minimum soluble boron concentration to maintain keff < 0.95 for the limiting normal condition including biases, uncertainties, including 50 ppm additional margin is 550 ppm. Results are given in Table 5-32 showing the maximum keff including biases and uncertainties with 500 ppm of soluble boron.

Table 5-32 Results for the Normal Operations with 500 ppm of Soluble Boron Storage Array KENO keff + 2keff + B&U*

I-A 0.87445 I-B/I-C 0.89805 I-D 0.89883 II-A 0.92786 II-B 0.93553 II-C 0.93639 II-D 0.93358 II-E 0.93285

  • Includes administrative margin (0.005k).

Significant margin to the limit of 0.95 is available (0.01361 k) but is not determined in terms of ppm soluble boron.


      • This record was final approved on 09/18/2024 13:56:16. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)

Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Class 3 5-29 WCAP-18830-NP September 2023 Revision 0

      • This record was final approved on 09/17/2024 17:12:30. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation) 5.7.2 Soluble Boron for Accident Conditions In addition to maintaining keff not to exceed 0.95 during normal operations, soluble boron is used to offset the potential reactivity insertion events in the SFPs. A multiple assembly misload is a postulated accident where assemblies are misloaded in series due to a common cause. [

]a,c The multiple misload accidents bounds all other accidents listed in Section 4.2.9.

5.7.3 Soluble Boron Requirements Summary Table 5-34 data indicates that 2350 ppm of soluble boron is needed during the most limiting accident analyzed to ensure the Turkey Point Units 3 & 4 SFPs will be less than a keff of 0.95 at a 95 percent probability with 95 percent confidence.

Table 5-34


]a,c Condition Description Required Soluble Boron (ppm)

Normal Operations 550


]a,c 2350 Table 5-33


]a,c a,c LTR-NRC-24-37

      • This record was final approved on 09/18/2024 13:56:16. (This statement was added by the PRIME system upon its validation)