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NRC - DEQ - EPM Telecon Agenda November 15, 2023
Person / Time
Site: 07000925
Issue date: 11/15/2023
Burns & McDonnell
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Document Control Desk
Download: ML23334A209 (1)


NRC - DEQ - EPM Telecon Agenda November 15, 2023 - 2:30 Eastern, 1:30 Central


NRC DEQ EPM Jim Smith Paul Davis Jeff Lux Kevin Hayes Rachel Miller Bill Halliburton Christine Pineda Christopher Robinson John Hesemann Marla Morales Jonathan Reid Matt Crawford Skip Pierce Pam Dizikes

Administrative Issues Proposed Scope of Work and Budget for 2024 EPM is still working on the proposed scope of work and budget for 2024.

EPM will submit the proposed scope of work and budget for 2024 by November 22, 2023.

Request to Reallocate Funding EPM facilitated two presentations on the decommissioning plan in June. While discussing the creation of reducing conditions during the 2017 Pilot Test Trench activity in BA1, EPM committed to provide a report on the BA1 Redox Evaluation by the end of the year. The scope of work for this activity only provided for two sampling events, not the compilation of all redox data and preparation of the report.

The scope of work for site maintenance assumed th at EPM would be able to contract with a third party to mow and harvest grass from approximately 200 acres of the site, including the floodplain in the Western Alluvial Area and portions of BA1. Although EPM met with several people, none were willing to execute a contract, due to restrictions on their access to the site.

Consequently, Mills Construction (the company that maintains access to monitor wells) had to mow a portion of those areas that had been slated for harvesting.

Finally, during the development of responses to NRCs requests for information (RAIs) related to the environmental assessment, it became apparent that the Basis of Design for the groundwater extraction and injection systems needed to be updated.

There is sufficient funding in the budget for Burns & McDonnell in budget Task 4 - Site Decommissioning, but the budget presented the allocation of funds between several of Burns &

McDonnells Task 4 work, and funds from one of Burns & McDonnells tasks needs to be transferred to the tasks listed above.

EPM submitted a request to reallocate funds between Burns & McDonnells tasks on November 15, 2023.

The NRC and the DEQ will review the request to reallocate funds and respond to the request before the end of the year.

Page 1 of 3 NRC - DEQ - EPM Telecon Agenda November 15, 2023 - 2:30 Eastern, 1:30 Central

Decommissioning Issues Responses to RAIs for the Environmental Assessment The NRC issued RAIs related to the environmental assessment in a le tter dated September 6, 2023. Responses were due by November 6, 2023. EPM was unable to upload the letter to ADAMS by November 6th; a 3-page letter from the DEQ which was inserted into the response, did not comply with the NRC criteria for submittal. Even after printing the letter and scanning it, those three pages continued to yield an error. The file contains over 60 MB, so it could not be emailed to either the NRC or the DEQ.

EPM submitted the response to these RAIs to the NRC document control center on November 15, 2023, and notified Kenny Nguyen, Project Officer for the electronic information exchange, of the problem.

During the meeting, Mr. Smith received notification that the response was accepted into ADAMS; he will conduct a SUNSI review so it can be made publicly available.

The NRC will review the responses and notify EPM if the responses are acceptable, or if additional information is needed.

Responses to RAIs for the Safety Evaluation Report The NRC issued requests for information (RAIs) related to the safety evaluation report in a letter dated October 2, 2023. RAIs were assigned to one of two categories: groundwater remediation (GWRM) and health physics (HP). Responses to the HP RAIs are complete. Responses to GWRM RAIs are in process.

EPM plans to submit the responses to both the GWRM and the HP RAIs by December 1, 2023.

Response to the RAI Related to Nuclear Criticality Safety The NRC issued one RAI related to its nuclear criticality safety evaluation in a letter dated November 1, 2023. EPM submitted a response to the RAIs on November 15, 2023.

The NRC will review the responses and notify EPM if the response is acceptable, or if additional information is needed.

Presentation of Revised Tables and Figures in the D-Plan.

Responses to GWRM RAIs include tables and figures, some of which are revisions of tables and figures in Facility Decommissioning Plan - Rev 3. EPM has requested feedback from the NRC regarding how to submit these tables and figures without triggering some kind of decision that this would therefore constitute a new decommi ssioning plan, and delay the license amendment process.

EPM will submit the tables and figures as propose d revisions to existing tables and figures in the D-Plan. EPM will state that unless the NRC or DEQ request additional changes to the proposed figures, they will replace those in th e D-Plan in accordance with License Condition 27(e). A form documenting the 27(e) evaluation, with all revisions to the D-Plan attached, will be submitted to the NRC and the DEQ in the annual report of 17(e) changes.

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Date and Time of Next Teleconference December 20, 2:30 Eastern, 1:30 Central (tentative); January 17, 2024, 2:30 Eastern, 1:30 Central

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