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Nuclear Ship Savannah - NRC LTP Presentation - May 8, 2024
Person / Time
Site: NS Savannah
Issue date: 05/08/2024
From: Tanya Hood
Reactor Decommissioning Branch
Download: ML24124A121 (1)



May 8, 2024

Nuclear Ship Savannah

1 Welcome

  • This meeting is being transcribed.

- Transcription will be made publicly available with the meeting summary

  • This meeting is being shared via TEAMS

- CALL IN LINE: 301-576 -2978

- Phone Conference ID: 988 767 627#

2 Meeting Agenda

  • Introductions and Meeting Procedures
  • NRC Presentation:

- Decommissioning Process and Experience

- Regulatory Oversight and Inspection Program

  • Licensee Presentation on License Termination Plan (LTP )
  • NRC Presentation on LTP Review and Public Comment Process
  • Public Comments
  • Closing Remarks

3 NRC Mission

  • The NRCs mission is to ensure safety, and to be protective of public health and the environment
  • The NRC regulates and inspects the site until the site has been radiologically decommissioned and the license is terminated

4 Decommissioning Experience

Completion of Decommissioning by Facility Type 12 (1998 -2023)

10 Materials Sites

8 Research Reactors

Power Reactors 6




5 1971



6 License Termination Plan

  • The License Termination Plan (LTP) includes:

- Site Characterization

- Identification of Remaining Dismantlement Activities

- Plans for Site Remediation

- Plans for the Final Radiation Survey

- Updated Site-Specific Cost Estimate of Remaining Costs

- Supplement to the Environmental Report

7 NRC Unrestricted Release Criteria (10 CFR 20.1402)

  • To remove a facility safely from service and reduce radioactivity to a level that permits release of the property for unrestricted use and termination of the license
  • Radiological Criteria for Unrestricted Release

- 25 millirem per year (0.25 millisievert per year)

- Includes all exposure pathways (e. g. drinking water, land use, soil, etc. )

- Residual radioactivity levels that are as low as reasonably achievable, or ALARA

= 25 mrem +

8 NS Savannah Decommissioning

Once the NRC license is terminated, and NS Savannah is released without restrictions.

9 NRC Inspection Program for Decommissioning Reactors

Andrew Taverna, Decommissioning Reactor Inspector Decommissioning, ISFSI, and Operating Reactor Branch

10 How NRC Ensures Safety

  • Establish and ensure compliance with requirements contained in:

- Regulations

- License Base Documents (License Conditions, Technical Specifications)

- Guidance Documents

  • Perform licensing reviews and safety evaluations
  • Inspection and enforcement

11 Decommissioning Inspection Program


  • Fuel Inspections
  • License Removed
  • OversightTermination from Vessel
  • Verification

Enter Program End Program

12 Objectives of the NRC Decommissioning Power Reactor Inspection Program

  • Objectively verify safe conduct of licensee activities and oversight
  • Verify adequacy of licensee controls
  • Examine trends in licensee safety performance
  • Effective allocation of resources for the decommissioning inspection program

13 Inspection of Decommissioning Activities

Generally scheduled during periods of higher risk activities

During and after remediation activities, NRC conducts independent radiological measurements to confirm licensee survey methodologies

Meetings are held once a month with the licensee, NRC Inspector, and PM to ensure site inspections and licensing activities can be reviewed and scheduled

14 Inspection Planning and Reports

  • Routine inspection schedule

- Planned about a year in advance

- Coordinated with the program office in NMSS

  • Inspection planning and execution

- Inspection Plans

- Inspection Procedures

- Entrance & Exit Meetings

  • Enforcement

- NRC Enforcement Policy

15 Post Inspection Activities

  • Prompt inspection debrief with NRC management
  • Determination of any significant findings and enforcement related issues
  • Issue inspection report Most NRC inspection reports are publicly available.

To locate reports, go to ADAMS web page ( ), use advanced search feature with docket numbers 05000238

16 17 License Termination Plan (LTP) Review and Public Comment Process

Tanya Hood, Project Manager Reactor Decommissioning Branch Division of Decommissioning, Uranium Recovery, and Waste Programs Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

18 NS Savannah LTP Availability

  • Accessible electronically from the NRCs Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Public Library on the NRC website,
  • Persons who do not have access to ADAMS, or who encounter problems in accessing the documents located in ADAMS, should contact the NRC Reference staff by telephone at 1-800-397-4209, or 301-415-4737, or by e-mail at
  • Hearing Opportunity closes May 28, 2024.
  • Comment period ends June 3, 2024.

19 LTP Process

  • Licensee performs Final Status Surveys (FSSs) that demonstrates that the NRCs license termination criteria have been met
  • The licensees FSS process is inspected by the NRC and NRC performs confirmatory surveys
  • The FSS results are compiled in a report that NRC reviews and compares to the NRCs confirmatory survey results
  • The license is terminated if the LTP was followed, and the site meets the license termination criteria
  • If the NS Savannah LTP is approved and implemented the estimated date of license termination is 2025

20 NRC Access Information

  • NRC Public Web Site:
  • NRC Document Access System: (look for Web-based ADAMS (WBA)

  • Public comment system: docket # NRC-2024-0060
  • Federal Register Notice: Published April 3, 2024, 89 FR 23075, comments due June 3, 2024

21 Comments and Questions

from the Public


  • Please consider calling in via audio only if you are having trouble making comments via the MS Teams connection

- CALL IN LINE: 301-576 -2978

- Phone Conference ID: 988 767 627#

  • Raise your hand to speak

- If you have joined via your computer, please raise your hand to speak by selecting the raise hand icon.

- If you have joined via phone, please press *5 to raise your hand.

  • Once the Teams facilitator sees a raised hand, your name will be called and your microphone enabled.
  • If you have joined via phone, it will take about 4 seconds - please stand by for the system to instruct you to press *6 to unmute your microphone
  • Please introduce yourself and clearly state your name for the transcript.
  • After you are done with the allotted time for comments your microphone will be disabled.

23 NRC Public Meeting Feedback Thank You