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M240423: Slides - Strategic Programmatic Overview of the Fuel Facilities and the Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Business Lines
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/17/2024
Shared Package
ML24074A067 List:
Download: ML24108A055 (42)


Strategic Programmatic Over view of the Fuel Facilities and Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Business Lines

Commission Meeting Tuesday, April 23, 2024

1 Opening Remarks

Ray Furstenau Acting Executive Director for Operations

2 Shana Helton, Director, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

  • Fuel Facilities Current Program Overview and Priorities Speakers
  • Engaging Stakeholders to Inform Workload Planning Conversion, and Fabrication Activities- Increasing Enrichment,

Samantha Lav, Chief, Fuel Facilities Licensing Branch, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

  • Adapting to an Evolving Fuel Facility Industry
  • Insights from Smarter Fuel Cycle Licensing Program Implementation
  • Leveraging New Fuels Atlas and Regulatory Planner Eduardo Sastre Fuente, International Safeguards Technical Analyst, Material Control and Accounting Branch, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS
  • Implementing Safeguards for Advanced Reactors and Advanced Fuels Nicole Coovert, Acting Director, Division of Construction Oversight, Region II
  • Insights on the Implementation of the Fuel Cycle Smarter Inspection Program
  • Updating Oversight Program for Category II Facilities & New Construction Oversight

3 Fuel Fabrication Facility at GNF-A Fuel Facilities Current Program Over view and Priorities Shana Helton, Director, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

4 Business Line Priorities Support Agency Mission and Needs

Promote a culture Inspire stakeholder Ensure safety and focusing on confidence through security of fuel knowledge proactive and facilities through management and transparent effective staff development communications licensing and oversight

5 Engaging Stakeholders to Meet Our Mission

Members of the Public

6 Adapting to an Evolving Fuel Facility Industry and Leveraging the New Fuels Atlas and Regulatory Planner Samantha Lav, Chief, Fuel Facilities Licensing Branch, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

7 Successes in Improving Efficiency, Transparency, and Communication

8 New Fuels Licensing Activities

15 3 11-14 ISSUED REVIEWING FUTURE NRC Issued 2 We are currently reviewing We anticipate receiving an authorizations to begin 3 major licensing actions additional 11-14 medium to enrichment operations and high- confidence licensing 13 licensing actions related to action submittals in FY2024-HALEU, ATF, and advanced 2027 reactor fuels since 2018

9 Leveraging the New Fuels Atlas and Regulatory Planner to Identify Gaps and Inform Future Workload

10 Implementing Safeguards for Advanced Reactors and Advanced Fuels

Eduardo Sastre Fuente International Safeguards Technical Analyst Material Control and Accounting Branch Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

11 Implementing International Safeguards Across the U.S. Nuclear Fuel Cycle

  • Committing to safeguards implementation across the nuclear fuel cycle
  • US-IAEA Safeguards Agreements
  • Section 123 Agreements
  • Leading and Cooperating within the network of safeguards implementation

12 Engaging with Stakeholders to Ensure Clarity in Regulatory Framework

  • Domestic and International Safeguards regulations are in place to support safeguards implementation at advanced Safety facilities
  • While Safeguards by Design is not a regulatory requirement, NRC recommends that International Safeguards be considered in the design process
  • Addressing 3S integration early in the design stage can SafeguardsSecurity provide a unique opportunity to identify the importance of the interfaces and synergies among them

13 NRC Supports Pre-application Meetings for Safeguards

14 Smarter Inspection Program & Updating Oversight Insights on the Implementation of the Fuel Cycle Program for Category II Facilities & New Construction

Nicole Coovert, Director (Acting)

Division of Construction Oversight, Region II

15 Insights on the Implementation of the Fuel Cycle Smarter Inspection Program

The Smarter Inspection Program (SIP) is effective:

  • Ensures the safe and secure use of radioactive materials;
  • Prioritizes inspection activities commensurate with their importance to safety and the lower risk profile of the fuel facilities; and
  • Verifies that facilities are constructed and operated in accordance with their licensing bases requirements.

16 Updating Oversight Program for Category II Facilities

& New Construction

  • The fuel facility inspection program and oversight process remains agile, scalable, and flexible.
  • Updates to the oversight program for Category II facilities and new construction projects enhance efficiency and effectiveness and allow for a more transparent inspection program.

17 Public Outreach and Stakeholder Confidence

The staff proactively established multiple opportunities for public involvement to ensure proper and transparent regulation of nuclear activities and to inspire stakeholder confidence in the NRC.

18 Closing Remarks

Ray Furstenau Acting Executive Director for Operations

19 Opening Remarks

Ray Furstenau Acting Executive Director for Operations

20 Shana Helton, Director, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

  • Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Program Overview and Priorities
  • Overview of International Cooperation in Transportation
  • New Fuels Licensing: Certifying Transportation Packages for Accident Speakers Tolerant Fuels and High-Assay, Low -Enriched Fuel Bernie White, Senior Project Manager, Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS
  • Risk-Informing Dry Storage Spent Fuel Licensing
  • Insights from Early Use of the Dry Cask Storage Risk Tool for Licensing Reviews
  • Transportable Microreactors
  • Landscape of Current and Future Regulatory Reviews
  • Risk Methodology for Project PELE Paula Cooper, Senior Reactor Inspector, Engineering Branch 3, Division of Reactor Safety in Region II
  • Effectiveness of the Spent Fuel Safety and Security Oversight Program
  • Preparing for Aging Management Inspections to Ensure Safety During Extended Operations
  • Implementing Enhanced Inspection Guidance
  • Continuing to Ensure Safe Operations During Continuous Offloading Campaigns Josh Whitman, Reactor Systems Engineer, Fuel and Source Term Code Development Branch, Division of Safety Analysis, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
  • Code Assessment to support ATF, High Burnup, and Extended Enrichment
  • Cooperative Experimental Programs

21 Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Program Over view and Priorities And New Fuels Licensing: Certifying Transportation Packages for Accident Tolerant Fuels and High-Assay, Low-Enriched Fuel Shana Helton, Director, Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

22 Business Line Priorities & Program Over view

We continue to focus We place a We continue on developing strong emphasis on to strongly focus and hiring future talent knowledge management on public confidence for our BL needs

23 SFST by the Numbers in FY23 66 2257

LICENSING REVIEWS INSPECTIONS COMPLETED PUBLIC MEETINGS COMPLETED (49 inspections related to dry HELD Of transport package and cask storage installations) storage cask designs and (8 inspections related to facility licenses transportation packages)

24 Over view of International Cooperation in Transportation



25 New Fuels Licensing: Certifying Transportation Packages for Accident Tolerant Fuels and High- Assay, Low-Enriched Fuel

Approval of several Leveraging the Engaging in a packages New Fuels Atlas multi-office to ship new fuels increased enrichment rulemaking effort

26 Risk-Informing Dr y Storage Spent Fuel Licensing &

Transportable Microreactors

Bernie White Sr. Project Manager, Storage and Transportation Licensing Branch Division of Fuel Management, NMSS

27 Applying Risk-Informed Insights in Dry Cask Storage Reviews

  • Catalyst for culture change to take advantage of qualitative risk information in technical reviews
  • Used to guide the depth of staff reviews and knowledge management tool
  • Living document as staff monitors its use and industry needs

Structural Materials Thermal Confinement Criticality Shielding Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis Analysis

28 Transportable Micro- Reactor Landscape

  • Staff emphasized the importance of pre-application engagement and vendor regulatory evaluation plans to:

inform its resource estimates, obtain shared understanding of proposed licensing process, and determine whether data gaps exist

  • Engaged in technical and policy issues related to transportable micro-reactors across business lines.
  • Gathering information from coordination activities with licensees, applicants, stakeholders, and international partners Road transport of a large spent fuel package

29 Risk-Informed Methodology for Project Pele

  • Risk-informed methodology review was based on two shipments for the Department of Defense.
  • Project Pele (Portable Energy for Lasting Effects) risk-informed methodology was reviewed in collaboration with partner offices, NRR and RES.
  • Existing transportation regulatory Photo courtesy of News & Technology for Global Energy Industry, April 21, 2022 framework is adequate to approve r-project-pele-d e fe n s e-departments-mobile-nuclear-transportable micro-reactor packages. microreactor-demonstration/

30 Effectiveness of the Spent Fuel Safety and Security Oversight Program & Preparing for Aging Management Inspections to Ensure Safety During Extended Operations

Paula Cooper Senior Reactor Inspector, Engineering Branch 3 Division of Reactor Safety, Region II

31 Maintaining an Effective Approach to ISFSI Inspections

  • 2020 Enhancement Initiative
  • Cross Qualification Program
  • Spent Fuel Storage and Transportation Operating Experience Report
  • RG 3.77, Weather -Related Administrative Controls at Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installations
  • Conduct Reoccurring Self-A ssessments

32 Working with Counterparts to Prepare for Aging Management Inspections

Aging Management Technical Basis Operating Experience Methodology and Oversight

33 Working with Counterparts to Prepare for Aging Management Inspections 137 TI 2690/11 Review of Aging Management Programs at ISFSI 117

  • Prairie Island 108
  • Oconee 88
  • H.B. Robinson 76
  • Three Mile Island 30

16 8 11 Final IP 60859 - ISFSI License 1 2 Renewal Inspection 2006 2010 2013 2016 2019 2022 2025 2028 2031 2034 2037 2040 2043

  • Start in 4Q 2024 ISFSI Cask Designs Per Facility in the Period of Extended Operation

34 Maintaining a Strong Focus on Safety through Risk-Informed Inspection Guidance

  • 2020 Enhancement Initiative developed a risk prioritization tool in IMC 2690 Appendix D, Guidance for Risk-Informed Inspection Prioritization
  • Priority level 1 - highest level of inspection effort
  • Priority level 3 - lowest level of inspection effort
  • Majority of staff spent 50-75 percent of their time on priority level 1 activities

Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant St. Lucie Nuclear Plant Holtec HI-STORM 100 Transnuclear NUHOMS HD

35 Maintaining Consistency in Inspection Frequency to Ensure Safe Operation

  • ISFSI Enhancement Initiative aligned inspection frequencies for all Regions and Activities
  • Loading Campaigns - Triennial (ROP Cycle)
  • Continuous Offload - Quarterly
  • 100% of ISFSI loading campaign inspections completed during 8th triennial inspection cycle (CY2020, 2021, & 2022)
  • 100% Continuous Offloading Sites (7) met the quarterly inspection frequency

Photo Credit: Holtec International

36 Strategic Research to Support Current and Future Regulator y Needs

Josh Whitman, Reactor Systems Engineer Fuel & Source Term Code Development Branch Division of Safety Analysis Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research

37 PIRTs and Code Assessment Support Technical Reviewers on ATF, HBU, and Increased Enrichment

  • PIRTs on ATF, HBU, and increased enrichment provide importance rankings based on input from multiple experts in the field.
  • Staff have assessed the SCALE neutronics code for ATF, HBU, and EE to evaluate impacts on key figures of merit.
  • SCALE provides independent calculations on shielding, decay heat, and source term.
  • Assessments are summarized in multiple NUREG/CRs and other reports.
  • PIRT reports and assessment reports support technical reviewers.
  • Reports provide background to allow reviewers to focus reviews.
  • Assessment reports and confirmatory calculations further improve review efficiency and effectiveness.

38 RES Leverages Cost-Shared Data Through Collaborations with International and Domestic Partners

  • Participation in SCIP provides data on higher burnup fuel aging in dry storage.
  • FAST code can perform confirmatory calculations on fuel in dry storage
  • SCIP data improves our confidence in Fsimulation resultsAST code fuel performance
  • SCIP provides excellent value for our monetary contribution
  • DOEcomplementary data on fuel performance during long-term dry s HBU demonstration cask project is providing storage .
  • Data on fission gas release is used to benchmark and improve FAST
  • Sandia National Laboratories is providing high quality Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) validation data as part of the Dry Cask Vacuum Drying Experiment

39 Radiochemical Assay Provides Important Benchmark Data

  • RES contracted with ORNL to use leftover material from sibling rod program for Radiochemical Assay
  • Detailed isotopic composition used to benchmark SCALE for burnup credit and decay heat applications
  • Data and NUREG/CR publicly released
  • RES is leveraging relationships with DOE to perform RCA on HBU and ATF specimens

40 DOE/NRC Criticality Safety Benchmarks Support Safety Analyses for HALEU Fuels

  • Energy Act of 2020 directed DOE in consultation with NRC to develop criticality safety data
  • Currently available criticality benchmark data is focused on LWR fuel less than 5 wt  % and HEU.
  • This program aims to fill in gaps in the datasafety for HALEU and advanced reactor fuels-s et, reducing uncertainty in criticality
  • Data will:
  • help validate NRC codes, such as the SCALE neutronics code,
  • be used directly during review of applications for HALEU facilities and transportation packages
  • Be released publicly

41 Closing Remarks

Ray Furstenau Acting Executive Director for Operations