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Qualification Journal - Nate Fuguet
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/07/2024
From: Nicole Warnek
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
To: John Marshall
Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery and Waste Programs
Download: ML24255A843 (1)


Issue Date: 01/13/16 28 1248 Appendix G GC for S Decommissioning PM/TR Signature Cards and Certification 4

4 4

Decommissioning Project Manager or Technical Reviewers Name:

Employee Initials/Date Immediate Supervisors Signature/Date A. Required (R) and (S) Specialized Training (title and course number)

Training: Licensing Practices and Procedures Course (G-109) (R)

NF Greg C. Chapman 09/05/24 Training: MARSSIM: Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual Course (H-121) (R)

NF / 12/5/22 A 12/5/22 Training: Fundamental Health Physics I and II (H-122) (R)

NF / 12/5/22 GC for SA 12/5/22 Training: MARSAME: Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Assessment of Materials and Equipment (H-120) (R)

NF / 12/5/22 GC for SA 12/5/22 Training: Visual Sample Plan (H-500) (R)

NF Greg C. Chapman 09/05/24 Training: OSHA Indoctrination Course (G-111)


Training: Characterization and Planning for Decommissioning (H-115) (S)

NF / 12/5/22 GC for SA 12/5/22 Training: RESRAD Training Workshop (H-410)


Training: RESRAD-OFFSITE Training Workshop (H-411) (S)

Training: Facility Decommissioning -Argonne National Laboratory Course (S)

Training: Evaluation of Dose Modeling for Compliance with Radiological Criteria for License Termination (C-1026-webbase) (S)

B. Individual Study Activities ISA-1 History and Organization of the U.S.

Nuclear 7/17/2 ISA-2 Code of Federal Regulations 7/17/

ISA-3 Generic Communications AMS for SA 10/16/23 ISA-4 NRC Inspection Manual Chapters (IMC) 7-17-24 ISA-5 Differing Professional Opinion 7 ISA-6 The NRC Response to an Emergency at a Nuclear Facility 7-17-2

Issue Date: 01/13/16 29 1248 Appendix G Decommissioning Project Manager or Technical Reviewers Name:

Employee Initials/Date Immediate Supervisors Signature/Date C. On-the-Job Training Activities OJT-1 Inspection Accompaniments OJT-2 Licensing Case Work OJT-3 Decommissioning Process NF 9/5/2024 GC 9/5/2024 OJT-OJT-NWarnek 9/5/24

  • NWarnek 9/5/24 *
  • Original sign offs by J Parrott and G Chapman captured on the following pages NF 9/5/2024 NF 9/5/2024

Issue Date: 01/13/16 33 1248 Appendix G INSPECTION COMPLETION FORM Qualification Card #:

Licensee Name: Aerotest License No.: R-98 Docket No.: 50-228 Program Code(s):

Type text here Inspection Type:

Initial Routine Special Pre-Licensing Security non-security Inspection Date:

6/27/2023 Program Scope:

IP-69002 - Class III Research and Test Reactors. Requirements include: Staffing and Audits, Operator Requalifiation and Active License Status, Radiological Surveys, Surveillance, and Emergency Preparedness.


Per inspection report 2023-001, inspectors identified two Severity Level IV violations, one minor violation, and opened one unresolved item. The 2 SL IV - No NRC approved CFH & Portable Neutron Survey instrument was out of calibration. Minor violation - RSC did not meet annually. Unresolved item - NIST traceable sources.

Candidate Inspector Signature:

Issue Date: 01/13/16 34 1248 Appendix G Qualified Inspector Signature:


Issue Date: 01/13/16 35 1248 Appendix G LICENSE REVIEW COMPLETION FORM Qualification Card #:

Licensee Name:

Aerotest License No.:

R-98 Docket No.:

50-228 Mail Control No.:

Program Code(s):

Action Type:

NEW AMENDMENT RENEWAL TERMINATION Amendment No.: License Amendment No. 7 Scope of Licensing Action:

Approving the preliminary DP for the Aerotest Radioagraphy and Research Reactor.

Deficiencies and Other Issues:

There were several issues identified with the DP regarding site characterization, ALARA, waste management and disposal and more.

However, because this was a preliminary DP reviewed against the requirements of 10 CFR 50.82(b)(2), which allows for a less detailed DP as long as a more detailed one will be submitted prior to decommissioning, it was found acceptable.

Candidate Reviewer Signature:

Issue Date: 01/13/16 36 1248 Appendix G Qualified Reviewer Signature: Greg C. Chapman 09/05/24 COMMENTS: