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External Notification of Christian Araguas Appointment as NRC Standards Executive
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/17/2024
From: John Tappert
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
To: Basso T, Bowman M, Finey N, Hyam K, Janowiak R, Larosche C, Sowder A, Whittaker A, Wood R
American Concrete Institute, American Institute of Steel Construction, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, International Electrotechnical Commission, Nuclear Energy Institute
Shared Package
ML24249A308 List:
Download: ML24249A331 (1)


Those on the Attached List:



Dear All:

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that Mr. Christian Araguas has assumed the duties and responsibilities of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Standards Executive, replacing Ms. Michele Sampson who has taken on other duties within the NRC. This change was effective on August 25, 2024, coincident with Mr. Araguas recent appointment as the Director of the Division of Engineering in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research.

In implementing the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (Pub. L.

104-113), the NRC follows the Office of Management and Budget Circular A-119, "Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities." Under the Circular, an agency with significant interest in the use of standards is to designate a senior level official as the Standards Executive.

The NRC appreciates the opportunity to participate in the work of your consensus standards committees and looks forward to continuing supporting the development, revision, and use of consensus standards and their incorporation in our regulatory framework.

Sincerely, John Tappert, Director Office of Nuclear Regulatory ResearchSeptember 17, 2024 Bailey, Marissa signing on behalf of Tappert, John on 09/17/24

Those on the Attached List 2

Letter to Those on the Attached List Dated:

Mark Bowman, Chair Nuclear Power Engineering Committee Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Thomas Basso, Manager Codes and Standards Task Force Nuclear Energy Institute

Ned Finey, Chair Board on Nuclear, Clean Energy, Power, and Facilities Codes and Standards American Society of Mechanical Engineers

Kathryn Hyam, Co-Chair Advanced Reactor Codes & Standards Collaborative

Ronald J. Janowiak, Chair Committee on Nuclear Facilities Design American Institute of Steel Construction

Carl Larosche, Chair Technical Activities Committee American Concrete Institute

Andrew Sowder, Chair Standards Board American Nuclear Society

Andrew Whittaker, Chair Nuclear Standards Committee American Society of Civil Engineers

Richard Wood, Chair SC 45A: Instrumentation, Control and Electrical Power Systems of Nuclear Facilities International Electrotechnical Commission T. Vogan 3

Appointment of Christian Araguas as NRC Standards Executive - External Notification and Nomination DATE September 17, 2024


JTappert, RES/DRA MBailey, OEDO/AO CAraguas, RES/DE JMcKirgan, RES/DE MSampson, NRR/DNRL TMartinezNavedo, NRR/DEX TClark, NMSS/MSST RN.Felts, NRR/DRO JBowen, NSIR/DANU SHelton, NMSS/DFM BSmith, NRR/DNRL JMarshall, NMSS/DUWP CRegan, NMSS/REFS MKhanna, NRR/DRA OLopez-Santiago, R-II/DCO MRahimi, RES/DE/RGPMB MNguyen, RES/DSA/RPB RGascotLozada, RES/DE/SGSEB RRoche-Rivera, RES/DE/CIB IGarcia, NSIR/DPCP KManoly, NRR/DEX JMunson, NMSS/DFM/NARAB AZigh, RES/DSA MBenson, RES/DE/CIB YDiaz-Castillo, NRR/DRO/IQVB HFelsher, NMSS/DUWP/LLWPB BGreen, NRR/DRO/IOLB/HFT EHelvenston, NRR/DANU/UNPL MHumberstone, RES/DRA/PRB SJones, NRR/DSS/SCPB KKavanagh, NRR/DRO/IQVB WKennedy, NRR/DANU/UNPL DPalmrose, NMSS/REFS/ETRB2 BParks, NRR/DSS/SFNB LParks, NMSS/DUWP/RTAB

ML24249A308; Ltr ML24249A331 OFFICE RES/DE/CIB RES/DE/RGPMB RES/DE RES/DRA NAME RRoche-Rivera RR MRahimi MR CAraguas CA JTappert MBailey for MB DATE Sep 6, 2024 Sep 6, 2024 Sep 11, 2024 Sep 17, 2024